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Publicada porPatricio Arevalo Modificado hace 10 años
Español II 3-2 Chores and complaining Practice your listening and speaking. Listen to the recording and respond. Click to the next slide to check your answer.
For the following questions you are responding to a friend who is asking you about who does which chores at your house. Use direct object pronouns in your answers whenever possible. I have provided some possible answers. If you have any questions about possible answers, write them down and ask during class. Click to next slide to hear the first question.
Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity. En tu casa, ¿quién saca la basura?
Mi hermano la saca. Yo la saco. Todos nosotros la sacamos. Mis padres la sacan.
Normalmente, ¿quién ordena los cuartos? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Mi mamá los ordena. Yo los ordeno. Mi abuela y yo los ordenamos. Mis hermanos los ordenan.
¿Y quién riega el jardín? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Mi papá lo riega. Yo lo riego. Mi hermano y yo lo regamos. Mis padres lo riegan.
¿Tu hermano pasa la aspiradora? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, la pasa. No, no la pasa.
¿Tiendes tú las camas? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, las tiendo yo. No, no las tiendo.
¿Quién trapea los pisos? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Mi papá los trapea. Yo los trapeo. Todos nosotros los trapeamos. Mis hermanos los trapean.
¿Quién barre el piso del comedor? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Mi mamá lo barre. Yo lo barro. Todos nosotros lo barremos. Mis hermanos lo barren.
¿Sacude el polvo tu hermana? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, ella lo sacude. No, ella no lo sacude. No, tengo hermana. Mi mamá lo sacude.
¿Siempre te toca a ti quitar la mesa? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, siempre me toca a mí quitarla. No, nunca me toca a mí quitarla.
¿A quién le toca poner la mesa? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Le toca a mi hermano ponerla. Me toca a mí ponerla. Les toca a mis hermanos ponerla. Nos toca a todos nosotros ponerla.
For the following questions you are responding to your mom who is asking you if you did the chores she asked you to do. Use direct object pronouns in your answers whenever possible. I have provided some possible answers. If you have any questions about possible answers, write them down and ask during class. Click to next slide to hear the first question.
¿Ya limpiaste el cuarto de baño? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, ya lo limpié. No, no lo limpié.
¿Ordenaste tu cuarto? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, ya lo ordené. No, no lo ordené.
¿Pasaste la aspiradora esta semana? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, ya la pasé. No, no la pasé.
¿Guardaste la ropa en el armario? Double click on the speaker to hear the audio. If you don’t understand after a few tries, click anywhere on the slide to see a sentence of what is being said. Only do this if you are having a hard time because this is a listening activity.
Sí, ya la guardé. No, no la guardé.
Now your dad is asking who is going to do each chore so that everyone has a job. Answer her questions using direct object pronouns.
¿Quién va a barrer el piso?
Paca lo va a barrer. Yo lo voy a barrer. Juan y María lo van a barrer.
¿Quién va a pasar la aspiradora?
Paca la va a pasar. Yo la voy a pasar. Juan y María la van a pasar. (Don’t forget you can put the Direct Object Pronoun attached to the end of the infinitive) Ex: Paco va a pasarla.
¿Quién va a lavar los platos?
Paco los va a lavar. Yo los voy a lavar. Juan y María los van a lavar. (Don’t forget you can put the Direct Object Pronoun attached to the end of the infinitive) Ex: Paco va a lavarlos.
¿Quién va a regar las flores ?
Paco las va a regar. Yo las voy a regar. Juan y María las van a regar. (Don’t forget you can put the Direct Object Pronoun attached to the end of the infinitive) Ex: Paco va a darlo de comer.
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