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What’s “CAASPP”? The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which includes the Smarter Balanced assessments, measures students’

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Presentación del tema: "What’s “CAASPP”? The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which includes the Smarter Balanced assessments, measures students’"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 What’s “CAASPP”? The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which includes the Smarter Balanced assessments, measures students’ progress towards “standards”—the academic expectations for what students should know and be able to do at every grade level. Source: California Department of Education, 2016; Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2016.

2 ¿Qué significa “CAASPP”?
El examen CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, en inglés), que incluye el examen “Smarter Balanced,” mide el progreso de los estudiantes en los estándares académicos, que describen las expectativas que los estudiantes deben dominar en cada grado escolar. Origen: California Department of Education, 2016; Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2016. 5

3 What’s “Smarter Balanced”?
The Smarter Balanced (SBAC) assessments measure students’ progress towards “standards”—the academic expectations for what students should know and be able to do at every grade level – in English Language Arts and Math. Source: California Department of Education, 2016; Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2016.

4 What’s “NAEP”? Nicknamed the “Nation’s Report Card,” the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) compares academic performance across all 50 states over time. “Proficient” achievement is defined as “solid academic performance” in a certain subject at each grade level. “Basic” achievement is defined as partial mastery of knowledge and skills in a certain subject at each grade level. Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2015.

5 ¿Qué significa “NAEP”? Llamado “el boletín del país,” el examen NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress, en inglés) compara los resultados académicos entre los 50 estados sobre múltiples años. El nivel “Proficient” significa buen rendimiento académico en una materia específica a cada grado escolar. El nivel “Basic” significa maestría parcial del conocimiento y habilidades en una materia específica a cada grado escolar. Origen: National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2015. 2

6 What’s the “A-G completion rate”?
Also referred to as UC/CSU eligible graduates, this rate is the percentage of twelfth grade graduates who completed all the courses required for eligibility at UC and/or CSU with a grade of "C" or better. [Note that this rate does not identify A-G completion for cohort graduates, but rather for all 12th graders.] Source: California Department of Education, 2016.

7 What’s the “Cohort graduation rate”?
The “cohort” is the group of students who entered 9th grade together and could graduate during a 4-year time period. The cohort graduation rate is the percentage of students in the cohort who actually graduated in 4 years. Source: California Department of Education, 2016.

8 What’s a “Reclassified English Learner”?
Also referred to as “Redesignated FEP” or “RFEP,” these are students who are no longer English learners because the school district has determined that their English proficiency is similar to that of native English speakers. Source: California Department of Education, 2016.

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