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E2 C5.1 Possessive pronouns and adjectives. Remember the charts: both match the noun in number and gender  Mi  Tu  Su  Nuestro  Su  Mío  Tuyo 

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Presentation on theme: "E2 C5.1 Possessive pronouns and adjectives. Remember the charts: both match the noun in number and gender  Mi  Tu  Su  Nuestro  Su  Mío  Tuyo "— Presentation transcript:

1 E2 C5.1 Possessive pronouns and adjectives

2 Remember the charts: both match the noun in number and gender  Mi  Tu  Su  Nuestro  Su  Mío  Tuyo  Suyo  Nuestro  Suyo

3 Use ser and possessive pronouns and adjectives to claim possession of the following :

4 1. It is Pepe’s lotion. 2. It is his lotion. 3. It is his. 1. Es la crema de Pepe 2. Es su crema 3. Es la suya

5 1. They are Sra. Murphy’s students. 2. They are her students. 3. They are hers. 1. Son los estudiantes de Sra. M. 2. Son sus estudiantes. 3. Son los suyos.

6 1. It is Pepe and Paco’s homework. 2. It is their homework. 3. It is theirs. 1. Es la tarea de Pepe y Paco 2. Es su tarea 3. Es la suya

7 It is my friend Es mi amigo Es el amigo mío

8 They are my books Son mis libros Son los libros míos

9 It is her cream Es su crema Es la crema suya

10 It is their umbrella (el paraguas) Es su paraguas Es el paraguas suyo

11 They are our keys (las llaves) Son nuestras llaves Son las llaves nuestras

12 It is their raincoat Es su impermeable Es el impermeable suyo

13 Now describe your family and friends:

14 Your sister is beautiful Tu hermana es bonita La hermana tuya es bonita

15 My friends are fun Mis amigos son divertidos Los amigos míos son divertidos

16 Our family is big Nuestra familia es grande La familia nuestra es grande

17 His key’s are on the table Sus llaves están en la mesa Las llaves suyas están en la mesa

18 They did their homework. Hicieron su tarea Hicieron la tarea suya

19 Now change the following to just say it is mine/yours/his her/our/thiers - Remember- leave out the noun and just use the possessive pronoun with the word “the” - It is mine (el libro) - Es el mío

20 It is his: raincoat (el impermeable) Es el suyo

21 It is ours: piñata Es la nuestra

22 They are hers: keys (las llaves) Son las suyas

23 It is hers: cream (la crema) Es la suya

24 They are mine: friends Son los míos

25 It is yours: garbage (la basura) Es la tuya

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