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Español 1 lunes el 8 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up: Mott Mini Lesson Fill out book condition form (1 st hour) Vowel Sounds & alphabet practice Tarea (HW):

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Presentación del tema: "Español 1 lunes el 8 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up: Mott Mini Lesson Fill out book condition form (1 st hour) Vowel Sounds & alphabet practice Tarea (HW):"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Español 1 lunes el 8 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up: Mott Mini Lesson Fill out book condition form (1 st hour) Vowel Sounds & alphabet practice Tarea (HW): Study Spanish letter sounds. Quiz at the end of this week!

2 Español 2 hoy es el 8 de septiembre Daily Warm-Up: Mott Mini Lesson Fill out book condition form AR Verb Review: – Look over pretest – Review subject pronouns and ar endings Tarea (HW): Study AR verb definitions. Quiz at the end of this week!

3 Finn’s 4 th hour Now has A lunch!

4 Español 1 martes el 9 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson – Alphabet & vowels song Verbal Alphabet practice – Vowels & consonants Dictation practice – Spelling and listening Tarea (HW): Study Spanish letter sounds. Quiz at the end of this week (Friday)!

5 Partner Practice Quiz each other on letter sounds. – Ask at least 5 letters Quiz each other on spelling – Make them spell at least 3 words *Turn in the paper with both names on it at the end.

6 Español 2 martes el 9 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson AR Verbs Verbal Practice Review Steps of Conjugating Verbs – Song/video (youtube) – AR Verb Drills sheet #1 – Pick 15 and write them 2x each Tarea (HW): Study AR verb definitions. Quiz at the end of this week (Friday)!

7 Español 1 miércoles el 10 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson Practice Quiz: alphabet & spelling Cap. 1 Sec. 1 Vocab Definition sheet – Define terms using the book – Go over and practice as a class Tarea (HW): Keep studying Spanish letter sounds. Alphabet Quiz Friday! Start memorizing vocab list 1.1 YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!

8 Español 2 miércoles el 10 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson Homework log & work check in – 15 definitions 2x & worksheet #1 White Board Practice Workbook Practice Tarea (HW): Study AR verb definitions. Quiz at the end of this week (Friday)!

9 Español 1 jueves el 11 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson Alphabet Flyswatter Game Mini Practice Quiz(white boards) Vocab 1.1 check in and practice Tarea (HW): Study Spanish letter sounds. Alphabet Quiz Tomorrow! Start memorizing vocab list 1.1 YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!

10 Español 2 jueves el 11 de septiembre Daily Warm-up: Mott Mini Lesson Match ‘Em activity Review & Practice Quiz(computer lab) Tarea (HW): Study AR verb definitions. Quiz tomorrow!

11 Español 1 viernes el 12 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Collect Warm-up & Homework log QUIZ: Spanish Alphabet Vocab 1.1 practice Tarea (HW): Start memorizing vocab list 1.1 YOU NEED YOUR BOOK!

12 Daily Warm Up 9/12/14 Over the past week, how have you prepared for today’s quiz? Give a description of what types of things you have done to study.

13 Habla a tu compañero Talk to your classmate

14 Español 2 viernes el 12 de septiembre Daily Warm-up Collect Warm-up & Homework log QUIZ: AR Verbs ER/IR practice Tarea (HW): Study ER/IR verb definitions

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