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How to Conjugate Verbs Ending with –ar, -er, and -ir In the Present Tense.

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Presentación del tema: "How to Conjugate Verbs Ending with –ar, -er, and -ir In the Present Tense."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 How to Conjugate Verbs Ending with –ar, -er, and -ir In the Present Tense

2 Subject Pronouns in Spanish are Singular yo is I Plural nosotros (as) is we tú is you él is he, ella is she ustedes is you ellos (as) they

3 The Present Tense This tense is regularly form as follow: For verbs that end with -ar Drop the –ar ending of an infinitive, like hablar, and add the following endings: -o, -as, -a, -amos, or -an. Ex: Hablar habl now you add o, as, amos, or an depending on the form you use (yo, tú, él/ ella, nosotros (as), ustedes/ ellos/ ellas). You then get: yo hablonosotros (as) hablamos tú hablas él/ ella hablaustedes/ ellos/ ellas hablan

4 For verbs that end with -er Drop the – er ending of the infinitive, like beber, and add the following endings: -o, -es, -e, -emos, or –en Ex: beber beb now you add o, es, emos, or en depending on the form you use (yo, tú, él/ ella, nosotros (as), ustedes/ ellos/ ellas). You then get: yo bebonosotros (as) bebemos tú bebes él/ ella bebeustedes/ ellos/ ellas beben

5 For verbs that end with -ir Drop the – er ending of the infinitive, like recibir, and add the following endings: -o, -es, -e, -imos, or –en Ex: recibir recib now you add o, es, emos, or en depending on the form you use (yo, tú, él/ ella, nosotros (as), ustedes/ ellos/ ellas). You then get: yo recibonosotros (as) recibimos tú recibes él/ ella recibeustedes/ ellos/ ellas reciben

6 Irregular verbs ir (to go) and oír (to hear) yo voynosotros (as) vamos tú vas él/ ella vaustedes/ ellos/ ellas van yo oigonosotros (as) oímos tú oyes él/ ella oye ustedes/ ellos/ ellas oyen Ir (to go) oír (to hear)

7 Irregular yo forms yo hagonosotros (as) hacemos tú haces él/ ella hace ustedes/ ellos/ ellas hacen Conocer (to know) Hacer (to do, to make) yo conozco nosotros (as) conocemos tú conoces él/ ella conoce ustedes/ ellos/ ellas conocen

8 Write the following words in a list and conjugate the infinitive for the different Spanish Subject Pronouns as shown in the example below Example: infinitive yo tú el/ ella nosotros (as) ustedes/ ellos (as) Comer to eat como comes come comemos comen tomar to take, to have tomo tomas toma tomamos toman asistir to attend asisto asistes asiste asistimos asisten bailar (to dance) preparar (to prepare) cocinar (to cook) pasear ( to take a walk) visitar (to visit) comprar (to buy) amar (to love) cuidar ( to take care of ) ir (to go) hacer (to make, to do) conocer (to know) oír (to hear) caminar (to walk) leer (to read) aprender (to learn) vivir (to live) escribir (to write) abrir (to open) decidir (to decide) compartir (to share) ver (to see)

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