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Publicada porTecla Remedios Modificado hace 9 años
Stem-changing verbs are different from regular verbs because when you conjugate these verbs, not only do you change the endings but you also change the stem (except for the nosotros & vosotros form). Quick Review: A verb has two parts - the stem and the ending. For example: perder (to lose) Perd + er Stem Ending
Which vowel changes in a stem-changing verb? 1.Start the conjugation process as we normally would: 2. Remove the last two letters (-AR, -ER or -IR.) 3.If the verb is a stem-changer, the very next vowel to the left will be the one that changes: Entender -----> Entend (-er) ---> Entend- ---> Entiend- Preferir ------> Prefer (-ir) ----> Prefer- ----> Prefier- You can use this rule to identify verbs which cannot be stem- changers since only the vowels "E" and "O" can stem-change: Decidir (the next vowel after the ending is removed is an "i" which cannot change) Acampar (the next vowel after the ending is removed is an "a" which cannot change) Buscar (the next vowel after the ending is removed is a "u" which cannot change)
In verbs that have an e to ie change, when you conjugate the verb, you change the ‘e’ in the stem to ‘ie’ in all forms except the nosotrosn and vosotros form.
c e rrar – to close com e nzar – to begin emp e zar – to begin p e nsar – to think Examples of e ie Stem-Changing verbs in the present tense: ent e nder – to understand p e rder – to lose qu e rer – to want pref e rir – to prefer ref e rir – to refer s e ntir – to feel, to regret
Tener (to have) and Venir (to come) are also e-ie stem-changing verbs but these verbs have an irregular ‘yo’ form. TENER – to have Yo tengo Nosotros tenemos Tú tienes Vosotros tenéis Él Ella tiene Usted Ellos Ellas tienen Ustedes VENIR – to come Yo vengo Nosotros venimos Tú vienes Vosotros venéis Él Ella viene Usted Ellos Ellas vienen Ustedes
In verbs that have an o to ue change, when you conjugate the verb, you change the ‘o’ in the stem to ‘ue’ in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros form.
alm o rzar – to eat lunch c o ntar– to count c o lgar – to hang c o star – to cost enc o ntrar – to meet to find m o strar – to show rec o rdar – to remember v o lar – to fly Examples of o ue Stem-Changing verbs in the present tense: p o der – to be able to v o lver – to return d o rmir – to sleep
In the verb, Jugar (to play) the stem-change is u - ue. Jugar – to play Yo juego Nosotros jugamos Tú juegas Vosotros jugáis Él Ella juega Usted Ellos Ellas juegan Ustedes
In verbs that have an e to i change, when you conjugate the verb, you change the ‘e’ in the stem to ‘i’ in all forms except the nosotros and vosotros form.
p e dir – to ask for, to order rep e tir – to repeat s e rvir – to serve s e guir – to follow, to continue cons e guir – to get Examples of e i Stem-Changing verbs in the present tense:
The verbs Seguir (to follow, to continue) and Conseguir (to get) are e-i stem-changing verbs but these verbs have an irregular ‘yo’ form. You drop the letter ‘u’ in the Yo form. SEGUIR – to follow, to continue Yo sigo Nosotros seguimos Tú sigues Vosotros seguís Él Ella sigue Usted Ellos Ellas siguen Ustedes CONSEGUIR – to get Yo consigo Nosotros conseguimos Tú consigues Vosotros conseguís Él Ella consigue Usted Ellos Ellas consiguen Ustedes
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