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El Imperfecto!!!!!! We have learned about the preterit now its time to learn about the other past tense….

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Presentación del tema: "El Imperfecto!!!!!! We have learned about the preterit now its time to learn about the other past tense…."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El Imperfecto!!!!!! We have learned about the preterit now its time to learn about the other past tense….

2 Similarities to English grammar The simple past The past progressive Either would or used to

3 USES #1- When describing an action or state that keeps going, and going and going…….did I mention it keeps going? (but makes not reference to an exact beginning, duration, or end of the action)

4 Did you say example? Cuando estaba en Puerto Rico, pasaba mucho tiempo con mi abuela. When I was at Puerto Rico, I spent a lot of time with my grandma.

5 It is also used to….. Describe….. – Repeated Habitual – Continuous Actions BUT REMEMBER EVENTS IN THE PAST!!!!!!!!!!!

6 For example…. Cuando era un austronauta, me ponía un traje muy gracioso. When I used to be an astronaut, I would put on a very funny outfit (lol funny).

7 Another use can be….. To describe two things happening at the same time.

8 For example (dot, dot, dot) Monchito escuchaba al perro ladrar mientras se preparaba para comenzar a correr. Monchito heard the dog bark, as he prepared himself to begin running. – (….and get the HECK out of there!!!!)

9 AND lastly the IMPERFECT can be used when….. One action interrupts another BUT THERE IS A TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!! – The action the interrupts is in the PRETERIT – While the interrupted action is in the IMPERFECT

10 CONFUSE????? (here is an example) Miraba al cielo cuando vio un metiorito acercarce. (AY DIOS MIO!!!!!) She looked at the sky as she saw a meteorite come closer. Miraba the interrupted is in the imperfect Vio the INTERRUPTER is in preterit

11 Regular forms of the imperfect costARbebERSalIR YoCostabaBebía (agua) Salía TúCostabasBebíasSalías Ud., él, ellaCostabaBebíaSalía Nosotros/asCostábamosBebíamosSalíamos Vosotros/asCostabaisBebíaisSalíais Uds., ellos, ellas CostabanBebíanSalían

12 ONLY THREE IRREGULARS IRSERVER YoIbaEraVeía TúIbasErasVeías Ud., él, ellaIbaEraVeía Nosotros/asIbamosÉramosVeíamos Vosotros/asIbaisEraisVeíais Uds., ellos, ellas IbanEranVeían

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