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Rules for PE/Art/Music

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Presentación del tema: "Rules for PE/Art/Music"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Rules for PE/Art/Music

2 M.C. Lively Elementary Discipline Plan/Art, Music, P.E. Classes
Dear Parents, We are excited that your child will be in our “Specials” classes this year. We can all look forward to many exciting and rewarding learning experiences as the year progresses. As we firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline, we have developed a Classroom Discipline Plan that affords every student the opportunity to manage his/her own behavior. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for the maximum growth in our subject areas. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times in Art, Music and P.E. classes. CLASSROOM RULES and SCHOOL-WIDE RULES 1. LISTEN AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. 2. RESPECT THE RIGHTS AND PROPERTY OF OTHERS. 3. TALK ONLY AT APPROPRIATE TIMES, USING ACCEPTABLE LANGUAGE. 4. ENTER AND LEAVE SILENTLY, IN AN ORDERLY MANNER. 5. TAKE PROPER CARE OF CLASSROOM MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. To encourage students to follow the classroom rules, we will reinforce appropriate behavior with Individual and Class rewards. If a student chooses to break a rule: 1st Time: Verbal Warning 2nd Time: “Time Out” - Notify Classroom Teacher/Name in “The Book” 3rd Time: “Time Out” - Note Home to Parents 4th Time: Trip to Principal’s Office Severe Disruption: Immediately to the Principal’s Office Our students have been informed about the Classroom Discipline Plan in Art, Music and P.E. classes. We would appreciate it if you would review the plan with your child, then sign and return the form below to P.E. Class. We will be communicating with you frequently throughout the year to keep you aware of your child’s progress. Please feel free to contact any one of us at any time. Stephanie Boyte, Scheri Wright/Art Teachers Carol Sullivan, Jessica Rodges/ Music Teachers Ronda Pippen, Troy Volkmann/ P.E. Teachers (Please sign and return this bottom portion to P.E. Teachers) Dear “Specials” Teachers: I have read your Classroom Discipline Plan and have discussed it with my child. Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________Date __________________ Child’s Name __________________________________ Grade ___________________ Homeroom Teacher __________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3 M. C. Lively Elementary Plan de Disciplina/ Clases de Arte, Musica y P
M.C. Lively Elementary Plan de Disciplina/ Clases de Arte, Musica y P.E. Queridos Padres, Estamos contentos que su hijo(a) estara en nuestras clases “Especiales” este ano. Nosotros iremos adelante aprendiendo muchas experiencias para el progreso de este ano. Nosotros creemos que los succesos de una vida larga depende en la disciplina de uno, por eso hemos compuesto el Plan de Disciplina que le ayuda a cada nino(a) como debe portarse. Su nino(a) merece la educacion mas positiva possible para que pueda crecer en nuestra materia. Por eso, este plan estara en efecto en todo momento que esten en las clases de Arte, Musica y la clase de P.E.. Reglas de la Clase and Reglas de la Escuela 1. ESCUCHAR Y SEGUIR LAS INSTRUCCIONES. 2. RESPETAR LOS DERECHOS Y LAS PROPIEDADES DE OTROS. 3. HABLAR SOLAMENTE EN MOMENTOS APROPIADOS USANDO LENGUAJE ACCEPTABLE. 4. ENTRAR Y SALIR CALLADOS, EN FORMA ORDENADA. 5. CUIDAR MATERIALES Y EQUIPO DE LA CLASE. Si los ninos siguen las reglas, les daremos un premio cuando se porten bien. Si un nino(a) decide quebrar una regla: 1a vez: Correccion Verbal 2a vez: “Tiempo Fuera”- Notificar al Maestro(a)/Nombre en “La Libreta” 3a vez: “Tiempo Fuera” – Nota a los Padres 4a vez: A la oficina del Principal Disturbio Severo: Immediatamente a la oficina del Principal. A los estudiantes se las ha informado respeto a el Plan de Disciplina en P.E., Arte y Musica. Se les agradece mucho si ustedes pueden revisar el plan con su nino(a) y firmar al regresar la forma a la clase de P.E.. Durante el ano, nos communicarenos con ustedes sobre el progreso de su nino(a). Si tienen preguntas, porfavor hagan esfuerzo para communicarse con nosotros. Stephanie Boyte, Scheri Wright/ Maestras de Arte Carol Sullivan, Jessica Rodges/ Maestras de Musica Ronda Pippen, Troy Volkmann, Teresa Coronado/ Maestros de P.E. (Porfavor firmen y regresen la parte de abajo a los maestros de P.E.) Queridos Maestros de Clases “Especiales”: Hemos leido su Plan de Disciplina y hemos discutido con mi nino(a). Firme los Padres/Guardian___________________________Fecha________________ Nombre del nino(a)___________________________________Grado________________ Nombre del Maestro(a)Principal________________________________________ Comentarios:_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

4 Student Information Sheet
Please complete the following information and return it to the Physical Education Department. This information is for me to get to know your child a little better and who to contact with any information regarding your child. Thank you for your cooperation. Child’s Name: Grade: __________________ Home Address: Home Phone: ____________ Mother’s Name: Business Phone: ___________ Father’s Name: Business Phone: ___________ In case of a Disciplinary Problem(s), please contact: Name: Phone Number: __________ Relationship to your child: _________________________________________________ In case of an Emergency, please contact: Name: Phone Number: __________ Relationship to your child: __________________________________________________ If your child has any health problems that would limit your child’s participation during Physical Education Class, please list below: _______________________________________________________________________ Has your child’s activity ever been limited by your Physician? Yes ____ No ____ I have Read and Understand the Discipline Plan and the District Policy regarding excused participation during Physical Education Class. ______________ Parent / Guardian Signature Date

5 Informacíon sobre el estudiante
Por favor escriba la siguiente informacíon y devuelvala al departmento de educacíon física a la rápido. Esta informacion servirá para conocer a su hijo(a) major y para saber con quien sedebe comunicar con informacion sobre su hijo(a). Gracias por su cooperacíon. Nombre de estudiante: _ Grado: _________________ Domicilio: _ ___ Telefono de hogar: ________ Nombre de madre: _ Telefono de negocio: ________ Nombre de padre: Telefono de negocio: ________ En caso de un problema de disciplina, por favor communiquese con: Nombre: Telefono:____________ Relacíon al estudiante:_____________________________________________________ En caso de emergencia, por favor communiquese con: Nombre: Telefono: ___________ Relacíon al estudiante: _____________________________________________________ Sis u hijo(a) tiene algun problema de salud, limitará su participacíon durante la clase de educacíon física: _______________________________________________________________________ ¿Han sido las actividades de su hijo(a) limitadas por un medico? Sí ____ No ____ . He leído y he entendido el plan de disciplina del districto en respecto a excusar la participacion de los estudiantes durante la clase de educacíon física. ______________ firma de padre/guardian Fecha

6 Dress Code A. Rubber soled shoes B. Closed toe and heeled shoes
C. Girls- shorts under skirt

7 Restroom and Water A. If at all possible go before you come to P.E.
B. Must ask permission C. Only when it is an EMERGENCY D. Stand behind the yellow line until the person in front of you has left the fountain. E. When I feel it is necessary

8 Sit Out Notes A. The reason B. The date C. How many days
D. Parent signature E. Teacher signature F. Number of days 1. Parent only 1-3 days 2. Doctors excuse for 3 or more days

9 Class points for a “free day”
A. Walk in quietly B. Good Sportsmanship C. No signs the book D. Everyone follows directions E. Line up quietly F. Bonus- the straightest line 3-5 needs 100 points 1-2 needs 50 points

10 Common Sense Rules A. No sliding on the floor
B. No spinning in your seat C. No marking the floor with your shoes D. Picking on the painted lines on the floor E. No jumping over other people

11 Playground Rules Follow the directions of the adult(s) at the playground. Check equipment before using. Walk; do NOT run on the playground. You may run on the grass, but watch where you are going. Slide down the slide(s) feet first. Do NOT go up the slides. Do NOT get on top of the slide(s) or the tunnel. Do NOT stand on or jump from the slide(s). Crossing the monkey bars is like a “One Way Street”. Everyone goes the same direction. Do not walk under the monkey bars if someone is on them or about to get on them. Do NOT sit on top of the monkey bars. Do NOT skip more than one bar on the monkey bars. NO KINDERGARTENERS on the monkey bars. NO KINDERGARTENERS on the yellow bar slide. Do what you know is expected. If you have to question doing it, don’t.

12 Playground Consequences
1st Infraction Sit out five minutes. Must tell why, what you were doing was wrong and what should you have done differently. 2nd Infraction Sit out the rest of that playtime. Must tell why, what you were doing was wrong and what you should have done differently.

13 Mrs. Sullivan IISD Teacher of the Year Mrs. Rodges
Rules for Music Mrs. Sullivan IISD Teacher of the Year Mrs. Rodges

14 Music

15 Rules for Art Mrs. Boyte Mrs. Wright

16 Art

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