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The disease Causes Symptoms Consequences Prognosis Treatments Prevention Alzheimer in the world Sources.

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Presentación del tema: "The disease Causes Symptoms Consequences Prognosis Treatments Prevention Alzheimer in the world Sources."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 The disease Causes Symptoms Consequences Prognosis Treatments Prevention Alzheimer in the world Sources

3 Irreversible and progressive degenerative illness of the brain. Destroys memory and thinking aptitudes. Symptoms appear first in people, after the 60s.

4 Very complex illness It has been impossible to find an exact cause for Alzheimer. Different factors such us ageing and genetic factors contribute to it. Accumulation of the proteine β amiloide in regions of the brain leds to neuronal death. Genetics

5 Lost of memory. Difficulty to carry out everyday tasks. Forget words. Confusion and disorientation. Language problems Changes in behaviour. Isolation.

6 Emotional stress. Exhaustion. Anger. Isolation. Familiar problems. Ansiety. Depression.

7 Brain damage begins 10 years before the first symptoms appear. Neurons begin to die and the brain affected regions shrinks. There are 3 stages in Alzheimer (mild, moderate and severe stages).

8 There’s no cure for Alzheimer. Current treatments aliviate the symptoms. There are different medications, but they still have secundary effects. Vitamins, tranquilizers, antidepressives and theraphy. Indispensable controlling of the medicines quantities.


10 Physical activity: Walking. Mental activity: Solve crosswords, see films and draw. Avoid smoking and isolation.

11 1. 2. 3. de-alzheimer de-alzheimer 4. 5. 6. sabe-exactamente-qu-hace que.html sabe-exactamente-qu-hace que.html 7. talz/ imer_/33700001.jsp talz/ imer_/33700001.jsp 8. Todos-los-publicos-Destacado/El-futuro-en-la-enfermedad-de- Alzheimer_2791.html Todos-los-publicos-Destacado/El-futuro-en-la-enfermedad-de- Alzheimer_2791.html


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