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Decision Making la toma de decisiones. Vocabulary DecisionsDecisiones ConsequencesConsecuencias InfluenceInfluencia ClarifyAclarar ImpulsiveImpulsivo.

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Presentación del tema: "Decision Making la toma de decisiones. Vocabulary DecisionsDecisiones ConsequencesConsecuencias InfluenceInfluencia ClarifyAclarar ImpulsiveImpulsivo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Decision Making la toma de decisiones

2 Vocabulary DecisionsDecisiones ConsequencesConsecuencias InfluenceInfluencia ClarifyAclarar ImpulsiveImpulsivo ConsistentConsistente Hypocrisy Hiprocresia

3 O Decision- The act of making up one’s own mind O Influence- a power indirectly affecting a person or an action O Pressure- to force by overpowering influence or persuasion O Decisiones-El acto de decidir por voluntad propia O Influencia-un poder que afecta indirectamente a una persona o una acción O estar sometido a presión- sentirse presionado o influenciado por alguien o algo

4 The 3 C’s Of Decision Making O Step 1: Clarify (Aclarar) or clearly state the decision to be made or the problem to be solved (What do I need to decide? What is the problem?) O Step 2: Consider( Considerar) the available alternatives and the consequences or likely outcome of selecting each one. O Step 3:Choose (Elegir)the best alternative and take the necessary action to implement the decision or solution.

5 Points to Make To make the best decisions or solve problems effectively, you should use an organized and logical approach, such as the 3 C’s. The 3 C’s can be used at home, with friends, and at school. Las 3 C pueden utilizarse en casa, con amigos y en la escuela.

6 Turn to page 18 in your LifeSkills book Sue and Ana stopped by the school office on their way home. Sue spotted the pocketbook of Anna’s favorite teacher on the secretary’s desk. She searched through it for the wallet and then removed a $20 bill from it and quickly put it into her pocket. When Anna confronted Sue outside of school, she said she needed it to buy her mother a birthday present and added that she didn’t think the teacher would notice that it was gone anyway. O Sue Y Ana son amigas. Sue tomó 20 dólares de la billetera de su maestra favorita. Anna la enfentó y sud dijo que no pensaba que la maestra se iba a dar cuenta y quería comprar un regalo par su mamá

7 Situation 2 You’re at the basketball court in the park with two friends. One of your friends takes out a pack of cigarettes and asks the two of you if you want to smoke. Your other friends says, “yes” you don’t really want to smoke, but since both of them do, you’re not sure what to do. Si tus amigos están fumando y te ofrecen cigarrillos bueno solamente porque ellos están fumando y no porque de verdad quieres fumar.

8 What influences our decision making? Qué influye en tu toma de decisiones? O Personal opinions opiniones personales O Friend’s opinions opiniones de amigos O Parent’s opinions opiniones de tus padres O What they see on TV O Lo que ves en la televisión O What they read in books or newspapers O Lo que lees en libros o diarios O The costs (inconvenience, time, money) O Lo que valen las cosas (inconvenience, tiempo dinero)

9 Group Decision Making O Many times in our life we will be required to make decisions as a group. O Mucho veces en la vida vamos a tener que tomar decisiones en grupo: O Example: O Sports deportes O Business negocios O Juries jurados

10 Group Decision-Making Activity O Get into groups of 4 O Your job is to follow the 3 Cs model by going through each Step O Record your process on the Group Decision Making Planner on page 19

11 Points to Make O We are influenced by group members because everyone wants to be accepted by the group. O When a person says or does something he/she doesn’t believe in, he is giving up their individuality. This is called hypocrisy. O Individuals have personal reasons for the decisions they make, so it is important that each person decide for himself or herself and not just go along with someone else.


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