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Accreditation for the 21 st Century: The AdvancED Process Dr. Michael W. Adams Deputy Director Colegio Nueva Granada Vice-President Association of Colombian.

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Presentación del tema: "Accreditation for the 21 st Century: The AdvancED Process Dr. Michael W. Adams Deputy Director Colegio Nueva Granada Vice-President Association of Colombian."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Accreditation for the 21 st Century: The AdvancED Process Dr. Michael W. Adams Deputy Director Colegio Nueva Granada Vice-President Association of Colombian and Caribean American Schools (ACCAS) Consultant AdvancED Latin America

2 Acreditación para el Siglo 21: El Proceso AdvancED Dr. Michael W. Adams Sub-Director – Vice-Rector Colegio Nueva Granada Vice-Presidente Asociación de Colegios Americanos En Colombia y el Caribe (ACCAS) Asesor AdvancED Latin America

3 3 Notice The objective of all dedicated department employees should be to thoroughly analyze all situations, anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence, have answers for these problems, and to move swiftly to solve these problems when called upon…..

4 4 OJO!!!! El objetivo principal de un empleado dedicado debe ser analizar cada situación por completo, anticipar todos los problemas antes de que ocurran, tener soluciones para todos estos problemas, y reaccionar rápido para resolverlos …….

5 5 However… “When you are up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.” Dr. Jerome Murphy Former Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education “The Unheroic Side of Leadership: Notes from the Swamp”

6 6

7 7 Advancing Excellence in Education Unification of NCA CASI, SACS CASI, NSSE Together We Represent 23,000 public and non-public schools –30 States –Navajo Nation –Latin America –Department of Defense –65 Countries Serve 15 million students Create the World’s Largest Educational Community

8 8 Fortaleciendo Excelencia en la Educación Unificación de NCA CASI, SACS CASI, NSSE Representamos 23,000 públicos y privados –30 Estados –La Nación Navajo de los EEUUAA –América Latina –Departamento de Defensa –65 Países Servimos 15 millones de alumnos Somos la comunidad educativa mas grande del mundo!!


10 10 AZ ND SD MN MO IN MI AdvancEd State Organizational Structure Estructura Organizacional de AdvancED WY NM OK CO NE KS NN TX KY TN MS AL GA FL LA NC AR VA IL OH WV WI IA DD SC Western Region Eastern Region Latin America

11 11 Accreditation in the 21 st Century Principles “Unify and Lead Globally; Act and Serve Locally” Continuous improvement Quality and value over correctness Excellence beyond compliance Flexibility, responsibility and empowerment Meaningful services, products and support Relevant, useful, and simple procedures Advancement of education research and practice Building Capacity from Within

12 12 Acreditación para el Siglo 21 Principios: “Unificar y liderar globalmente; Actuar y servir localmente” Mejoramiento continuo Calidad y valor por encima de todo Excelencia mas que cumplimiento Flexibilidad, responsabilidad, y empoderamiento Servicios, productos, y apoyo Procedimientos relevantes, útiles, y sencillos Facilitar investigación y prácticas educativas Construir capacidad desde adentro

13 13 Advancing Excellence in Education Core Services Accreditation (NCA, SACS) –Pillars of Accreditation (High Standards, Continuous Improvement, Quality Assurance) –Accreditation Process Professional Services (NCA, SACS, NSSE) –Professional Development, Technical Assistance, Conferences, Consulting Research (NSSE) –Publications, Resources, Best Practices, Tools, Education Research, Evaluation

14 14 Fortaleciendo Excelencia en la Educación Servicios Principales Acreditación (NCA, SACS) –Tres pilares: Estándares altos, Mejoramiento continuo, Proceso de calidad –Proceso de Acreditación Servicios Profesionales (NCA, SACS, NSSE) –Desarrollo Professional, Asistencia Técnica, Conferencias, Asesoría Investigación (NSSE) –Publicaciones, Recursos, Herramientas, Evaluación

15 15 District Accreditation Components Meet accreditation standards The district provides evidence of meeting the Accreditation Standards for Quality Systems Engage in a process of continuous improvement The district articulates and implements a systemic, continuous improvement planning framework Demonstrate quality assurance The district implements methods that provide for quality assurance at the system and school levels. The district hosts a SACS Quality Assurance Review Team

16 16 Accreditation Process Beginning in 2007-2008 … Schools Will Be Accredited On A Five Year Term On a Continuous Basis Schools Will…… Meet / Exceed High Quality Standards Engage in Continuous Improvement Conduct Periodic Self - Assessment Monitor standards, Document results Receive and Benefit from Support and Services Annual contact, Expert assistance, Resources, Research, Best practices, Professional development Learn, Share and Network with Colleagues

17 17 Proceso de Acreditación A partir de agosto 2007 Colegios van a tener un Ciclo de 5 años En una forma continua, Colegios tendrán que: Cumplir y sobrepasar estándares altos de calidad Usar procesos de mejoramiento continuo Realizar auto evaluaciones periódicas Monitorear los estándares y documentar los resultados Recibir y usar el apoyo y los servicios Contacto anual, asistencia de expertos, Recursos, Desarrollo Professional Aprender y compartir con colegas

18 18 Accreditation Process Every Five Years School prepares for and hosts a Quality Assurance Review Team –Atlanta office schedules the visit and assigns a qualified chair –School completes and submits a Standards Assessment Report (within 6 weeks to 6 months of the visit) Two Years Following the Visit School submits an on-line Progress Report on the Quality Assurance Review Team’s recommendations Five Years After the Visit School prepares for and hosts a Quality Assurance Review Team

19 19 Three Pillars of Accreditation What A School Must Do To Be Accredited –Meet high standards –Engage in continuous improvement –Demonstrate quality assurance

20 20 Tres Pilares de Acreditación Lo que un colegio tiene que hacer para ser acreditado: –Cumplir con Estándares altos –Concentrarse en procesos de Mejoramiento continuo –Usar y mostrar un Proceso de calidad

21 21 Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools Beginning in 2007-2008 1.Vision and Purpose 2.Governance and Leadership 3.Teaching and Learning 4.Documenting and Using Results 5.Resources and Support Systems 6.Stakeholder Communications and Relationships 7.Commitment to Continuous Improvement

22 22 Estándares de Acreditación para Colegios de Calidad A partir de agosto 2007 1.Visión y Propósito 2.Gobierno y Liderazgo 3.Enseñanza y Aprendizaje 4.Documentación y uso de resultados 5.Recursos y Sistemas de Apoyo 6.Comunicación y Relaciones con todos los estamentos 7.Compromiso o mejoramiento continuo

23 23 Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools Standard: comprehensive statement of quality practices and conditions (7) Indicators: operational definitions or descriptions of practices and processes (56) Impact Statement: characteristics, processes, and actions that would be observable and verifiable in a school that effectively implements the standard (7) Standards Document

24 24 Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools The seven standards are represented within “core tasks” (3) impacting student achievement 1.Ensure Desired Results 2.Improve Teaching and Learning 3.Foster a Culture of Improvement Organizational conditions (5) that contribute to student achievement are embodied in the standards 1.Quality Teachers 2.Effective leadership 3.Quality Information 4.Policies and Procedures 5.Resources and Support Systems

25 25 Estándares de Acreditación para Colegios de Calidad Representados con tres tareas principales: 1.Asegurar resultados deseados 2.Mejorar enseñanza y aprendizaje 3.Cultivar una cultura de mejoramamiento Condiciones organizacionales que contribuyen a mejormamiento de resultados de los alumnos: 1.Profesores de calidad 2.Liderazgo efectivo 3.Información de calidad 4.Politicas y procedimientos 5.Recursos y Sistemas de Apoyo

26 26 Standards Assessment Report A report that demonstrates and illustrates the school’s capacity to meet the accreditation standards Includes an introduction and narrative on each standard (practices and assessments) Is used for – Self-assessment and analysis (internal review) – Quality assurance (external peer review) The team will use it to learn about the school and to guide the on-site review. The only document prepared in preparation for the visit Submitted on-line, within 6 weeks- 6 months of the 5 year visit

27 27 Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools Are Systemic thus Inter-Related No one standard or set of indicators is complete without considering all seven as a collective whole. Consideration of this systemic “connectedness” is essential in understanding and applying the standards and indicators.

28 28 Estándares de Acreditación para Colegios de Calidad Son sistémicos e interrelacionados Ningún estándar es completo sin considerar los demás estándares. La conectividad es esencial en la comprensión y aplicación de los estándares e indicadores.

29 29 Evidentiary Process How and What the School Does to Meet the Standards Periodically, the school monitors adherence to the standards using a self- assessment tool (checklist with rubric) Every five years, prior to QAR, the school submits a Standards Assessment Report (narrative describing how the school is meeting/improving the standards and methods used to determine) Every five years, during the QAR, the team evaluates the school’s adherence to the standards

30 30 Evidence –factual information that is uncontaminated by interpretation, opinion or personal preference –documentation and analysis of information for a specific purpose Evidence Assessments achievement data, exit data, observation data, participation data, perception data Artifacts documents, communications, materials, records Evidence Must Be fair: honest, free of bias reliable: consistent, representative valid: relevant, matched to standard

31 31 Activity Zepeda, S. J., & Ponticell, J. A. (1998, Fall) “At cross-purposes: What do teachers need want, and get from supervision” Examined perspectives of 114 elementary and secondary teachers. Finding: Identified two categories each with five subcategories regarding effective supervision. 1. Supervision / Accreditation at its Worst 2. Supervision / Accreditation at its Best

32 32 Accreditation at its Worst Accreditation as a dog and pony show Accreditation as a weapon Accreditation as a meaningless invisible routine Accreditation as a fix-it list Accreditation as an unwelcome intervention

33 33 Acreditación – estado malo Como una presentación linda no mas Como un arma Como una rutina sin razón Como una lista de arreglos Como una intervención no deseada

34 34 Accreditation at its Best Accreditation as validation Accreditation as empowerment Accreditation as visible presence Accreditation as coaching Accreditation as vehicle for professionalism

35 35 Acreditación – estado bueno Como una validación de calidad Como un proceso de empoderamiento Como una presencia visible y constante Como un proceso de “coaching” Como un vehículo de profesionalismo

36 36 Activity How is accreditation seen and used in schools?

37 37 Continuous Improvement Quality Schools Are dynamic, evolving, in motion View improvement as an ongoing, uninterrupted pursuit toward excellence Strive to improve their effectiveness Respond to professional advances Adapt to changing conditions Adjust to meet student needs Continuous Cycle

38 38 Improvement Process Elements VISION PROFILERESULTS PLAN What future are you pursuing? What future are you pursuing ? What actions will you take to improve? What actions will you take to improve ? What have you accomplished? What is your current reality? What is your current reality ? I Monitor and Adjust

39 39 Elementos del Proceso de Mejoramiento VISION PERFILRESULTADOS PLAN ¿Qué futuro buscan? ¿Qué futuro buscan ? ¿Cuáles acciones van a tomar para mejorar ? ¿Qué han logrado ? ¿Cuál es su realidad actual? ¿Cuál es su realidad actual ? I Monitorear y ajustar

40 40 Continuous Improvement Processes Flexibility NSSE Breakthrough School Improvement NCA Performance Accreditation (8 phase) NSSE Focus On Student Performance NCA Transitions ® High Schools That Work Baldrige Integrated Management System Strategic Planning Models State Initiated Frameworks Etc.

41 41 Visioning Sets Direction and Informs Action Beliefs … –The shared values that unify individuals and guide behavior “Students learn best when a variety of methods are used” Vision … –A motivating, challenging and compelling picture of the desired future that inspires and motivates “I have a dream that one day ………”

42 42 Profiling A Compilation, Organization and Analysis of Relevant Information A Profile Contains Descriptions of –Students and Their Performance –School Effectiveness (Practices and Conditions) –School and Community (Characteristics, Demographics, Conditions) Consider –What to include –Where and how to get it –How to depict it –How to use it

43 43 Planning A Blueprint To Plan and Guide Improvement Focus: What are we trying to improve? What will it look like? Goals, objectives, standards, targets Assess: How will progress be measured, monitored and evaluated? How will we know if there is improvement? Measurements, assessments, evaluations, accountability Act: What will we do to cause and guide improvement? What types of support, resources and assistance are needed? Strategies, interventions, activities

44 44 Documenting and Using Results The school Collects, analyzes, records, documents and presents results Continuous Improvement –use results (new reality) to inform what happens next –use results to evaluate and verify the success of improvement efforts Communication –provide evidence of progress/improvement gains to internal and external stakeholders in ways they can understand Sustainability –monitor results to ensure improvement gains are sustained and progress continues

45 45 Quality Assurance Public Trust Professional and Organizational Integrity –The school strives to deliver on its promise and be what it claims to be –The school fulfills the requirements of accreditation –The school is honest and truthful in communicating and reporting –Individuals engage in professional and ethical behavior

46 46 Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Review –Is the hallmark of the accreditation process –Provides professional (peer) evaluation and feedback –Serves to verify, validate and enrich the school’s accomplishments and improvement efforts Purposes  Determine if the school meets the standards for accreditation  Provide high quality feedback with commendations and recommendations for growth and improvement  Make an accreditation recommendation

47 47 Quality Assurance Review Before the Visit …. the School –Periodically self-assesses standards –Identifies and implements an improvement process and monitors results –Prepares and distributes Standards Assessment Report (6 weeks - 6 months) –Communicates with chair to develop the schedule and arrange logistics of the visit

48 48 Quality Assurance Review During the Visit ….. the School –Hosts the team –Participates fully in all information gathering and review activities –Shares processes used to conduct the work –Presents and shares evidence –Showcases progress –Seeks feedback

49 49 Quality Assurance Review After the Visit …… the School –Continues the journey acts on recommendations from Review Team maintains momentum and continues to improve sustains and enhances staff interest, learning and involvement –Submits a two-year progress report –Engages in continuous improvement

50 50 Material Resources Publications and Tools (Evolutionary) Accreditation Standards For Quality Schools Self Assessment Tools Accreditation Process Accreditation for Quality Schools: A Practitioners Guide (NSSE) Breakthrough School Improvement (NSSE) –Breakthrough Resources and Tools (NSSE) Technical Guide to School and District Factors Impacting Student Learning (NSSE Web) Communication and Marketing Materials

51 51 Conclusion “The nature of the relationships among the adults at the school has more to do with the school’s quality, its character and the achievement of its students than any other factor.” Roland Barth

52 52 Beneficios de una Acreditación Garantía de calidad educativa local e internacional. Preservación de la misión, las creencias, y el desarrollo del colegio. Establecimiento de estándares para el traslado de alumnos y educadores entre los colegios acreditados.

53 53 Beneficios de una Acreditación El compartir de ideas, programas, e información entre los colegios acreditados. Oportunidades de participar en programas de desarrollo profesional de alta calidad mundial. Contratación y mantenimiento de los mejores profesores colombianos y extranjeros. Mejoramiento continúo. Mejoras en el aprendizaje.

54 54 Pensamiento Final… La capacidad de cualquier organización de mejorar, está relacionado directamente a su habilidad de reconocer, admitir y actuar sobre sus debilidades y limitaciones “ La capacidad de cualquier organización de mejorar, está relacionado directamente a su habilidad de reconocer, admitir y actuar sobre sus debilidades y limitaciones.”

55 55 What results you can you expect?

56 56 Los resultados que pueden esperar!!!!!

57 57 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Sources: Dr. Eddie Krenson Senior Vice President – East Region

58 58 PREGUNTAS & RESPUESTAS FUENTES: Dr. Eddie Krenson Senior Vice President – East Region

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