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Stem Changing Verbs Español II – p. 27,40.

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Presentación del tema: "Stem Changing Verbs Español II – p. 27,40."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Stem Changing Verbs Español II – p. 27,40

2 Stem is the part of the verb that is left after we drop the… -ar, -er, -ir
Example: BAILAR  BAIL Stem changing verbs have a spelling change in their stems in all forms of the present tense except for nosotros and vosotros.

3 Stem changing verbs are also known as “boot” or “shoe” verbs because the changes happen within ‘the boot’.

4 2.Empezar (e – ie) - empiez 3. (Yo) Empezar (e – ie) - empiezo
In order to conjugate a stem changing verb… 1) Drop the -ar / -er / -ir. 2) Replace the original vowel with the new vowel(s). 3) Conjugate according to who is doing the action. Example: 1.Empezar (e – ie) - empez 2.Empezar (e – ie) - empiez 3. (Yo) Empezar (e – ie) - empiezo

5 Stem-Changing Verbs Continued…

6 o – ue verbs Stem changing verbs that have an ‘o’ in them are o – ue verbs. - Almorzar - Costar - Dormir - Poder

7 Poder (o – ue) To be able to / can

8 Almorzar (o – ue)

9 Costar (o-ue)

10 Dormir (o – ue)

11 u – ue verbs Jugar is the only u – ue verb.

12 Jugar (u-ue)

13 Verbs that end in –ir are usually e - i verbs with the exception of ‘preferir’
Servir Repetir Pedir e – i verbs

14 Servir (e – i)

15 Repetir (e – i) Me gusta cantar Me gusta cantar Me gusta cantar

16 Empezar Entender Pensar Preferir Querer e – ie verbs

17 Entender (e - ie)

18 Pensar (e – ie)

19 Preferir (e – ie)

20 Querer (e - ie) "Yo quiero Taco Bell."

21 Empezar (e – ie)

22 VERBOS u > ue e > i Jugar Pedir Repetir Servir e > ie
To play Pedir To ask for Repetir To repeat Servir To serve e > ie o > ue Almorzar To eat lunch Costar To cost Dormir To sleep Poder To be able to Empezar To begin Entender To understand Pensar To think Preferir To prefer Querer To want

23 ¡A Practicar! Yo Nosotros Tú (Vosotros) Él, Ella Usted (Ud.)
Ellos, Ellas Ustedes

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