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Verb conjugation What is it and why does it matter?

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Presentación del tema: "Verb conjugation What is it and why does it matter?"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 verb conjugation What is it and why does it matter?

2 Ella habla mucho.

3 Él habla por teléfono.

4 Nosotros hablamos con amigos.

5 Ellos hablan sobre fútbol americano.

6 ¿Tú hablas por teléfono?

7 Infinitives In Spanish, all verbs have an infinitive form – Hablar = to talk – Bailar = to dance – Cantar = to sing – Correr = to run – Practicar = to practice – Comer = to eat – Beber = to drink – Jugar = to play (sports) – Tocar = to play (an instrument)

8 AR, ER, IR verbs Every infinitive verb in Spanish ends with –ar, -er, or –ir For example: BailarCorrerEscribir

9 Conjugation If we want to say that a specific person is doing an action, we must conjugate the verb. In English, we say, I walk to the store but he walks to the store. The verb changes with the subject. Thats called conjugating the verb.

10 Conjugating in Spanish Hablar = to talk But how do we say I talk? He talks? She talks? We talk? Yall talk? They talk? Its easy. Follow these two steps: 1.Take away the –ar/-er/-ir ending. 2.Add the new ending.

11 -ar verb endings yo: onosotros: amos tú: asvosotros: áis él/ella: aellos (ellas): an usted: austedes: an

12 Hola clase! Warm-up: be prepared to share with the class the answer to the below question What does it mean to conjugate a verb? What are the two steps to conjugating a verb in the present tense?

13 For example… For example, hablar. 1.Take away the –ar ending from hablar. 2.Add new ending. yohablonosotroshablamos túhablasvosotroshabláis él, ella, usted habla ellos, ellas, ustedeshablan

14 Practice Estudiar = to study YoNosotros TúVosotros UstedUstedes Él/Ella Ellos

15 Más practica… ¿Cómo se dice…? – He studies. – We study. – They study. – You all study.

16 Practice Enseñar = to teach YoNosotros TúVosotros UstedUstedes Él/Ella Ellos

17 Más practica… ¿Cómo se dice…? – She teaches. – You teach. – They teach. – You all teach.

18 -er, -ir verb endings -er verbs YooNosotros emos TúesVosotroséis él Ella usted e Ellos Ellas Ustedes en -ir verbs YooNosotrosimos TúesVosotrosís él Ella usted e Ellos Ellas Ustedes en

19 Practice Escribir = to write YoNosotros TúVosotros UstedUstedes Él/Ella Ellos

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