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ENGLISH CONTENT 4 th GRADE Teacher: Leslie Felce

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Presentación del tema: "ENGLISH CONTENT 4 th GRADE Teacher: Leslie Felce"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ENGLISH CONTENT 4 th GRADE Teacher: Leslie Felce

2 OBJETIVOS  Objetivos Institucionales  Objetivos del Grado (English Content)  Rutina Diaria y Semanal  Evaluación Final o Cierre de Tema

3  SKILLS  COMUNICATION SKILLS  Listening  Speaking  Reading  Writing  Viewing  SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS  Self control  Autocritisism  Self improvement ENGLISH CONTENT

4  SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES  ORAL  Use speech to inform, entertain and influence others.  Interact confidently in a variety of situations.  Use oral language to articulate, organize and reflect on learning.  VISUAL  Understanding that symbols and signs carry meaning.  Begin to make choices about what is relevant and useful for them.

5  Play, experiment and talk about and relate to different media materials.  Search for, record and present information using a variety of media.  WRITTEN  Write independently with confidence and fluency.  Use a wide and vivid vocabulary.  Spell words accurately and use a range of strategies to spell complex words.  Plan, edit and review your own writing.

6  Sentence Structure  Parts of a Sentence  Information questions  Parts of Speech  Nouns (Singular and Plural)  Pronouns (Subject and Object / Demonstratives and Possessives)  Prepositions  Quantity Words  Adjectives and Liking Verbs  Adverbs  Helping verbs  Present Simple  Future Will GRAMMAR STRUCTURE

7 RUTINA DIARIA Y SEMANAL  Reunión de Grupo  Proyecto o Cierre de Tema  Trabajo de Áreas  Oral (Listening and Speaking)  Escrito (Reading and Writing)  Visual (Viewing)  Spelling and Homeworks

8 Trabajo en Casa  Tareas (Homeworks): Se publicarán los viernes para entregar el siguiente viernes.  Vocabulario (Spellings): Se publicarán los viernes para ser evaluados el segundo lunes luego de la publicación.  Mathletics  Reading Eggs

9 Material de Apoyo  Ciencia para Niños, páginas web en Inglés donde podrán encontrar material didáctico y entretenido para aprender sobre muchos temas.  

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