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Esta semana… n Lunes: Libro 11-28, 11-29 (miércoles) n Martes: MSL 1-46 to 1-53 n Miércoles: Libro 11-31, 11-32, 11-33, 11-34 (prep) n Jueves: MSL 11-16.

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Presentación del tema: "Esta semana… n Lunes: Libro 11-28, 11-29 (miércoles) n Martes: MSL 1-46 to 1-53 n Miércoles: Libro 11-31, 11-32, 11-33, 11-34 (prep) n Jueves: MSL 11-16."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Esta semana… n Lunes: Libro 11-28, 11-29 (miércoles) n Martes: MSL 1-46 to 1-53 n Miércoles: Libro 11-31, 11-32, 11-33, 11-34 (prep) n Jueves: MSL 11-16 to 11-19, ¿Cuánto sabes tú? P 384 n Viernes: libro 11-42 to 11-45, pgs 388-339, MSL 11-28 to 11-31

2 Calentamiento n Give examples of informal commands in the following ways: u Command others to talk with/to someone u Tell someone to eat something specific (your choice) u Tell someone to write something u Tell others to go somewhere n La tarea de hoy (para el miércoles) u Completar 11-11(1/2); 11/13; 11-15

3 Calentamiento n Give examples of formal commands in the following ways: u Command others to talk with/to someone F HABLEN con ______ (sus amigos/tu madre) u Tell someone to eat something specific (your choice) F COMA la pizza./las hamburguesas u Tell someone to write something F ESCRIBA (una carta, una cosa, su nombre) u Tell others to go somewhere F VAYAN a/al ( n,

4 Buenos días… n Estudia para la prueba de vocabulario En busca de empleo n Pre-write: 380-381

5 ¿Cuándo se usa el subjuntivo? ojalá

6 6 How do you form the subjunctive? 1.Start with the YO form 1.Comer = como 2.HACER = hago 2.Take off the o 1.COM-/ HAG- 3.Add the opposite endings (coma, haga) 4.-AR:-e-emos -es-éis -e-en 5.-ER / -IR: -a-amos -as-áis -a-an NOTE: -ar verbs: have an e w/ the present subjunctive -er/-ir verbs: Have an a

7 7 DISHESDISHES ar r er aber star aber dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayáis, hayan esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan

8 The Subjunctive and the Indicative With Adverbial Conjunctions (El subjuntivo y el indicativo con conjunciones adverbiales)

9 con tal (de) que........provided that antes (de) que.........before para que (a fin de que) that, in order that a menos que..........unless en caso de que........ in case sin que...............without, unless E S C A P A The subjunctive is always used after certain adverbial conjunctions, such as the following ones. We can use the acronym ESCAPA to help us remember them. Always Subjunctive

10 Déle la recomendación para que la lea. Give him the recommendation so that he can read it. Carmen no va a aceptar el trabajo a menos que le suban el sueldo. Carmen is not going to accept the job unless they raise the salary. Always Subjunctive Following are examples of usage of adverbial conjunctions that always require the subjunctive.

11 Lleve la evaluación en caso de que la necesitemos. Take the evaluation in case we need it. Always Subjunctive Following are examples of usage of adverbial conjunctions that always require the subjunctive. Le recomiendo que visite el museo antes de que lo cierren. I recommend that you visit the museum before they close it. No me enojo con tal que el jefe me dé una bonificación. I will not get angry provided that the boss gives me a bonus.

12 porque...............because ahora que / ya that, since desde que............Since (time) A few conjunctions always use the indicative because they convey that the action in the subordinate clause has actually occurred, is occurring, or will occur. Always Indicative

13 Srta. Martínez, le ofrezco el trabajo ahora que la necesito. Miss Martínez, Im offering you the job now that I need you. El plan de retiro es más atractivo desde que incluimos más incentivos. The retirement plan is more attractive since we included more incentives. Always Indicative Following are examples of usage of adverbial conjunctions that always require the indicative.

14 El jefe le dio el trabajo a Pedro porque lo impresionó mucho. The boss gave the job to Pedro because he impressed him a lot. El plan de seguro le interesa mucho a Juanita porque va a tener un bebé. The insurance plan interests Juanita a lot because she is going to have a baby. Always Indicative Following are examples of usage of adverbial conjunctions that always require the indicative.

15 Cuando, hasta que, tan pronto como / en cuanto Cuando mi hermano me visita, siempre hablamos sobre las motos. Habitual actions or events: indicative Normalmente, hablamos hasta que nos dormimos de cansancio. Tan pronto como mi hermano me llama, saco mi moto y me preparo para dar un paseo. Sometimes Subjunctive, Sometimes Indicative Whenever my brother visits me, we always talk about motorcycles. Normally, we talk until we fall asleep from weariness. As soon as my brother calls me, I get out my motorcycle and get ready to take a ride.

16 Cuando salimos para México en julio, yo esperé en el aeropuerto hasta que todos los estudiantes llegaron. Past actions or events: indicative En cuanto llegaron, les hice facturar su equipaje. Cuando, hasta que, tan pronto como / en cuanto Sometimes Subjunctive, Sometimes Indicative When we left for Mexico in July, I waited at the airport until all the students arrived. As soon as they arrived, I had them check their luggage.

17 Cuando yo vaya a Oaxaca la próxima vez, voy a llevar a mi esposa también. Future actions or events: subjunctive Vamos a quedarnos allí hasta que visitemos todos los museos y parques. Tan pronto como tengamos suficiente dinero, vamos a hacer las reservaciones. Cuando, hasta que, tan pronto como / en cuanto Sometimes Subjunctive, Sometimes Indicative When I go to Oaxaca the next time, Im going to take my wife too. Were going to stay there until we visit all the museums and parks. As soon as we have enough money, were going to make reservations.

18 aunque Aunque llueve, sigue en marcha el partido de fútbol. (It is indeed raining, but the game goes on.) Even though = indicative Aunque llueva mañana, pensamos ir a la playa. (Its not raining, and it may not rain, but even if it does, were planning to go to the beach.) Even if = subjunctive Sometimes Subjunctive, Sometimes Indicative

19 A practicar… n Choose two phrases from the subjunctive table list on page 359 and create two subjunctive sentences. n Choose two phrases from the indicative table list on page 359 and create two indicative sentences. n Choose one phrase from the indicative/subjunctive table on 360 and create one indicative sentence and one subjunctive one.

20 FIN

21 Calentamiento (Pag. 383: 11-30) n Hoy es 17 de mayo, y AUNQUE no sé cómo voy a hacerlo, mi plan es piratear a cinco ingenieros de la empresa Plásticos, TAN PRONTO COMO pueda. n He estudiado todos los documentos PARA entender bien su organizazión n Quiero hablar con todos los empleados A MENOS QUE me lo impidan. n Quiero invitarlos a mi fábrica A FIN DE QUEvean las máquinas modernas. n Voy a aumentar el número de empleados de mi empresa AUNQUE me cueste una fortuna.

22 Theme: Conjuctions that require subjunctive, indicative or both. n w/u n do 11-31 orally: Student A asks Student B questions & Student B answers based on the Appendix that goes with exercise 11-31 u Complete orally u Write out a conversation u Answer questions n Evaluation: 11-31

23 ¿Cuánto sabes tú? p. 384 n Can you… u Get information from the want ads? F Give 10 key words you need to know to understand the want ads. u Write a brief business letter F Greet, introduce yourself, establish the job being offered, give two reasons you are the best for the job, give your contact info, close the letter u Interview for the job. F Write 3 questions using the vocabulary words u Give and follow instructions and commands F Give 5 formal commands (two plural) u Give an example of each given conjunction (two for the one that works for both)

24 ¿Cuánto sabes tú? P 28 n Can you… u Identify objects in your classroom w/ the correct def/indef articles F Give 15 classroom idems from your vocab list along w/ their definite and indefinite articles n Follow your teachers instructions in Spanish? u Give examples of: Open your book to page 55, Answer in Spanish

Descargar ppt "Esta semana… n Lunes: Libro 11-28, 11-29 (miércoles) n Martes: MSL 1-46 to 1-53 n Miércoles: Libro 11-31, 11-32, 11-33, 11-34 (prep) n Jueves: MSL 11-16."

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