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PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. Prof.. José Enrique Torres del Castillo.

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Presentación del tema: "PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. Prof.. José Enrique Torres del Castillo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. Prof.. José Enrique Torres del Castillo

2 Las preposiciones de lugar se utilizan para indicar la ubicación de objetos o lugares. IN (dentro de) ON (encima de) UNDER (debajo de) NEXT TO (al lado de) ACROSS FROM (cruzando) BETWEEN (en medio de) ON THE CORNER OF (en la esquina de) BEHIND (detrás de)

3 IN ON The brain is in the head The patient is on the bed

4 UNDER NEXT TO UNDER NEXT TO The book is under the pitufo. Laurel is next to hardy

5 ACROOS FROM BETWEEN Africa is across from The Atlantic ocean. Bombon is between Bellota and Burbuja.

6 On the corner of Behind Snoopy is dancing on the corner of Rio Bravo and Rio Frio. Laura is behind Brozo.

7 EXERCISE: Complete using the correct preposition. Tontin is ___his brothers. The letters are ___ the bag. Shrek is _____ burro and the princess.

8 The deer is _____ Santa Claus. Their house is _____ the ocean. Wonderwoman is ____ Superman. Batman is _________ Flash and Superman.

9 The house is _______ Snoopy. The kids are _______ the gallery. The daily planet is ______ Superman.

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