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Mandatos Formales Usted/Ustedes Commands and their negative counterparts.

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Presentación del tema: "Mandatos Formales Usted/Ustedes Commands and their negative counterparts."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Mandatos Formales Usted/Ustedes Commands and their negative counterparts.

2 Usted/ustedes command review -ar verbs Hablarhablohable Pensarpiensopiense Comenzarcomienzocomience Probarpruebopruebe Take the yo, drop the o, add e or en

3 Usted/ustedes command review -ir/-erverbs Comercomocoma Hervirhiervohierva Batirbatobata Tenertengotenga Take the yo, drop the o, add a or an

4 Commands and pronouns When a command is used with a pronoun in English: Stop it! Boil them! Talk to me!

5 We know three types of pronouns: Reflexive Direct object Indirect object

6 Reflexive pronouns Me Te Se Nos Os Se

7 Direct object pronouns Me Te lo/ la Nos Os Los/ las

8 Indirect object pronouns Me Te le Nos Os les

9 If you have an affirmative command, ie you are telling someone to do something, then you attach the pronoun to the end of the command and add an accent. The accent goes on the second to last vowel when you remove the pronoun.

10 Examples: Cepillarsecepillecepíllese Leer lolealéalo Hervir lashiervahiérvalas

11 The rules are different are if you tell someone not to do something. For example: Don’t tell me! Don’t drink the milk! Don’t believe her!

12 Commands and pronouns For Negative commands: –The pronoun must go after the “no” and before the command. –The command must be set up as follows: no – pronoun– Ud. / Uds. command No se duerma. No se acuesten. No la pongan. No me hable. No lo haga. No me lo den.

13 Formation of Ud./Uds. Commands w/ pronouns Ud. mirarse Uds. sentarse Ud. no dormirse Uds. darles un regalo Ud. abrir la puerta Uds. no escribirnos una carta Ud. ponerse Uds. hacerme un pastel Ud. no comprar el libro Uds. abrazar a sus abuelos Ud. no maquillarse Uds. despertar al chico Ud. llamarme Uds. no encender las velitas Ud. traer los refrescos a mí mírese siéntense no se duerma denles un regalo ábrala no nos la escriban Póngase Háganme un pastel no lo compre abrácenlos no se maquille despiértenlo llámeme no las enciendan Tráigamelos

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