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KEEP YOUR Handout: Plural artículos y sustantivos

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Presentación del tema: "KEEP YOUR Handout: Plural artículos y sustantivos"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 KEEP YOUR Handout: Plural artículos y sustantivos
El abrecerebros 27/9/2016 11 - Papeles en 10 min. 16 - Día/Fecha KEEP YOUR Handout: Plural artículos y sustantivos Traduzca (traduzca y conteste [answer] 1-3): Are there few or many students at BCHS? (ANSWER!) Are there any/some good teachers at BCHS? (ANSWER!) Are the smart students German or American? (ANSWER!) **I have all the big exams, right? **(the) Horses and (the) zebras are almost (casi) the same. ¡Prueba #3 (50 pts.) es hoy! 1. Are there few or many students at BCHS? 2. Are there any good teachers at BCHS? 3. Are the smart students German or American? (ANSWER!) 4. **I have all the big exams, right? 5. **(the) Horses and (the) zebras are almost (casi) the same.

2 El objetivo del día I can ask about and talk about classes in school and provide some facts/opinions about them. I can correctly spell and recite all Spanish Personal Pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, you all, they). I can correctly use all forms of SER in the present tense. I can correctly use adjectives in the singular and plural form with any given person/object. I can ask how many of something there is and answer how many of something there is using the word Hay. I can correctly use articles (the, a, an, some) in the singular and plural forms with any given person/object. I can correctly use the words some, any, a lot of/many, few, and same with any given person or object.

3 > de Unidad 2 Repaso Singular A(N) Singular THE SOME THE ANY/SOME

4 Workbook Practice Alumnos y cursos For part A (1-3) on the back and B (1-7) on the back you must write the inglés translation above each word! ~14 MIN. Don’t review en clase – NOT ENOUGH TIME

5 Prueba #3 25 translations, 50 puntos
(REMINDER about Bonus/Extra Credit on back. Fill in the blanks!) After Prueba #3 has been turned review el Handout from yesterday ↓

6 Practice con Plural artículos y sustantivos
Busque otra palabra use this link o en WR. For la palabra, you must escribir en sus apuntes: SOME …S THE …S ANY/SOME …S MANY/A LOT …S FEW, LITTLE …S ALL THE (EVERY) …S THE SAME … / THE SAME …S

7 Callouts según random números
22 14

8 +n (no) me gusta – I (don’t) like (no) me gustan – I (don’t) like
Me gusta el pato. Me gustan los patos.

9 1. I have 1. I don’t have 1. I want 1. I don’t want 1. I like
1. I don’t have 1. I want 1. I don’t want 1. I like 1. Is/Are there ? 1. There is/are

10 If yours doesn’t sound correct, pick otra palabara.
the some any/some many a lot of few all the / every the same If yours doesn’t sound correct, pick otra palabara.

11 acá - over here allá – over there aquí – here allí - there
#1-30 (PLURAL) from Handout yesterday… Find the word next to your número, put en inglés, add to your frase… acá - over here allá – over there aquí – here allí - there

12 En sus apuntes (1-5) #1. Tu frase en inglés y español.
#2. I like all the coats here. Me gustan todos los abrigos aquí. #3. ... #4. ... #5. ... acá - over here allá – over there aquí – here allí - there ~8 minutos

13 For number six, write your number 5 in English, but with an adjective before the noun!
e.g. ... e.g. … Then write in español.

14 Singular – Plural; Plural – Singular
MAKE PLURAL! 1. El maestro es feo. 2. La escuela es grande. MAKE SINGULAR 3. Los alumnos no son estupidos. 4. Las clases son difíciles.

15 Tarea #9 (30 pts.) Empiece la tarea.

16 Frase de salida Diga #1 de sus apuntes de hoy (la parte en español!)

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