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(Indirect Object Pronouns)

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Presentación del tema: "(Indirect Object Pronouns)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 (Indirect Object Pronouns)
OBJETOS INDIRECTOS (Indirect Object Pronouns)

2 What is an Indirect Object?
An indirect object answers the question “To or for whom is the action performed?” What is the indirect object in this sentence? Manuel sent a tortoise to Evelyn. ANSWER: to Evelyn Bob mopped the floor for his grandmother. ANSWER: for his grandmother

3 What is an Indirect Object Pronoun?
An indirect object pronoun (IOP) replaces an indirect object in a sentence. To/for ME To/for US To/for YOU To/for Y’ALL To/for HIM/HER To/for THEM

4 Replace the Indirect object with an Indirect Object Pronoun (IOP)
We clean the car for Oliver. We clean the car for him. She sold seashells to the tourists. She sold seashells to them. They prepared a party for the orphans. They prepared a party for them. I always buy hot-dogs for my dog. I always buy hot-dogs for him.

5 En Español… We will do the same thing, replace indirect objects with pronouns. HOWEVER… there are a few things that are different about them in Spanish. You will move the pronoun’s place in the sentence. You may tack on a clarifier at the end of the sentence. (see more on this later)

6 Busca el objeto indirecto
Yo escribo una carta a mi abuela. Tú necesitas limpiar el carro para tu padre. Ellos mandan flores a Esperanza. Tú das el dinero a nosotros. Enrique saca la basura para mí.

7 Did you notice? It was easy to find the IOP, because it is always preceded by “A” or “PARA” IOP’s are usually people, or a pet. When you use IOP’s in Spanish, you need to rearrange the sentence. 1 verb IOP goes before the verb. 2 verbs IOP goes before 1st verb or on the end of the second verb. Positive orders IOP goes on the end of the order. Negative orders IOP goes in front of the order.

8 OBJETOS INDIRECTOS ME = to/for ME NOS = to/for US TE = to/for YOU
OS = to/for Y’ALL LE = to/for HIM to/for HER to/for YOU (UD.) LES = to/for THEM to/for YOU (UDS.)

9 Replace the Indirect with an IOP
Hugo compra los dulces para mí. Hugo me compra los dulces. Gabriel prepara el almuerzo para ellos. Gabriel les prepara el almuerzo. Javier no dice la verdad a Jimena. Javier no le dice la verdad. Marta presta $50 a nosotros. Marta nos presta $50.

10 Replace the Indirect with an IOP
Yo quiero comprar un café para ella. Yo le quiero comprar un café -OR- Yo quiero comprarle un café Nosotros vamos a vender el carro a Uds. Nosotros les vamos a vender el carro OR Nosotros vamos a venderles el carro Either way is correct. NEVER put IOP’s between two verbs! Verbs love each other and want to stay together!

11 Clarifiers Sometimes Spanish speakers will put a clarifier on the end of a sentence with an IOP. Sometimes it helps to clear up who they are talking about. Sometimes its just for emphasis. Either way, we don’t like it, because it doesn’t make sense to us, but they still do it, so deal with it! 

12 Some clarifiers… a mí (to me) a nosotros (to us) a tí (to you) a vosotros (to y’all) a él (to him) a ella (to her) a Ud. (to you, formal) a ellos (to them) a ellas (to them, girls) a Uds. (to y’all, formal)

13 How to use them… Mostly used in 3rd person (él, ella, ellos, ellas)
Get tacked back on to end of sentence. Still use the IOP in the sentence (LE, LES) EX: Tú pagas el dinero a Ramón EX: Tú le pagas el dinero EX: Tú le pagas el dinero a él OR… EX: Tú le pagas el dinero a Ramón Silly huh? Take it out and tack it back on?

14 Replace the Indirect with an IOP, then clarify
Tú compras las entradas para ella. Tú le compras las entradas. Tú le compras las entradas a ella. Nosotros no buscamos las pizzas para Uds. Nosotros no les buscamos las pizzas. Nosotros no les buscamos las pizzas a Uds.

15 Clarifiers purpose Is usually because “LE” can mean so many different people. (to him, to her, to you) Same with “LES” (To them, to you plural) So why go to all the trouble to take them out and then re-insert them? Its just one of those unusual features of Spanish.

16 IOP’s with positive orders.(IOP gets tacked onto the end of the order)
Di la verdad a ella. Escucha a tu madre. Explica el problema a nosotros. Enseña la lección a ellos. Limpia la casa para ella. Presta la tarea a mí. Díle la verdad Escúchale Explícanos el problema Enseñales la lección Límpiale la casa. Préstame la tarea.

17 Extra syllables = Accents!
If you add pronouns on to orders, frequently you will need an accent. The accent goes on the 2nd to last syllable of the original order. EX: Escribe + me  Escríbeme EX: Escucha + nos  Escúchanos One syllable orders won’t need an accent. EX: Dime

18 IOP’s with negative orders (Pronoun goes before the verb.
No compres chocolate para Ricardo. No le compres chocolate. No digas el secreto a ellas. No les digas el secreto. No saques el perro para nosotros. No nos saques el perro.

19 Practica: Escribe en español

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