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Hoy es martes. La fecha es el 4 de febrero LA PREGUNTA: Translate We practice basketball in gym class. Carlos and Carlota skateboard. Manuel and I sing.

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Presentación del tema: "Hoy es martes. La fecha es el 4 de febrero LA PREGUNTA: Translate We practice basketball in gym class. Carlos and Carlota skateboard. Manuel and I sing."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hoy es martes. La fecha es el 4 de febrero LA PREGUNTA: Translate We practice basketball in gym class. Carlos and Carlota skateboard. Manuel and I sing in music class. LA TAREA y OTROS ANUNCIOS:

2 EL PLAN DE HOY: Un repaso de los pronombres y los verbos El juego de la píramide Las pizarritas El examencito LA TAREA y OTROS ANUNCIOS: LAS METAS: Students will recall chapter vocabulary and use –ar verbs in context.

3 Los pronombres personales *Repitan los pronombres en Español Digan los pronombres en Inglés

4 La Gramática Conjugate the verb ESTUDIAR in your notes. Be sure to set it up using the 6 block chart!

5 Un juego de la píramide You will race to the top of the pyramid by conjugating verbs correctly! Divide the cards into to piles based on the two colors. Take one card from each pile and conjugate the verb you chose based on the subject you chose. If you get it correct, move one space. If you get it incorrect, move back one space. Put both cards on the bottom of the respective piles. First person to the top of the pyramid wins the race. Use something small as a game piece

6 Las pizarritas You have 5 minutes to practice with the pronouns, verbs, and verb conjugations before the quiz. Take some time to quiz each other, writing answers on the mini whiteboard.

7 El examencito Be sure to put your name and period on the exam. You have 20 minutes to complete the exam. Read the directions carefully. Spelling counts! When you are finished, read or work silently.

8 La tarea de hoy LA TAREA y OTROS ANUNCIOS:

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