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Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa

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Presentación del tema: "Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa

2 Esquema El trabajo en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano
Contratación de servicios El poder empresarial El manejo económico del contrato de trabajo La terminación del contrato de trabajo The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

3 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
Normas internacionales del trabajo Jerarquía supralegal y efectos hermenéuticos de tratados sobre derechos humanos, artículo 93 C.P. (Bloque de constitucionalidad). La Constitución Política consagra la incorporación de los convenios de la OIT, debidamente ratificados, al ordenamiento interno, artículo 53 C.P., (Bloque de legalidad) Aplicación directa, como complemento o refuerzo de una decisión basada en el derecho interno Los convenios y recomendaciones de la OIT son fuente supletoria de derecho, así no hayan sido ratificados. Sirven como guía de interpretación y fuente de inspiración para sentar un principio en caso de vacíos The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

4 El trabajo Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
En un derecho fundamental Tiene amplia relación con la función social de la empresa, el principio de solidaridad, el principio de igualdad, el respeto por la dignidad y la libertad de la persona Tiene estrecha relación con otros derechos constitucionales: el derecho de asociación y el derecho a la seguridad social La Constitución se constituye en fundamento y límite de toda política de carácter laboral The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

5 TRABAJO Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
Dependiente Contrato de trabajo * Independiente Contratos de prestación de servicios TRABAJO Asociativo Organizaciones de trabajo asociado Budget The Marketing department of each firm is allocated a budget for the following period to cover advertising, sales force, research & development, and market research expenditures. You will have to work within this given budget! The budget shows the funds available to spend in the next year. If total spending exceeds the allocated budget for a period, expenses will be automatically cut, starting with advertising expenditures. The budget allocated to the Marketing department is linked to the success of the department: it is a straight 40% of the net contribution achieved in the previous period. Above a maximum level, however, resources are re-allocated to other businesses of the company under a different management organization. A minimum budget is always provided in case of insufficient performance. Because of these resource allocation decision rules, a firm may be given a much larger budget than would really be needed to maximize the firm's performance. In such a situation, the firm should certainly not automatically spend its entire allocated budget. Voluntario Acuerdos o convenios particualres * Contrato de aprendizaje

6 Principios fundamentales del trabajo
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa Principios fundamentales del trabajo Igualdad de oportunidades Remuneración mínima, vital y móvil en proporción a la cantidad y la calidad de trabajo Estabilidad en el empleo Irrenunciabilidad a los derechos mínimos establecidos en las normas Facultades para transigir y conciliar Situación más favorable al trabajador The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

7 Principios fundamentales del trabajo
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa Principios fundamentales del trabajo Primacía de la realidad sobre las formalidades establecidas por los sujetos de las relaciones laborales Garantía a la seguridad social, la capacitación y el descanso Protección especial a la mujer, a la maternidad y al trabajador menor de edad La ley, los contratos, los acuerdos y convenios de trabajo, no pueden menoscabar la libertad, la dignidad humana ni los derechos de los trabajadores The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

8 Reglas de interpretación de las normas laborales
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa Reglas de interpretación de las normas laborales Regla general: en clave de principios, valores y derechos constitucionales Normas del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo Principio de igualdad Principio de favorabilidad Principio de la buena fe La interpretación de las normas laborales cuando se ha ejercido el derecho de asociación The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

9 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
Reclamación de los derechos laborales Reclamación ante el inspector del trabajo Proceso ordinario laboral Acción de tutela La prescripción de las acciones laborales Solución de controversias La conciliación laboral La transacción La decisión judicial The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

10 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
Pasos para una relación de trabajo segura Examen médico de ingreso Carpeta individual del trabajador Elaboración del contrato Afiliaciones (sistema de seguridad social, caja de compensación familiar, seguro de vida colectivo, fondo de cesantías) Registro (vacaciones, trabajo suplementario, trabajadores con contrato verbal, teletrabajo) Otras obligaciones Reglamento interno de trabajo y que incluya el tratamiento para el acoso laboral; reglamento de higiene y de seguridad social Control sobre anticipo de cesantías Reporte en caso de accidentes de trabajo Certificados The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

11 La contratación de servicios
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa La contratación de servicios La relación de trabajo El contrato de trabajo y el contrato de prestación de servicios La ejecución de la relación de trabajo y el principio de primacía de la realidad La intermediación laboral The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

12 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
La contratación de servicios - Contratos de prestación Contrato Laboral de servicios - Prestación de servicio Prestación de servicio - Remuneración (Honorarios) Remuneración (Salario) - Independencia - Autonomía Subordinación (Ordenes – mandatos poder de dirección y disciplinario) Importancia contrato escrito Obligaciones de tipo económico The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

13 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial Concepto Elementos caracterizadores Alcances y límites jurídicos Los representantes del empleador y la responsabilidad The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

14 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial – régimen disciplinario ¿Qué es una falta? Graduación de las sanciones (intencionalidad, trascendencia, reincidencia, culpa o negligencia) El procedimiento sancionatorio El despido no es una sanción disciplinaria The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

15 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial – El acoso laboral como asunto de regulación jurídica (Ley 1010 de 2006) Relaciones de trabajo que afectan la dignidad y la libertad de las personas Igualdad, respeto por la persona y su dignidad Derecho al trabajo, en clave de principios constitucionales, principio de solidaridad y función social de la empresa Finalidad preventiva The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

16 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial – El acoso laboral como asunto de regulación jurídica (Ley 1010 de 2006) Elementos Conducta demostrable y persistente (Frecuencia y duración) ENCAMINADA…(Intención) ¿Resultado? Al menos generar un ambiente hostil en el lugar de trabajo The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

17 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial – El acoso laboral como asunto de regulación jurídica (Ley 1010 de 2006) Directo Explícito y generalmente intencional Indirecto Puede ser no intencional Una práctica aparentemente neutra que tenga un efecto desproporcionalmente negativo sobre un trabajador o grupo de trabajadores The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

18 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
El poder empresarial – El acoso laboral como asunto de regulación jurídica (Ley 1010 de 2006) Situaciones de acoso laboral El procedimiento para el análisis de una situación de acoso laboral Consecuencias que se derivan de una situación de acoso laboral La denuncia temeraria de una situación de acoso laboral The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

19 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
Régimen económico de la relación laboral Jornada de trabajo Salarios (estipulación) – Salario en dinero – Salario en especie- Salario integral – Salario mínimo / aportes parafiscales (ICBF – SENA – CAJAS COMPENSACIÓN) Prestaciones sociales (cesantías, intereses sobre las cesantías, prima) y vacaciones Otras obligaciones (dotación de uniformes, subsidio de transporte, susbsidio familiar a través de las cajas de compensación) Otras prestaciones / acuerdos sobre pagos que pueden no ser tenidos en en cuenta en la base de liquidación de prestaciones sociales Indemnizaciones The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

20 La terminación del contrato de trabajo
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa La terminación del contrato de trabajo El ordenamiento jurídico regula las diferentes etapas de un contrato: celebración, ejecución y terminación Modos de terminación y causales de los modos Obligaciones vinculadas a la terminación The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

21 La terminación del contrato de trabajo El despido
Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa La terminación del contrato de trabajo El despido Su especificidad radica en el hecho que se produce como resultado de la decisión unilateral del empleador de dar por terminado el contrato de trabajo, con o sin justa causa. The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

22 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa
La terminación del contrato de trabajo por parte del empleador El despido Legal con justa causa o sin justa causa Legales especiales: trabajadores especialmente protegidos Despido arbitrario, ilegal o ineficaz Causas que posibilitan el despido con justa causa Consecuencias del despido sin justa causa Consecuencias del despido ilegal y/o ineficaz The Learning Process and the Markstrat Simulation Welcome to the Markstrat simulation. The Markstrat simulation has proven its effectiveness as a learning tool. This is in particular due to the following reasons: Extensive treatment of market competition - Most simulations concentrate on the internal accounting-finance-manufacturing aspects of a firm and have a very simplistic representation of market competition. This is indeed the most difficult component to model, but also the most important one. Strategic perspective - In the Markstrat simulation, learning of strategic concepts prevails over 'gaming' behaviour. It becomes clear that tactical decisions such as pricing, distribution, selling or communications cannot be effective without first defining explicit portfolio, market segmentation, and brand positioning strategies. This is reinforced by the long term perspective provided by the simulation as it usually runs over periods of six to twelve simulated years. Solid theoretical foundations - The Markstrat model incorporates theories of market and competitive behaviour which have been tested empirically in a variety of situations.

23 Gestión de las relaciones laborales en la empresa

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