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R EVIEW FOR C HAPTER 6 TEST 50 points. S EGOVIA (P AGINAS 200-203) 4 POINTS Most travelers and tourists take the train to travel between Madrid and Segovia.

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Presentación del tema: "R EVIEW FOR C HAPTER 6 TEST 50 points. S EGOVIA (P AGINAS 200-203) 4 POINTS Most travelers and tourists take the train to travel between Madrid and Segovia."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 S EGOVIA (P AGINAS 200-203) 4 POINTS Most travelers and tourists take the train to travel between Madrid and Segovia. The alcazar de Segovia is located at the highest point in the city. The Catedral de Segovia is located where the Eresma and Clamores rivers meet. The aqueduct in Segovia is still standing due to the way in which the stones were placed in perfect balance.

3 E SCUCHEMOS 4 POINTS You will be looking at a picture and deciding if the statements you hear a) match the picture or b) do not match the picture

4 E SCUCHEMOS 4 POINTS You will be listening to an audio recording and deciding if the written statements are a) cierto or b falso Study 6.1 and 6.2 vocabulary (Page 237) El tio Fernando era jugueton

5 L EAMOS 8 POINTS Pedro is describing how things changed when his little sister was born. Read what he says and then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. Read what Pedro has to say about the day his sister was born. Choose a for cierto and b for falso.

6 V OCABULARY 5 POINTS You will be reading and matching each sentence with the correct picture. En el verano, me gustaba mucho columpiarme en el parque de mi vecindario (neighborhood).

7 V OCABULARY 5 POINTS carreras, dibujos animados, la cuerda, travesuras, astronauta Mi hermano menor hac í a muchas ____________ de ni ñ o. No me gustaba mucho echar __________

8 T HE IMPERFECT (P AGINAS 210-212) 5 POINTS Ana siempre _______________ a) era b) ibas c) veia dibujos animados. Eras) b) Iban c) Ibas a la playa todos los veranos cuando eras joven? Era and habia Quererse Contarse ( to tell)

9 G RAMATICA A NSWER THE FOLLOWING Q UESTIONS USING COMPLETE SENTENCES : (5 POINTS ) 1. ¿ Hacias travesuras cuando ten í as diez a ñ os? 2. ¿Qu é querias ser de niño/a? 3. ¿C ó mo eras en aquel entonces (back then)? 4. ¿C ó mo eran tus amigos? 5. ¿C ó mo te sentiste cuando supiste la noticia?

10 G RAMATICA (5 P UNTOS ) Answer the following questions using the preterite. ¿ Qu é hicieron t ú y tu hermana cuando se reunieron despu é s de muchos años? (abrazarse) ¿C ó mo reaccionaste cuando Magda se fue a Venezuela? (sentirse) saber estar ponerse

11 T HE P RETERITE Complete the sentences with the correct preterite form of each verb in parentheses. El sabado pasado nosotros_______(construir) una casa. construir oir caerse ponerse querer

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