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Development of the concert programme

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Presentación del tema: "Development of the concert programme"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Development of the concert programme
Music Department

2 Have you ever been to a concert?
What type of music was it? Where it was? Did you like it? Did you know what you were going to listen to? Did you get anything when you went in? Do you know what a programme is? What information did it have inside?

3 Programme Definition Who does it? the musicians themselves
a person who works on it and prepares it Includes Compositions that are going to be performed CV of the performers Comments on the compositions that are going to be performers "Programme notes" texts that give the listener information about the songs that they will listen to.

4 Let´s have a look to different programmes
Hand programes enlace 1 enlace 2 enlace 3 examples Choose one of the programmes you've seen and answer the following question: Is it a concert for one or more instruments? Where was it? or where will it take place? When? Who are the performers? What songs are performed?

5 Read one programme Let`s see if we've got the information that we must put into the program The reader should learn the following information:: When were the songs composed Circumstances in which they were written When they were released Features Notes to the program Composer biography Comments on the work Depending on the number of positive responses, you have chosen a type of programme more or less explanatory.

6 Main elements of a programme
Pictures Overview: Date, time, place Performers List of composers Songs Program notes Activity: We need to develop the programme notes for our final concert program hand. We will include: The list of songs to be performed. A design for the programme Curricula of the performers (class group review) We need to develop the programme notes. Work will be performed in groups of 3 people, who have two sessions to complete the task.

7 How do we make our programme?
List the the songs that you are going to perform. Write a small review of each song (include the name of the composer, when and where it was composed, for which instruments or group and the style of music.) It should a paragraph of 4 lines for each song. Write a review of each performance group (your class) of about 2 or 3 lines. Write a review of the instruments you use to perform the songs (the instruments in the class) of 2 or 3 lines. Create an address with gmail in your name, join it with the work and send it to If you are a group of 3, you can send it and in the marks, write the names of the group members.

8 ¿Cómo hacemos nuestro programa?
Definir las obras ( lo que vas a tocar) Prepara una pequeña reseña sobre cada una de ellas (información sobre quién la compuso, cuándo, dónde se estrenó, para qué instrumentos, grupo, estilo de música....). Párrafo de unas 4 líneas Prepara una reseña sobre el grupo intérprete: tu clase. Párrafo sobre unas 2-3 líneas Prepara una reseña sobre los instrumentos que interpretarán las obras (instrumentos del aula). Párrafo sobre 3-4 líneas Crea una dirección de gmail con tu nombre, adjunta el trabajo y compártelo con Si sois 3 puede compartirlo y en las notas que ponga el nombre y clase de los miembros del grupo

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