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El abecedario Por: Amanda Kittell.

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Presentación del tema: "El abecedario Por: Amanda Kittell."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El abecedario Por: Amanda Kittell

2 A Albóndigas Meatballs

3 Papá, mamá, adiós Amanda, casa, Argentina.
Like the “A” in rather Papá, mamá, adiós Amanda, casa, Argentina.

4 B Batido Milkshake

5 Bien, bonita, blanco,Bogotá, Bolivia.
Like the “B” in boy Bien, bonita, blanco,Bogotá, Bolivia.

6 C Casa House

7 Carro, carne computadora, Colombia, cuatro, Cuba
Like an English “K” Carro, carne computadora, Colombia, cuatro, Cuba

8 Centro, cereal, cien, ciudad.
Sometimes like “S” Centro, cereal, cien, ciudad. Just like in English “k” car, coat, cut “s” center, city

9 Ch Chaqueta Jacket

10 Chorizo, chocolate, China, chileno
Like “ch” in chess Chorizo, chocolate, China, chileno

11 D Dinero Money

12 Like the “D” in dull Dedo, indio, diez, doctor.

13 E Elefante Elephant

14 Senda, Ema, estudiar, escritorio.
Like the “e” in set Senda, Ema, estudiar, escritorio.

15 F Fácil Easy

16 Like the “f” in fire Fama, fin, fecha, Francia

17 G Gato Cat

18 Ganar, Bogotá, Guatemala
Like the “g” in Guam When followed by “a, o, u” Ganar, Bogotá, Guatemala

19 General, genealogía, gigante, gimnasio
Like the “h” in home When followed by “e, i” General, genealogía, gigante, gimnasio

20 H Huevos Eggs

21 Hola, hora, hijo, honesto. Always silent except…
When it has a “c” behind it and then it makes a “ch” like in chess Hola, hora, hijo, honesto.

22 I Iglesia Church

23 To pronounce it, you must smile
Like “ee” in keep Italia, Indiana, isla, inglés

24 J Julio July

25 Juan, jueves, junio, Josefina.
Like the “h” in home Juan, jueves, junio, Josefina.

26 K Kilómetro Kilometer

27 Kilo Like the “k” in kite
There are not many words in Spanish that start with K Kilo

28 L Libro Book

29 Listo, Linda, Londres, leche.
Like the “l” in lad Listo, Linda, Londres, leche.

30 LL Lleno Full

31 Llama, camello, pollo, bella
Like the “j” in jam. Some countries pronounce it like the “y” in “yes”. Llama, camello, pollo, bella

32 M Museo Museum

33 Like the “m” in many Manuel, mucho.

34 N Nadar Swim

35 Like “n” in new Nancy, nachos

36 Ñ Ñoño Nerd

37 Similar to the sound in “onion”
Cañón, señor, español, España,

38 O Ocupado Busy

39 Long “o”, like in or Oscar, ola, oso, ojo.

40 P Pimienta Pepper

41 Like the “p” in pen Pedro, pan, pronto.

42 Q Queso Cheese

43 ¿Qué? ¿Quién? Quince, quiero.
Q is always before u Sound like “K” and it is followed by “UE or UI” The U is silent in these cases. ¿Qué? ¿Quién? Quince, quiero.

44 R Refresco Soda

45 Between vowels like “tt” in Betty
Cara, pero toro Lara

46 RR Perro Dog

47 Trilled RR Rosa, rojo, rico.
You trilled the “r” when it is at the beginning of a word Rosa, rojo, rico. Also at the end of a word Color, amor, In the middle of a word when is next to L, N, D C Turco, Carlos, carne,

48 Ferrocarril, arroz, burro, burrito

49 S Sopa Soup

50 Like the ‘s” in son Soy, Samuel

51 T Trofeo Trophy

52 Like the “t” in tan Trompeta, todo, tengo.

53 U Uvas Grapes

54 Seguir, guerra, guitarra Queso, quesadilla, aquí.
Like “u” in dude Sometimes silent after g if the “u” is followed by “e” or “i” and q. Estados Unidos, un, una. Gutiérrez, unión, Guantánamo. Seguir, guerra, guitarra Queso, quesadilla, aquí.

55 V Ventana Window

56 Victor, vamos Like the “b” in boy.
It is OK if you pronounce it like “v” Victor, vamos

57 W Whiski Whiskey

58 Used only in foreign words
Walter, William

59 X Xilófono Xylophone

60 Usually not at the beginning of a word
Examen Éxito

61 Y Yeso Plaster

62 Yo, yegua, yo-yo. Lucy, muy, Nancy y yo. Like “j” in jam.
Some countries pronounce it similar to the “y” in yes Yo, yegua, yo-yo. Like th “ee” in green at the end of a word or by itself. Lucy, muy, Nancy y yo.

63 Z Zanahoria Carrot

64 Like “s” in Latinamerica
Like the “th” in “think” in Spain There is no “ZZZ” sound in Spanish Zapato, azul luz lápiz

65 Repaso Argentina Bolivia Costa Rica Chichén Itzá República Dominicana
Ecuador Las Filipinas Guatemala

66 Repaso Honduras Inglaterra Jalisco Kenya Los Ángeles Valladolid
Marruecos Nicaragua

67 Repaso Oslo Paraguay Quito Perú Santiago Toledo Cuba

68 Repaso Venezuela Wyoming México Yucatán Zacatecas.

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