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(direct object pronouns)

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Presentación del tema: "(direct object pronouns)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 (direct object pronouns)
LOS OBJETOS DIRECTOS (direct object pronouns)

2 ¿Qué es un objeto directo?
A direct object pronoun replaces the Direct Object in a sentence. A Direct Object answers the question: WHAT IS GETTING “VERBED” ? EX: She throws a snowball to the clown. Can you find the direct object?

3 That’s correct! It’s the snowball! The snowball is being thrown.

4 Replace it with a pronoun.
Direct Object pronouns replace D.O.’s. What could you replace snowball with if you didn’t want to keep saying it? She throws it to the clown. “It” replaced the snowball. That’s a D.O.P.! (by the way, clown is the indirect object pronoun, that’s another lesson)


6 D.O.P’s in Spanish ME NOS TE OS LO LA LOS LAS

7 ELLA LANZA LA BOLA DE NIEVE AL PAYASO What would you use to replace the snowball?

8 La bola de nieve  LA Choosing the D.O.P isn’t hard. But where it goes is a little trickier. In English it goes in the same place, as the direct object, but in Spanish it moves. Ella la lanza al payaso. In a sentence with only one verb, the pronoun moves in front of the verb! This is hard for us to think about. (She it throws to the clown)

9 Practica. Identifica el objeto directo en la frase
Practica. Identifica el objeto directo en la frase. Decide en el pronombre correcto. Tú comes una pizza en la cafeteria. Ellos venden el coche a Señor Sanchez. Yo quiero unos zapatos nuevos. Marco necesita una cartera nueva. Nosotros compramos 3 kilos de tomates. Ud. no comprende la lección. La clase repite las palabras de vocabulario

10 Tú comes una pizza en la cafeteria.
Checa las respuestas.. Identifica el prombre para cambiar el objeto directo, y escribe la frase otra vez. Tú comes una pizza en la cafeteria. Ellos venden el coche a Señor Sanchez. Yo quiero unos zapatos nuevos. Marco necesita una cartera nueva. Nosotros compramos 3 kilos de tomates. Ud. no comprende la lección. La clase repite las palabras de vocabulario

11 Checa las respuestas. Tú la comes en la cafeteria.
Ellos lo venden a Señor Sanchez. Yo los quiero. Marco la necesita. Nosotros los compramos. Ud. no la comprende. La clase las repite.

12 DOP’s with verb pairs… When you have 2 verbs together in a sentence, you have more choices on where to put the DOP. It can go before the 1st verb It can go right on the end of the 2nd verb. It CANNOT go between the verbs. (Verb PAIRS hang out together, like mean girls at the bus stop.

13 Practiquemos Yo voy a comprar los zapatos. Replace the shoes first 
Now reposition the DOP in the sentence. Option 1  Option 2  Both are correct!  Practice saying them both, is one easier than the other?

14 Practiquemos más: Re-write each sentence with a DOP.
Tú necesitas comer el pescado. Yo quiero comprar las ceresas. Ellos van a vender las galletas. Nosotros preferimos comer los frijoles.

15 DOP’s with orders Remember how to make an order? To tell someone to do something, conjugate the verb in the él/ella form. EAT  DRINK  BUY  SLEEP  STUDY 

16 Add the DOP on the end. Choose the correct DOP for the word you are replacing, and stick it on the end of the order. EX: Come los tacos  ¡Cómelos! EX: Bebe la limonada  ¡Bébela! EX: Escribe la tarea.  ¡Escríbela! Did you notice something else that changed?

17 Accents as placeholders
When you add syllables to words in Spanish, you change the rules of stress. (Stress is like emphasis, not anxiety)  We use an accent as a place marker to remind people how to pronounce the original word.

18 Practiquemos: Escribe en español
Eat them. (las uvas) Wash it. (la manzana) Peel it. (el plátano) Cut them. (las zanahorias) Drink it. (el café) Buy them. (las galletas) Sell them. (los quesos)

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