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Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal Universidad.

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1 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal Universidad Nacional de San Luis - Argentina Main research activities

2 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 2 Second Talk Agenda Main research activities in the context of project: “Software Engineering: Concepts and Tools” and also related with M.Sc. Program in Software Engineering Project tracks Project activities Project structure Project results Examples of project activities Summary

3 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 3 Project tracks With special emphasis in E-Business and E-Government applications, the Universidad Nacional de San Luis Project includes, as elements to improve Software Process: -Formalisms -Meta-Environments for Software Production -Techniques and Tools for Knowledge-Based Requirements Engineering -Safety-Critical Software -Trends in Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems -Internet Repository Services -Measurement Support in Software Engineering Environments -Software Productivity Tools -Software Projects Management -Software Project Budgeting

4 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 4 Project activities motivation Internet applications permeate both almost every aspects of business and important areas of government. E Business and E Government are environments of special interest in our project context. Both business manager and government official job increasingly depend on an Internet critical application. They also increasingly expect it to be available, reliable, safe, secure, and usable, despite our their mobility, unpredictability, and changing needs. The development of such software poses increasing challenges for software engineering teams, who are themselves distributed, perhaps mobile, have varied skills, and often speak varied languages. Software engineering must address these challenges through the development and refinement of new techniques, practices, and tools included in general engineering principles. We point that a software engineering team must think of software not only as an algorithm description or a product, but also as a service, a commodity, or even as a user experience.

5 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 5 Project structure Line 1: Software Engineering: E- Business / E- Government fundamentals (Arístides Dasso): –Formalisms –Software production meta-environments –Requierent engineering knowledge based techniques and tools –Software confidence –Real time system formal specification –Data and objects persistence Line 2: Software Engineering: E- Business / E- Government projects (Germán Montejano) –Architectures –Software metrics –Software productivity tools –Software project management –Software project estimations

6 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 6 Project current results Six MSc Thesis on Software Engineering presented in the last two years. MSc Thesis authors are now PhD candidates and members of our team. More than fifty paper presented and published internationaly during the last five years Member of our team have been invited as Key Note Speakers at international Software Engineering Conferences An important knowledge transfer process to social and productive environment have been executed.

7 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 7 Example of project activities As examples of our project activities we shall describe, briefly: –Formal methods (RAISE) used in very sensitive applications specification phase –Petri Nets used in OLAP - OLTP levels interaction modelling (time constrains)

8 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 8 Formal Methods: RAISE RAISE stands for Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering. RAISE emphasizes the use of formal (mathematical) techniques in the development of software: in requirements analysis and formulation, specification, design and development. RAISE offers the RAISE Specification Language (RSL) and the RAISE method.

9 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 9 Formal Methods: RAISE RAISE was initially developed in the European ESPRIT Project RAISE, from 1985 to 1990, with the aim of providing a unifying improvement over formal methods such as VDM, Z, CSP, CCS, Larch and OBJ. It was later further developed in the ESPRIT Project LaCoS (Large scale Correct Systems using formal methods), from 1990 to 1995. UNU is currently improving RAISE and RSL

10 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 10 Formal Methods: RAISE RSL provides a rich, mathematically based notation in which requirements, specifications and steps of design of software may be formulated and reasoned about. RSL is a wide-spectrum language: it facilitates abstract, axiomatic styles of description as well as concrete, operational styles. It may be used from initial domain and requirements analysis through design to a level at which it may be translated into code.

11 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 11 Formal Methods: RAISE The RAISE method provides a set of techniques and recommendations about RSL use in several life-cycle phases of software development, as well as techniques for verifying properties of specifications, implementations and their relationships, formally, rigorously or informally.

12 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 12 BP - OLTP and OLAP general scheme Finance Management Information System Human Resources Information System Logistic Information System Manufacture Information System Datawarehouse Business (or governmental) Processes (BP) Demand Components EIS (BSC)

13 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 13 Cuadro de Mando Integral (BSC) Datawarehouse (ROLAP-RDBMS) (Base de Datos Concentradora) Información en Project (Web) Información en BdeD RDBMS (OLTP) Información en Excel (Web) Información en Auto CAD (Web) InformaciónDigital en Base de Datos Documental (Web) La confiabilidad y el nivel de actualización de la información operativa son esenciales Información Operativa Información para el Control de Gestión

14 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 14 Balanced Scorecard concept Balanced Scorecard is for organizations the same thing that fly instrumental for airplanes

15 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 15 Ratios and Perspectives into BSC If we are using Kaplan and Norton point of view, it is also convenient to use the "Critical Success Factors" approach to define the ratios for the four BSC perspectives (classic point of view). These classic or standard BSC perspectives are: -Financial perspective (how do we perceive our shareholders?) -Customer perspective (how do we perceive our customers?) -Process perspective (in what processes should we excel to succeed?) -Learning and innovation perspective (how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?)

16 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 16 A “canonic” BSC

17 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 17 Indicators and Ratios

18 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 18 BSC Indicator displayed

19 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 19 BSC General Architecture Frequently we have noted that the technical excellence of an EIS has an inverse relationship with effectiveness. Systems that are technical masterpieces tend to be inflexible, and thus discourage innovation, experimentation and mental model development. EIS must be included in a general five layers architecture: -Business (or Governmental) Process Layer -Transactional (OLTP) Systems Layer -Datawarehouse Layer -EIS specific Software Tool Layer -Conceptual contents Layer (in this layer Kaplan & Norton BSC concept is used)

20 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 20 Real world BSC example

21 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 21 BSC Strategic Mapping Scheme

22 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 22 BSC automatic generation from Strategic Mapping (tools developed by our team)

23 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 23 BSC specifications with RAISE A scheme called STAKEHOLDERS is defined as a semantic unit, we mean a first specification module that will be reused in next definitions of Balanced Scorecard elements. scheme STAKEHOLDERS = type Main_Stakeholder = { | s:Stakeholder  is_Main_Stakeholder(s) | }, Client = { | s:Stakeholder  is_Client(s) | }, Employee= { | s:Stakeholder  is_Employee(s) | }, Shareholder = { | s:Stakeholder  is_Shareholder(s) | }, -- -- main stakeholdes

24 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 24 BSC specifications with RAISE Stakeholders (second level): Secondary_Stakeholder = { |s:Stakeholder  is_Secondary_Stakeholder(s) |}, Supplier = { | s:Stakeholder  is_Supplier(s) | }, Community = {| s:Stakeholder  is_Community(s) |} -- -- stakeholdes secundarios

25 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 25 BSC specifications with RAISE RSL type used to define Stakeholder is under specified. Further stakeholders will be define as sub types using functions that point the elements belonging to each stakeholder category. Predicates that check stakeholder categories value is_Client : Stakeholder  Bool, is_Employee : Stakeholder  Bool, is_Shareholder : Stakeholder  Bool, is_Supplier : Stakeholder  Bool, is_Community : Stakeholder  Bool,

26 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 26 BSC specifications with RAISE Who are main stakeholders? is_Main_Stakeholder : Stakeholder  Bool is_Main_Stakeholder(s)  is_Client(s)  is_Employee(s)  is_Shareholder(s), In a similar way, predicate and conditions to determine who are second level stakeholders. is_Secondary_Stakeholder : Stakeholder  Bool is_Secondary_Stakeholder(s)  is_Supplier(s)  is_Community(s)

27 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 27 BSC specifications with RAISE There are axioms that, from a semantic point of view, define some actors characteristics As an example, following axiom is used to represent absence of compatibility between rolls played by people into organizations modeled using BSC approach. axiom  s : Stakeholder  is_Shareholder(s)  ~is_Client(s)  ~is_Supplier(s),

28 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 28 BSC specifications with RAISE “Hierarchical”structure of strategy: scheme STRATEGIC_STRUCTURE = extend STAKEHOLDERS with class type Mission, Fundamental_Values, Vision, Strategy, Integral_BSC, Strategic_Initiatives, Personal_Objectives, Goal, Time,

29 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 29 BSC specifications with RAISE Indicators have a fundamental importance in the BSC approach. Here we have an indicator definition using RSL. Value = Real, Deviation = { | d : Real  d  -100.0  d  100.0 | }, Indicator = { | (g, v, t, ld, rd) : (Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation)  is_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd) | },

30 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 30 BSC specifications with RAISE Indicators have a fundamental importance in the BSC approach. Here we have an indicator definition using RSL (continuation). Actual_Indicator = Indicator, Management_Indicator = Indicator, Final_Indicator = Indicator, Result_Indicator = Indicator,

31 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 31 BSC specifications with RAISE Performance and result indicators predicates Is_Actual_Indicator : Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation  Bool, Is_Management_Indicator : Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation  Bool, Is_Final_Indicator : Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation  Bool, Is_Result_Indicator : Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation  Bool, is_Indicator : Goal x Value x Time x Deviation x Deviation  Bool, is_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd)  is_Management_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd)  is_Result_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd)  is_Actual_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd)  is_Final_Indicator(g, v, t, ld, rd),

32 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 32 Modeling with Petri Nets p1 p2 t2 t1 p3 p4 p5 p1 p2 t2 t1 p3 p4 p5 t1 p1 p2 t2 p3 p4 p5 m 0 = (1 1 0 1 0) m 1 = (0 0 1 1 0) m 2 = (0 0 0 0 1)

33 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 33 Businees Process Workflow Order register Add to order Check order lineStop orderCredit check Ship * for each order line OK not OK Credit manager Order manager Task Resource Selection (OR split) Parallelism (AND split)

34 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 34 Business Process as Petri Nets Demand Demand segments

35 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 35 A Producer - Consumer System (PN)

36 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 36 Alternative P-C System representation

37 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 37 Taking into account... Finance Management Information System Human Resources Information System Logistic Information System Manufacture Information System Business (or governmental) Processes Demand Components

38 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 38 We could combine Petri Nets...

39 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 39 Business Process and OLTP Data Bases OLTP Data Bases modeled as Petri Net Producer Consumer Systems

40 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 40 Now we are considering... Finance Management Information System Human Resources Information System Logistic Information System Manufacture Information System Datawarehouse

41 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 41 OLTP - OLAP levels interaction OLTP Data Bases modeled as Petri Net Producer Consumer Systems Datawarehouse Datamarts also modeled as Petri Net Producer Consumer Systems

42 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 42 Datawarehouse and Balanced Scorecard Datawarehouse Datamarts modeled as Petri Net Producer Consumer Systems Balanced Scorecard Indicators modeled as Petri Net Producer Consumer Systems

43 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 43 BSC Strategic Map brief example Mistakes (re process) Customers Satisfaction Employees suggestions Employees Suggestions Training Learning and Development Process Customers (-) (+) Receivable accounts Return on Investment Costs Finance (-) (+) The importance of time constrains!

44 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 44 Relationships between Indicators Innovation Perspective Indicator Process Perspective Indicator Customer Perspective Indicator Financial Perspective Indicator There are hard time restrictions! Time consistency is a challenge! Indicator are f(t) Relations between indicator are also f(t)

45 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 45 Finance Management Information System Human Resources Information System Logistic Information System Manufacture Information System Datawarehouse Business (or governmental) Processes Demand Components EIS (BSC) A prototype of OLTP / OLAP interaction modelling

46 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 46 An alternative prototype

47 Universidad Nacional de San Luis Maestría en Ingeniería de Software Proyecto: “Ingeniería de Software: Conceptos y Herramientas” Dr. Roberto Uzal 47 Summary Our main research activities include e business and e government workflow software support and the interaction between OLTP and OLAP levels Project tracks: Fundamentals and project management Project structure Expected project results in the near future: Project team capabilities development. Interaction with European Universities will help us to improve our team Human Resources.

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