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LOS MANDATOS FORMALES  Formal commands are addressed to “usted” and “ustedes”  Commands tell someone to do or not to do something.

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Presentación del tema: "LOS MANDATOS FORMALES  Formal commands are addressed to “usted” and “ustedes”  Commands tell someone to do or not to do something."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 LOS MANDATOS FORMALES  Formal commands are addressed to “usted” and “ustedes”  Commands tell someone to do or not to do something

3 Regular Verbs 1.Use yo form of the present indicative as a base: hablo 2. Take off the –o: habl- 3. Add –e/-en for –ar verbs -a/-an for –er/-ir verbs hable hablen coma coman escriba escriban

4 Irregular Verbs dar estar ir ser dé / den esté / estén vaya / vayan sea / sean

5 Spelling Changes -car -gar llego empiezo -zar -ger -gir saco saque(n) empieze llege sace present tense protejo empiece(n) llegue(n) proteja(n) elijoelija(n) proteger eligir

6 Pronouns with commands Attach pronouns to Affirmative commands. No se levanten Uds. Póngala Ud. Add an accent if the word has 3 or more syllables: Do not attach a pronoun to a Negative command: Levántense Uds. No la ponga Ud.

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