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Location of Direct Object Pronouns
When using object pronouns in Spanish sentences, you can put the pronouns either in front of the conjugated verb, tag them onto the end of the present participle (word ending in either “-ando” or “-iendo”), or the end of the infinitive (word ending in either “-ar”, “-er”, or “-ir”). Look at these examples: Yo los estoy limpiando. I am cleaning them. Yo estoy limpiándolos I am cleaning them. Ella la va a comprar She is going to buy it. Ella va a comprarla She is going to buy it. Note that when you tag the pronoun onto the end of the present participle, you put an accent over the “a” in the “-ando” ending (or if the word ends in “-iendo”, put an accent over the “e”).
Let’s do some examples. Using the given clues, write sentences with a direct object pronoun. The answer will appear after 10 seconds. I am writing it (the letter – la carta) Yo _____________________________________ la estoy escribiendo OR estoy escribiéndola. They are going to buy them (the skirts – las faldas). Ellos___________________________________ las van a comprar OR van a comprarlas. We are speaking it (Spanish – el español) Nosotros ______________________________________ lo estamos hablando OR estamos hablándolo. You (familiar) are going to read them (the books – los libros ). Tú ___________________________ los vas a leer OR vas a leerlos.
Let’s do some practice. Using the given clues, write sentences with a direct object pronoun. Juan is going to wash (limpiar) it (the car – el coche). That’s right… it’s Juan lo va a limpiar. OR va a limpiarlo. You [singular, formal] are cooking (cocinar) it (the sausage – la salchicha). That’s right… it’s Ud. la está cocinando. OR está cocinándola.
You [plural] are using (usar) them (the markers – los marcadores).
Here’s some more practice. They are going to read (leer) them (the magazines – las revistas). That’s right… it’s ellos las van a leer. OR van a leerlas. You [plural] are using (usar) them (the markers – los marcadores). That’s right… it’s Uds. los están usando. OR están usándolos.
Roberto and Julio are going to wash (lavar) it (the dog – el perro).
That’s right… it’s Roberto y Julio lo van a lavar. OR van a lavarlo. I am doing (hacer) it (the homework – la tarea). That’s right… it’s yo la estoy haciendo. OR estoy haciéndola.
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