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Diferentes versiones sobre lo que es el capitalismo

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1 Diferentes versiones sobre lo que es el capitalismo
Alejandro Valle Baeza 2a sesión EP-I

2 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Leon Weinstein, the author of the new book, Capitalism 101.
A new book crystallizes why one system spawns prosperity -- and why another spawns misery and destruction. December 12, 2011  Jamie Glazov Fuente:

3 La versión ultraderechista
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Leon Weinstein, the author of the new book, Capitalism 101. CAPITALISM 101 A new book crystallizes why one system spawns prosperity -- and why another spawns misery and destruction. December 12, 2011  Jamie Glazov Fuente:

4 Weinstein: I don’t like borders that are open to illegal immigrants, smugglers and terrorists. I don’t like educational institutions that have no competition and can’t fire or stimulate teachers, and stagnating because of that. I don’t like tenure in Universities. I don’t like Unions that force jobs out of the country. I don’t like minimum wages. I don’t like that Congress can take away any share of the money we, productive citizens earn, and imprison us if we don’t pay.

5 I don’t like growing debt and inability of our government to slow this process down. I don’t like the fact that those who receive entitlements can vote and eventually will vote us into a socialist country. I don’t like politicians that want to fundamentally change this best country in the world …. I just started. Do you want me to continue? Or may be let’s talk about a bit less of an emotional issue?

6 Una versión crítica: La del historiador Howard Zinn de EUA
Es fácil sentirse desanimado, porque nuestra nación se encuentra en guerra, — otra guerra más, guerra tras guerra — y nuestro gobierno parece determinado a extender su imperio aun a costa de las vidas de decenas de miles de seres humanos. En este país hay pobreza, y personas sin techo, y gente que carece de atención médica, y aulas abarrotadas, pero nuestro gobierno, que tiene a su disposición billones de dólares, se gasta su opulencia en guerras.


8 Homelessness occurs when people or households are unable to acquire and/or maintain housing they can afford. The Big Picture While circumstances can vary, the main reason people experience homelessness is because they cannot find housing they can afford. It is the scarcity of affordable housing in the United States, particularly in more urban areas where homelessness is more prevalent, that is behind their inability to acquire or maintain housing.

9 By the numbers: In January 2014, there were 578,424 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States. Of that number, 216,197 are people in families, and 362,163 are individuals. About 15 percent of the homeless population – 84,291 - are considered "chronically homeless” individuals, and About 9 percent of homeless people- 49,933 – are veterans. veterans.



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