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El Participio Pasado  Many adjectives that we use in Spanish are actually the verb form called the past participle. (el participio pasado )

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Presentación del tema: "El Participio Pasado  Many adjectives that we use in Spanish are actually the verb form called the past participle. (el participio pasado )"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 El Participio Pasado  Many adjectives that we use in Spanish are actually the verb form called the past participle. (el participio pasado )

3 El Participio Pasado  To form the past participle of a verb in Spanish, you add -ado to the stem of -ar verbs and -ido to the stem of most - er/-ir verbs.

4 El Participio Pasado  vendar (to bandage)  vendado (bandaged)  hinchar (to swell)  hinchado (swollen)  infectar (to infect)  infectado (infected)  cortar (to cut)  cortado (cut)  quemar (to burn)  quemado (burnt)  herir (to wound)  herido (wounded)

5 El Participio Pasado  Some verbs have irregular past participles.  Memorize this acronym:  REVV MAC PHDD

6 Rroto Eescrito Vvisto Vvuelto romper escribir ver volver

7 Mmuerto Aabierto Ccubierto morir abrir cubrir

8 Ppuesto Hhecho Ddicho Ddevuelto poner hacer decir devolver

9 When we use past participles as adjectives:  they must agree in gender and number with the noun or pronoun they refer to.  We frequently use estar with the past participle to describe a condition that exists now or existed in the past.

10 Por ejemplo:  Mi tobillo no estuvo muy hinchado, así que seguí jugando.  Su brazo está roto, no puede participar en la competencia.  La puerta estuvo abierta.

11 Body Parts - TENER  We use “tener” with body parts, just like in English (“I have a swollen wrist”)  We use the definite article (el, la, los, las) instead of the possessive.  Tengo la pierna rota.  Él tiene los oídos infectados.  La bebé tiene el dedo quemado.

12 You try!  She has a broken arm.  He has a wounded shoulder.  The door is open.  Michaelangelo is dead.  Eva Perón is dead.  Juanita’s skin is burnt.

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