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Conducir conduzco conduces conduce conducimos conducís conducen.

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Presentación del tema: "Conducir conduzco conduces conduce conducimos conducís conducen."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Conducir conduzco conduces conduce conducimos conducís conducen

2 Indirect objects and indirect object pronouns

3 In Spanish, the indirect object (_________) is the person who _________________ the direct object, or the person who _____________________ or ______________________ by from the action of the verb. IOP receives benefits from is affected The indirect object usually follows the _____________________, and it always comes after the preposition “a”. direct object

4 I bought that skirt for her. subject verb direct object indirect object I bought what? The skirt For who? For her

5 Indirect Objects I gave those shoes to him. subject verb direct object indirect object Yo le di los zapatos a él. IOP

6  Indirect object pronouns mean the same thing in English as do the direct object pronouns, only they add the words “to or for”. For example, “to you, for me, etc.”

7 Direcciones: Circle the indirect object nouns or pronouns in the following sentences. 1.I wrote my best friend lots of letters while I was away. 2.Who sent you that package? 3.I brought her a bouquet of daisies. 4.My parents bought my brother and me a new computer! 5.That lady sold us a great used car.

8 yoInosotroswe túyouvosotrosyou (plural) él ella usted he she you ellos ellas ustedes they you (plural) Subject pronouns Like adding “to” or “for” in front of them. Ej. “to you”, to them”

9 Indirect object pronoun s TO OR FOR: Indirect object pronoun s TO OR FOR: yo nosotros tú vosotros él ella usted ellos ellas ustedes me te le nos os les

10 Do these look familiar? ¿Recuerdas? They are the same pronouns we used with gustar and encantar!

11 And they are found in the phrase: ¿Puedo ayudarte?

12 Where do we put them?  before a ____________________  attached to the end of an ____________ conjugated verb infinitive

13 Notice the placement of the indirect object pronouns: I give you the money. indirect object pronoun Yo te doy el dinero (a ti). indirect object pronoun verb In English the indirect object pronoun is placed after the verb. In Spanish it is usually put before a the conjugated verb.

14 I write him a letter. Le escribo una carta. I write a letter to him. Le escribo una carta. Note that the construction is the same in Spanish.

15 An indirect object pronoun stands for an indirect object. It can be used ____________________ of the indirect object noun OR be used _____________ with it. in place / intead together

16 Use Using a _____________________ or ____________ for emphasis or to make it clear who we are referring to. Un banquero le prestó dinero a Juan. A Banker lent Juan money. Un banquero le prestó dinero. A banker lent him money. with a pronoun noun Do we know who le refers to?

17 You may use both indirect and direct object pronouns together as follows: Un banquero se lo prestó. A banker lent it to him.

18 Algunos ejemplos 1. ____prepara el desayuno a tu hermano. 2. Las enfermeras _____dan las medicinas a los enfermos. 3. La secretaria del colegio _____ vende útiles a los estudiantes. 4. Le gusta contar _____ chistes a mí. le les me

19 ¡Practiquemos!

20 A. Circle the indirect object nouns and pronouns in the following sentences. 1.Nuestro hijo siempre nos dice la verdad. 2.Escríbele una carta a tu novio. 3.Yo puedo enseñarles la ciudad a los turistas. 4.¿A ustedes les dan muchos regalos para Navidad?

21 B. Direcciones: Completa las oraciones con el pronombre del complemento indirecto apropiado (indirect object pronoun). Sigue el modelo. MODELO El abogado les da consejos a los profesores. 1. La profesora _________lee un libro a los niños. 2. El cartero __________ trae el correo a ti. 3. El comerciante __________ puede enseñar a José a vender. 4. El periodista __________ contó la noticia (the news) a Olga y a mí. 5. La programadora __________ puede prestar la computadora a mí. 6. El conductor siempre __________ dice «buenos días» a la gente. 7. Prepára__________ el desayuno a tu hermano. les te le nos me le

22 C. Complete the answers to the following questions with indirect object pronouns. 1. —¿A quién pides el correo? — __________ pido el correo al cartero. 2. —¿Pides ayuda a tus padres en casa? —Sí, __________ pido ayuda con la tarea. 3. —¿Quién me va a cortar el pelo? —El peluquero __________ va a cortar el pelo. 4. —Tu prima visita la ciudad, ¿verdad? —Sí, ¿no puedes enseñar__________ tus lugares preferidos? le les te le Attached to infinitive

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