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Dar (to give) Decir (to say/tell) Poner (to put/place) Salir (to leave/exit) Traer (to bring) & Venir (to come) Conjugation Race Give the correct form.

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Presentación del tema: "Dar (to give) Decir (to say/tell) Poner (to put/place) Salir (to leave/exit) Traer (to bring) & Venir (to come) Conjugation Race Give the correct form."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Dar (to give) Decir (to say/tell) Poner (to put/place) Salir (to leave/exit) Traer (to bring) & Venir (to come) Conjugation Race Give the correct form of the verb for the given subject. Then, TRANSLATE into English!

2 decir (él) Él dice He says/tells Ejemplo:

3 dar (yo) Yo doy I give

4 decir (tú) Tù dices You say

5 poner (él) Él pone He puts/places/sets

6 decir (yo) Yo digo I say

7 salir (usted) Usted sale You go out/leave/exit

8 decir (ellas) Ellas dicen They say

9 poner (nosotros) Nosotros ponemos We put/place/set

10 salir (yo) Yo salgo I go out/leave/exit

11 traer (nosotros) Nosotros traemos We bring

12 venir (tú) Tú vienes You come

13 poner (ellas) Ellas ponen They put/place/set

14 venir (ellos) Ellos vienen They come

15 dar (ustedes) Ustedes dan You (all) give

16 poner (yo) Yo pongo I put/place/set

17 salir (nosotros) Nosotros salimos We go out/exit/leave

18 traer (tú) Tú traes You bring

19 traer (yo) Yo traigo I bring

20 venir (yo) Yo vengo I come

21 venir (nosotros) Nosotros venimos We come

22 salir (ellos) Ellos salen They go out/exit/leave

23 My father says, “hello”. Mi padre dice, “Hola”.

24 Miguel knows how to dance. Miguel sabe bailar.

25 We leave tomorrow. Nosotros salimos mañana.

26 My friend and I say “Goodbye”. Mi amigo y yo decimos “Adios”.

27 I know Pablo Yo conozco a Pablo.

28 Mario sets the table. Mario pone la mesa.

29 You throw/give a party. Tú das una fiesta.

30 Maribel brings a present. Maribel trae un regalo.

31 I come to the party. Yo vengo a la fiesta.

32 I put the balloons in the house. Yo pongo los globos en la casa.

33 I give a lot of presents. Yo doy muchos regalos.

34 Pedro makes the bed. Pedro hace la cama.

35 I do my homwork. Yo hago mi tarea.

36 I bring the decorations. Yo traigo las decoraciones.

37 Maria and I bring the food. María y yo traemos la comida.

38 They set the table. Ellos ponen la mesa.

39 We give a party. Nostros damos una fiesta.

Descargar ppt "Dar (to give) Decir (to say/tell) Poner (to put/place) Salir (to leave/exit) Traer (to bring) & Venir (to come) Conjugation Race Give the correct form."

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