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Cuba Crystal Navarrete By:.

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Presentación del tema: "Cuba Crystal Navarrete By:."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 cuba Crystal Navarrete By:

2 Información básica La capital de Cuba es la Habana
La población actual del país es de 11,308,764 El clima en Cuba es, En general es bastante aceptado expresar que el clima de Cuba es tropical, estacionalmente húmedo, con influencia marítima y rasgos de semicontinentalidad Las lenguas que se hablan en Cuba son El idioma oficial de Cuba es el español y no existen dialectos. En el idioma se refleja la mezcla de las lenguas de distintas razas y se distingue la influencia de palabras aborígenes y africanas

3 información básica Moneda : peso Cubano (CUP)=100 centavos
Economía: Cuba has a dual economy, with two distinct systems operating side by side. The socialist peso economy applies to most Cubans, providing them with free education, free health care, universal employment, unemployment compensation, disability and retirement benefits and the basis necessities of life: food, housing, utilities and some entertainment at very low cost. The free-market dollarized economy operates in the tourist, international and export sectors, and substantially sustains the socialist economy.

4 Información básica Agricultura Cuba is now one of the world leaders in biofertilisers, with a highly impressive production of organic food. Exportación principales : Es la isla de mayor extensión de las Antillas Mayores, se ubica al sur de Florida, al norte de Jamaica, al este de la península de Yucatán y al oeste de las Bahamas y de La Española. La República de Cuba comprende también más de isletas, cayos e islas, entre las que destaca por su superficie la isla de la Juventud. Son sus principales archipiélagos: el archipiélago de Camagüey y el de Sabana en el océano Atlántico, y el archipiélago de los Jardines de la Reina en el mar Caribe.

5 Cultura Religion: Cuba is a society with a population of mainly Spanish and their belief in the Catholic Church Musica: En Cuba se conose escuchar mucho la salsa

6 Bandera The Meaning & History of the Cuban Flag. The colors represent the following: Blue stripes refer to the three old divisions of the island White to the strength of the independent ideal Red triangle stands for equality, fraternity and freedom and the blood split in the struggle for independence The lone star symbolizes the absolute freedom among the Cuban people

7 Figura Representativa
Fidel Castro, the illegitimate son of a successful Creole sugar plantation owner, was born in Cuba in He was a rebellious boy and at the age of thirteen helped to organize a strike of sugar workers on his father's plantation. Both his parents were illiterate but they were determined that their children should receive a good education and Fidel was sent to a Jesuit boarding school. Although he disliked the strict discipline of the school, Fidel soon showed that he was extremely intelligent. However, except for history, he preferred sports to academic subjects. Fidel was good at running, soccer and baseball, and in 1944 was awarded the prize as Cuba's best all-round school athlete. After he had finished his education Castro became a lawyer in Havana. As he tended to take the cases of poor people who could not afford to pay him, Castro was constantly short of money. Castro's experience as a lawyer made him extremely critical of the great inequalities in wealth that existed in Cuba. Like many other Cubans, Castro resented the wealth and power of the American businessmen who appeared to control the country.

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