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Presentación del tema: "CHISPA – EL 19 DE NOVIEMBRE"— Transcripción de la presentación:

Contesta las preguntas con frases completas en español (complete sentences in Spanish): ¿Dónde te gusta cenar en tu casa? ¿Con qué comes los huevos? ¿Te gusta más el pan dulce o el pan tostado? ¿Bebes leche? ¿Te gusta más el desayuno o la cena? Me gusta cenar en el comedor. Como los huevos con tocino. Me gusta más el pan dulce. Sí, la bebo. Me gusta más la cena.

2 Macomb Foster Closet NHS is collecting donations
Pajamas, undies, and socks (size infant – teen) DIAPER CHALLENGE Mrs. Okray will get donuts for her class that collects the most diapers! (ends November 30)

3 La orden del día Vocabulary 6.2 review (p. 210 #23 & #24)
Negative commands (powerpoint) Practice activities (worksheet)

Escribe el mandato negativo: Don’t eat the french fries! Don’t vacuum! Don’t heat up the soup! Don’t serve the chicken! Don’t add salt! ¡No comas las papas fritas! ¡No pases la aspiradora! ¡No calientes la sopa! ¡No sirvas el pollo! ¡No añadas sal!

5 Macomb Foster Closet NHS is collecting donations
Pajamas, undies, and socks (size infant – teen) DIAPER CHALLENGE Mrs. Okray will get donuts for her class that collects the most diapers! (ends November 30)

6 La orden del día QUIZ! Game – “Everybody Up!”

7 Game – “Everybody Up!” Grab a partner! You will be touching each other. Get over it. Sit on the floor, legs crossed, back to back. Link arms. Try to stand WITHOUT using anything other than your partner. IF YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL: Find another pair who is also standing. Sit in a group of four, legs crossed, backs toward center of circle. Try to stand. If you are successful, find another group of 4, and repeat. I will be timing you! The goal is to be the class that completes this activity, as an entire class, in the fastest time!

8 “The Danger of a Single Story”
Turn to your shoulder partner and discuss: What does Chimamanda mean by “the danger of a single story”? What is the “single story” of Latin Americans (those from Central and South America)? Give some other examples of “single stories” that are presented in the media. What are ways that people can avoid this type of stereotyping?

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