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The subjunctive with impersonal expresssions

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Presentación del tema: "The subjunctive with impersonal expresssions"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The subjunctive with impersonal expresssions
Español 2 Unidad 3.3 p. 232

2 Impersonal expressions (give advice)
__________________– it’s good that __________________– it’s important that __________________– it’s logical that __________________– it’s bad that __________________– it’s better that __________________– it’s necessary that _________________– it’s dangerous that __________________– it’s possible that _________________– it’s probable that _________________– it’s rare that __________________– it’s ridiculous that _______________________– it’s sad that _____________________– it’s a pity that

3 Repaso – usted commands

4 El presente subjuntivo de verbos regulares
Cocinar -er beber -ir vivir Yo Él, ella, ud Nosotros(as) Ellos(as), uds Cocine Cocines Cocinemos Cocinen Beba Bebas Beban Bebamos beban Viva Vivas Vivamos Vivan

5 Subjunctive vs. indicative
The indicative ________________________________________________ __________ejercicio Yo __________muy rápido Graciela _______________bonito The subjunctive is used __________________________________________ Es necesario que _________ejercicio Es posible que yo ________muy rápido Es bueno que Graciela _______bonito Indicative is anything that is not subjunctive or a command In the 1st example, we are ____________if this person will exercise. In the 2nd example, we are saying it’s a ___________ that I can run fast, but ___________________ In the 3rd example, someone thinks it’s good Graciela has nice writing – a ____________to her writing

6 ejemplos Es importante que tú (hacer) tu tarea
Hacer  yo hago  hago  hag[as] (___________________________________) Es importante que tú ________tu tarea Es malo que Gabriel (romper) su dedo Romper  yo rompo  rompo  romp[a] Es malo que Gabriel ________________su dedo Es posible que mi abuela me (llamar) Llamar  yo llamo  llamo  llam[e] (_________________________________) Es posible que mi abuela me ____________________

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