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The Present Perfect of the Subjunctive

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Presentación del tema: "The Present Perfect of the Subjunctive"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The Present Perfect of the Subjunctive

2 Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
The present perfect subjunctive refers to actions or situations that may have occurred before the action of the main verb.

3 Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
Me alegro de que hayas trabajado de voluntario. I´m glad that you have worked as a volunteer. Estoy orgullosa de que Julián haya trabajado en el centro de rehabilitación. I am proud that Julian has worked in the rehabilitation center.

4 Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
Ojalá que ellos hayan juntado mucho dinero. I hope that they have collected a lot of money. Siento que no hayan participado en la campaña. I´m sorry that you haven´t participated in the campaign.

5 Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
To form the present perfect subjunctive, we use the present subjunctive of the verb haber with a past participle. Here are the present perfect subjunctive forms of trabajar.

6 Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
Haya trabajado Hayas trabajado Hayamos trabajado Hayáis trabajado Hayan trabajado

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