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La descarga está en progreso. Por favor, espere

Berggren, Haras, Spatz, Miller, Stauner, Kowalski, Coleman, Flores, Ezsak, Piesche, Houghton, Schaal,

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Presentación del tema: "Berggren, Haras, Spatz, Miller, Stauner, Kowalski, Coleman, Flores, Ezsak, Piesche, Houghton, Schaal,"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Berggren, Haras, Spatz, Miller, Stauner, Kowalski, Coleman, Flores, Ezsak, Piesche, Houghton, Schaal,

2 VERBOS -ar verbs en español

3 Definición A VERB expresses an action or state of being
Ejemplos: to jump to run to feel to be

4 Más Definiciones Infinitive - the ”to do something” form of a verb; regular verbs will end in –ar, -er, or -ir Ejemplo: to buy (comprar) Stem-the ROOTS of all verbs; what is left after removing the ending of the infinitive Ejemplo: compr (comprar) Conjugate= change the verb from the infinitive form; these verbs have a SUBJECT attached to them Ejemplo: I buy (yo compro)

5 What’s the stem? Mirar: Mir 2. Trabajar Trabaj Levantar la mano Levant

6 Types of verbs There are regular and irregular verbs in Spanish.
Regular verbs follow the same conjugation “formula” (or pattern), depending on the type of ending the infinitive has. Infinitives that are regular, end with –ar, -er, and –ir. There will be some exceptions to this. Irregular verbs have no set pattern to follow. You just have to memorize the conjugations. Two examples are the verbs “ser” & “tener”.

7 Can you think of some verbs that end in “ar” that you have already learned?
Comprar, hablar, estudiar, escuchar, andar en patineta, usar la computadora, sacar buena/mala nota, preguntar, contestar, llegar, tocar la guitarra, mirar la televisión, montar en bicicleta, dibujar, practicar deportes, pasear, trabajar, enseñar

8 The verbs change their endings according to the subjects.
To conjugate (or change) an infinitive that ends in –ar, follow this rule: DROP THE –ar AND ADD THE CORRECT ENDING (see the chart)

9 -ar endings yo = o nosotros/as = amos tú = as vosotros/as = áis
él, ella, Ud. = a ellos, ellas, Uds. = an

10 No es complicado  Now, to conjugate an “ar” verb, all you have to do is: 1. Drop the “ar”. 2. Add the matching ending to the stem of the verb.

11 So… COMPRAR conjugated looks like this: yo compro
nosotros/as compramos tú compras vosotros/as compráis él, ella, Ud. compra ellos, ellas, Uds. compran

12 To make a sentence negative…
Put no in front of the conjugated verb Yo necesito una hoja de papel. No necesito una pluma. Ella habla francés. No habla alemán.

13 Práctica I buy books. Yo compro libros. The boys need water.
Los chicos necesitan agua. We speak Spanish. Nosotros hablamos español.

14 ellos

15 El

16 El profesor, los alumnos

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