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Publicada porRamón Toste Modificado hace 10 años
Present Progressives…… “-ING” bailando (dancing) comiendo (eating) leyendo (reading) creyendo (believing) bebiendo (drinking) estudiando (studying)
present progressive…-ING The present progressive talks about what is happening right now. For example: You are eating.He is reading.I am studying. To form this in Spanish, use a conjugated form of ESTAR (to be) followed by the –ing. Soooo…. ¿Cuáles son las formas de estar?
present progressive…-ING ESTAR (to be) ….. yo tú él,ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. estoy (I am) estás (You are) está (He/She is) estamos (We are) estáis (Y’all are) están (They are) <<<<<<<<<<<< Notice the accents!!
present progressive…-ING Next…. Replace the –AR ending of –ar verbs with –ANDO and the –ER/-IR endings of –er/-ir verbs with -IENDO bail ARANDO dance dancING com ERIENDO escrib IRIENDO eat eatING write writING
A couple little tricky things…. Sometimes you must change the spelling in order to maintain the original sound of the word. This is called an orthographic change. Some common examples are: caer: cayendo creer: creyendo huir: huyendo ir: yendo influir: influyendo oír: oyendo traer: trayendo leer: leyendo seguir: siguiendo One way to remember which to change is to conjugate the verb “normally” and if you end up with three (3) vowels in a row, then you need to replace the “i” with “y”. present progressive…-ING
For example… caer (to fall) leer(to read) traer (to take) present progressive…-ING ca IENDO 3 vowels (aei)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo le IENDO 3 vowels (eie)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo tra IENDO 3 vowels (aei)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo Why??? Say the first version (with the 3 vowels) and then say the word with the replacement “y” in there. Which one is easier to say?? caIENDO or caYendo
One more little tricky thing…. To form the present participle of -ir stem changing verbs (BOOT VERBS!) change e->i and o->u in the stem, and then add -iendo to the stem of the verb. e->i servir (to serve) pedir (to ask for) decir (to say) o->u dormir (to sleep) morir (to die) sirvir pedir ->>> decir ->>> servirsirviendo pidiendo diciendo dormirdurmir present progressive…-ING durmiendo morir ->>>muriendo
Estar + present particple (-ing) Put it all together…. present progressive…-ING Traduzca lo siguiente. 1)I am studying (estudiar). ___________________ 2)They are reading (leer). ___________________ 3)Y’all are bringing (traer). ___________________ 4)He is dying (morir). ___________________ 5)We are serving. (servir). ___________________ 6)You (tú) are eating (comer). ___________________ (Yo) estoy estudiando. (Ellos/as) están leyendo. (Vosotros) estáis trayendo. (Él) está muriendo. (Nosotros) estamos sirviendo. (Tú) estás comiendo.
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