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Hacer Ahora Lunes, el 2 de mayo Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the word bank and conjugating it in the past.

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Presentación del tema: "Hacer Ahora Lunes, el 2 de mayo Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the word bank and conjugating it in the past."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hacer Ahora Lunes, el 2 de mayo Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from the word bank and conjugating it in the past tense. 1. Tú _____________ en la piscina. 2. Anoche, mis amigos y yo ___________ en un restaurante italiano. 3. Los estudiantes ________ en los papeles. 4. Yo __________ la música en la radio. 5. Antonio _______ al supermercado. Irescribirescucharnadarcomer

2 Objetivos  Watch a clip from Rubi in order to complete a “fill in the blank” summary and demonstrate what you understood from the clip.  Recognize the different forms of the irregular verbs querer, hacer and tener in the past tense in order to complete various sentences with the correct forms of these verbs.

3 Verbos irregulares en el pasado A number of verbs that are irregular in the preterite (paste tense) have a specific stem change: Hacer  Hic Querer  Quis Tener  Tuv Decir  Dij Dormir  Dur

4 Verbos irregulares en el pasado While each of these verbs has a different stem change, they all take the same endings in the past tense: Yo – e Tu – iste El/Ella/Ud. – o Nosotros – imos Ellos/Ellas/Uds. – ieron *Note that while these irregular verb endings look similar to the regular verb preterite endings, they do NOT have accents!*

5 YotuveNosotros Nosotras tuvimos Tútuviste Él Ella Usted tuveEllos Ellas Ustedes tuvieron Tener – to have (past = had)

6 YohiceNosotros Nosotras hicimos Túhiciste Él Ella Usted hi z o Ellos Ellas Ustedes hicieron Hacer

7 Objetivos  Watch a clip from Rubi in order to complete a “fill in the blank” summary and demonstrate what you understood from the clip.  Recognize the different forms of the irregular verbs querer, hacer and tener in the past tense in order to complete various sentences with the correct forms of these verbs.

8 Tarea  Hoja de trabajo: Los verbos irregulares en el preterito  Use your conjugation folder and any additional notes you took today in order to complete

9 Boleto de salida Complete each of the following sentences with the correct past tense form of the verb in parentheses. 1. Yo _________ un regalo de mis amigos (tener) 2. Tú _________ ir al resturante (querer) 3. Maria ______ por ocho horas (dormir) 4. Los estudiantes ________ que no estudiaron para la prueba (decir) 5. Nosotros ______ un pastel (hacer) 6. Mis amigos y yo _________ en la playa (dormir) 7. Yo ___________ ir a Miami para las vacaciones (querer)

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