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BP y el Cambio Climático

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Presentación del tema: "BP y el Cambio Climático"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 BP y el Cambio Climático

2 Contexto mundial The issue of climate change is inescapable. It is not only globally understood and nearly globally accepted, but also a global concern. To date, developed countries have dominated emissions growth. In the future, emissions growth will also be driven by developing countries. So any solution must be just as global in its scope. Why elevate this issue now? We are now at a critical point along the growth trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions—one which requires significant action in order to shift environmental impact and stabilize greenhouse gas levels. Stabilization is about limiting the earths temperature rise. The issue is not climate change but the rate of change and the instability that may follow. We are seeing increased volatility in climate activity that is now beginning to cause economic and social impact. Damage is already visible and, whilst developed countries may have the resources to cope and adapt to many of the changes, much of the impact will be borne by developing countries, home to four-fifths of humanity, who will fare considerably worse.

3 Viviendo con el Cambio Climático
Seguridad de Suministro Cambios en el medio ambiente Alimentando crecimiento social y económico - Compartimos la preocupación de la sociedad en general sobre el cambio climático y toda la evidencia demuestra que hay un cambio climatico La comunidad cientifica opina que las actividades humanas estan contribuyendo al cambio climatico y es necesario estabilizar el nivel de co2 en la atmosfera alrededor de 550 ppm Hoy 370 y antes de la era industrial 280 En la próxima decada la demanda de energia va a subir un 15% y la población se aumentará en 1 billon de personas La temperatura media en la superficie del plantea subión 0,6 grados en el siglo veinte 75% de las emisones de CO2 de actividades humanas durante los ultimos 20 años provienen de la quema de combustible fosiles Y creemos que tenemos que actuar condicionados por 3 factores Seguridad de suministro de energia Alimentar crecimiento economico y social energia es el motor del desarrollo La preservación del entorno natural Creemos es nuestra responsabilidad buscar soluciones teniendo en cuenta esto condicionantes

4 La contribución de BP Las emisiones anuales del mundo proveniente de el consumo de hidrocarburos es el equivalente a 24 bn toneladas de CO2 Las emisiones de productos de BP representan aproximadamente 5% de las emisiones totales. Las emisiones provenientes de las operaciones de BP representan 0,3% de las emisiones globales Tenemos que considerar los efectos de nuestros productos además de las operaciones BP competes in an industry and serves a marketplace that generates greenhouse gas emissions. So it’s helpful to have perspective on our emission contributions versus those generated by consumer use of our products. Emissions from BP operations represent 0.3% of global emissions – some 15 times less than emissions from the use of our products. Therefore ,in fully addressing climate change, we must look beyond how our products are manufactured to how they are consumed. However, a continued focus on minimising the emissions from our operations gives us a legitimate platform from which we can engage with Governments and NGO’s and help shape policy in the broadest sense. Our continued success in finding opportunities to reduce our own emissions and to create shareholder value provides valuable evidence to industry and Government that economic growth does not need to be impaired by business actions taken to reduce environmental impact In a “carbon constrained world”, the energy companies that can supply the world with more lower carbon products and services than their competitors will grow and increase their market share. So by growing our businesses in this direction we will be ensuring that BP’s own business is sustainable

5 Nuestro punto de vista No hay una única solución
Apoyamos acción temprana Los gobiernos tienen que liderar la respuesta de la sociedad al cambio climático Apoyamos los mecanismos del mercados como el SCE de la UE Creemos que la estrategia debe basarse en estabilizar los niveles de GEI en la atmosfera para limitar el aumento de temperatura a 2ºC Creemos que existe una serie de acciones que podría cambiar la tendencia de crecimiento de emisiones en el futuro. So where do we stand? First, we are realistic. Any issue of this complexity and scope will not be solved by BP alone, nor by any single scientific breakthrough or unilateral government action. Which means we must continue to offer both our analysis and advocacy--encouraging science and government to respond decisively and in unison. Governments need to promote access to cleaner energy sources in developing countries and encourage mechanisms to encourage cost effective emissions reductions in developed countries. While the scientific thinking continues to evolve, BP shares the current view that we should aim to limit green house gas concentrations in the atmosphere to stop global temperatures rising more than 2 °C. This is thought to be achievable if concentrations of greenhouse gases stabilise in the ppm range. Quantifying this goal, based on today’s best available science, provides a focus for action. But we need to bring the subject to life and to explain the scale and type of actions that would be needed. We have done some interesting work with Princeton University in this area….

6 Estabilizando emisiones globales
Tenemos un sencillo modelo que ilustra una serie de acciones (cuñas) y cada una podría reducir las emisiones por 1 billón de toneladas de carbono antes del 2050 Ejemplos de las cuñas son El gas sustituyendo al carbón en 1400 nuevas centrales Doblar la eficiencia de los coches Gran aumento en el uso de renovables Muchas de estas acciones están alineadas con la estrategia de BP y nuestras actividades. So how do you make the possible practical? We have produced a simplified representation of a reasonable scenario taken from complex climate models and growth projections. (This is based upon 3% annual GDP growth, 1.8% energy growth and 1.5% emissions growth) We have then identified a series of available options or ‘wedges’, each of which has the potential to lower emissions by around 1 billion tonnes of carbon per year. (That’s equivalent to approximately 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year). These actions could be started now and when combine together could reverse the projected emissions growth by 2050. These actions are not in opposition to BP’s business strategy, In fact, as you can see, many of these growth options are clearly aligned with BP strategy. To take one specific example, bringing more natural gas to China from the Kovytka field in East Siberia could reduce growth in carbon dioxide emissions by at least 60 Mte each year, or 120 million tonnes if coal fired power stations are taken out of service.

7 En resumen Entender la ciencia del Cambio Climático y sus consecuencias Apoyar esfuerzos para mejorar el entendimiento de estabilización y promover acción temprana Controlar las emisiones en nuestras operaciones Programa de eficiencia energética de $350m Seguir aumentando las ventas de fuentes de energía bajas en carbono Asesorar nuestros clientes sobre la reducción de demanda y eficiencia energética Comercializar combustibles y lubricantes de transporte limpios y eficientes Recomendar una política publica basada en mercados transparentes En el corto plazo un sistema “cap and trade” A largo plazo , políticas para promover el crecimiento competitivo del negocio de energía baja en carbono Promocionar desarrollo de una amplia cartera tecnologías para la reducción de carbono Renovables, hidrogeno, secuestro de carbono

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