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Direct Object Pronouns Direct objects How would you end the following sentences? I saw _______. I ate ________. I drank ______. I met ________.

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Presentación del tema: "Direct Object Pronouns Direct objects How would you end the following sentences? I saw _______. I ate ________. I drank ______. I met ________."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Direct Object Pronouns

3 Direct objects How would you end the following sentences? I saw _______. I ate ________. I drank ______. I met ________.

4 I saw the cat. I ate pizza. I drank coffee. I met my friends. The word you put in the blanks can be replaced by direct objects

5 me = meus= nos you= te him/usted= loher/usted= la it= lo/la them = los, las Direct Objects en Spanish:

6 In front of conjugated verbs Attached to infinitives Ana compra el libro. Ana lo compra. Ana quiere comprar el libro. Ana quiere comprarlo.

7 In front of the verb estar in progressive tense (ing) sentences Attached to the ing verb Ana está comprando el libro. Ana lo está comprando. Ana está comprandolo.

8 Ana compra el libro. Ana compra la falda. Ana compra los libros. Ana compra las faldas. Ana lo compra. Ana la compra. Ana los compra. Ana las compra.

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