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ENGLISH: The language of science. 11th Grade III Term Project of English “La interdisciplinariedad es algo excelente si se sustenta firmemente en la disciplinariedad.

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Presentación del tema: "ENGLISH: The language of science. 11th Grade III Term Project of English “La interdisciplinariedad es algo excelente si se sustenta firmemente en la disciplinariedad."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ENGLISH: The language of science. 11th Grade III Term Project of English “La interdisciplinariedad es algo excelente si se sustenta firmemente en la disciplinariedad. Cada asignatura se debe considerar una herramienta eficaz, no un fin en sí misma. Debemos mantener su identidad y, sobre todo, su propia metodología. Solo de esta manera podremos construir una verdadera interdisciplinariedad. De lo contrario, solo lograremos confundir a nuestros alumnos y abordar las materias superficialmente.” Gérard Renaud, 1989 Andrés Verano English Teacher 11th Grade

2 THE LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE “La comprensión interdisciplinaria es la capacidad de integrar conocimientos y formas de pensar de dos o más disciplinas para crear una nueva perspectiva ...  una nueva comprensión ...  no sustituye a la enseñanza disciplinaria, sino que la amplía.” Verónica Boix Mansilla, miembro del equipo Harvard Project Zero

3 FINAL PRODUCT  Monograph Paper Abstract: Delivery 1 EXPLORATION Abstract defenition based on examples. Day 3 cycle 2 Delivery 2 GUIDED LEARNING Abstract of their monograph paper in English Day 3 Cycle 4 Final Delivery Proyecto de Síntesis 5 minutes presentation of their monograph project Abstract of their monograph paper in English and Spanish Day 3 Cycle 6

4 CONTENTS ASIGNATURASCONTENIDOSDESEMPEÑOS English: Using English in Academic environments. Writing formal texts. Reading scientific articles. Giving extended oral presentations

5 EXPLORATION: First Delivery Definition of abstract: Based on the examples suggested by the teacher in the blog. Students will compose a definition of an abstract that includes: Its main characteristics. Its function. Its contents. Definitions should not be shorter than 100 printed words and will be socialized in class so that the group builds a definition together with the help of the teacher. Completion, neatness, formal aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, connectors, spelling, capitalization and puntuation will be graded.

6 GUIDED LEARNING: Second Delivery Abstract: Based on the definition built in class, students will compose the abstract of their monogrpah papers having the same elements and follwing the examples used to build the definition. This will not be longer tan 150 words, nor shorter than 125 words. This will be delivered printed in a White folder containing the 1st delivery. Completion, neatness, formal aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, connectors, spelling, capitalization and puntuation will be graded.

7 SYNTHESIS: Final Delivery Presentation: Students will have 5 minutes to speak about their monogrpah projects with the option of being asked questions. Completion, neatness in their personal presentation, time management, domian of the tipic, body language, visual aids; and formal aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, fluency and pronunciation will be graded. Abstract: Students will deliver the final versión of their abstracts in English and Spanish. Completion, neatness, formal aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, connectors, spelling, capitalization and puntuation will be graded.

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