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Present Progressives…… “-ING” bailando (dancing) comiendo (eating) leyendo (reading) creyendo (believing) bebiendo (drinking) estudiando (studying)

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Presentación del tema: "Present Progressives…… “-ING” bailando (dancing) comiendo (eating) leyendo (reading) creyendo (believing) bebiendo (drinking) estudiando (studying)"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Present Progressives…… “-ING” bailando (dancing) comiendo (eating) leyendo (reading) creyendo (believing) bebiendo (drinking) estudiando (studying)

2 present progressive…-ING The present progressive talks about what is happening right now. For example: You are eating.He is reading.I am studying. To form this in Spanish, use a conjugated form of ESTAR (to be) followed by the –ing. Soooo…. ¿Cuáles son las formas de estar?

3 present progressive…-ING ESTAR (to be) ….. yo tú él,ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. estoy (I am) estás (You are) está (He/She is) estamos (We are) estáis (Y’all are) están (They are) <<<<<<<<<<<< Notice the accents!!

4 present progressive…-ING Next…. Replace the –AR ending of –ar verbs with –ANDO and the –ER/-IR endings of –er/-ir verbs with -IENDO bail ARANDO dance  dancING com ERIENDO escrib IRIENDO eat  eatING write  writING

5 A couple little tricky things…. Sometimes you must change the spelling in order to maintain the original sound of the word. This is called an orthographic change. Some common examples are: caer: cayendo creer: creyendo huir: huyendo ir: yendo influir: influyendo oír: oyendo traer: trayendo leer: leyendo seguir: siguiendo One way to remember which to change is to conjugate the verb “normally” and if you end up with three (3) vowels in a row, then you need to replace the “i” with “y”. present progressive…-ING

6 For example… caer (to fall) leer(to read) traer (to take) present progressive…-ING ca IENDO 3 vowels (aei)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo le IENDO 3 vowels (eie)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo tra IENDO 3 vowels (aei)!!! Drop the “i” & add a “y” Yendo Why??? Say the first version (with the 3 vowels) and then say the word with the replacement “y” in there. Which one is easier to say?? caIENDO or caYendo

7 One more little tricky thing…. To form the present participle of -ir stem changing verbs (BOOT VERBS!) change e->i and o->u in the stem, and then add -iendo to the stem of the verb. e->i servir (to serve) pedir (to ask for) decir (to say) o->u dormir (to sleep) morir (to die) sirvir pedir ->>> decir ->>> servirsirviendo pidiendo diciendo dormirdurmir present progressive…-ING durmiendo morir ->>>muriendo

8 Estar + present particple (-ing) Put it all together…. present progressive…-ING Traduzca lo siguiente. 1)I am studying (estudiar). ___________________ 2)They are reading (leer). ___________________ 3)Y’all are bringing (traer). ___________________ 4)He is dying (morir). ___________________ 5)We are serving. (servir). ___________________ 6)You (tú) are eating (comer). ___________________ (Yo) estoy estudiando. (Ellos/as) están leyendo. (Vosotros) estáis trayendo. (Él) está muriendo. (Nosotros) estamos sirviendo. (Tú) estás comiendo.

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