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Capítulo 2 Gramática 1 Parte 1 Los Objetos Indirectos, Los Complementos Indirectos, Dar y Decir.

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Presentación del tema: "Capítulo 2 Gramática 1 Parte 1 Los Objetos Indirectos, Los Complementos Indirectos, Dar y Decir."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Capítulo 2 Gramática 1 Parte 1 Los Objetos Indirectos, Los Complementos Indirectos, Dar y Decir

2 Repaso: Los Objetos Directos What is a direct object? A direct object is the person or thing that receives the direct action of the verb. I want tacos for dinner. Direct Object

3 Los Objetos Indirectos What is an indirect object? An indirect object is the person who receives the direct object or benefits from the action of the verb. My mom gave the cake to me. or My mom gave me the cake. Direct Object:cake meIndirect Object:

4 Una Indicación To find both the direct and indirect objects: My mom gave me the cake. or My mom gave the cake to me. Find the verb: gave Ask yourself- gave who/what?: the cake That’s the direct object. Then ask-to whom/for whom?: me That’s the indirect object.

5 Los Complementos Indirectos: me (me)nos (us) te (you)os (you all-Spain) le (him/her/you formal)les (they, you all) El peluquero le corta el pelo a la señora. “le” refers to the “señora” *En español se usa la “a” antes del objeto indirecto.

6 Los complementos… Indirect object pronouns stand for the indirect object noun. The pronouns can take the place of the noun or be used together with the noun (unlike Direct Object Pronouns, which replace the nouns completely.) El peluquero le corta el pelo a la señora. or El peluquero le corta el pelo.

7 Reglas de Colocación… The rules for placement of Indirect Object Pronouns are the same as for other pronouns (reflexive, direct object, etc.) -before the conjugated verb -attached to the infinitive -attached to the present participle -attached to the affirmative command -between the “no” and the negative command

8 Un banquero presta dinero a Juan. Un banquero le presta dinero (a Juan).

9 Marcos enseña español a David. Marcos le enseña español.

10 ¿Dos complementos? Can you use two pronouns in the same sentence? Yes! The order is always: RID R—Reflexive I—Indirect D—Direct

11 Verbos Nuevos Indirect objects are often used with verbs for giving or telling something to someone.

12 Dar—to give doydamos dasdais dadan Rosa le da el correo a Lola.

13 Decir—to say/tell digodecimos dicesdecís dicedicen Miguel nunca les dice la verdad a sus padres.

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