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Repaso del vocabulario

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Presentación del tema: "Repaso del vocabulario"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Repaso del vocabulario
La descripción Repaso del vocabulario

2 SER: personality Paciente Simpático Inteligente Antipático Ordenado
Desordenado Perezoso Tímido Serio Sociable Talentoso Trabajador Hablador Simpático Antipático Artístico Atlético Deportista Atrevido Estudioso Cómico Gracioso Impaciente

3 SER: Appearance Moreno Alto Rubio Bajo Pelirrojo Bonito Grande Guapo
Pequeño Joven Viejo Alto Bajo Bonito Guapo Feo Delgado Gordo Fuerte

4 TENER: ojos azules ojos verdes ojos cafés / marrones / castaños
Pelo negro Pelo castaño Pelo rubio Pelo largo Pelo corto Pelo liso Pelo rizado Pelo ondulado

5 ESTAR: Feelings Enfermo Aburrido Ocupado Preocupado Deprimido / triste
alegre / feliz Cansado Enojado Emocionado

6 Nuestros Selfies You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

7 Nuestros Selfies 2A You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

8 Nuestros Selfies 3A You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

9 Nuestros Selfies 1B You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

10 Nuestros Selfies 2B You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

11 Nuestros Selfies 3B You will post a selfie and a description on our class Padlet.
The title will be your name, first and last Age Where from Physical description (use ser and tener) Personality description Likes/Dislikes (use gustar) At least 3 present tense verbs

12 Srta. Hackett Tengo treinta años. Soy de Raleigh, Carolina del Norte. Soy profesora de español. Soy baja y morena. Tengo pelo castaño y ojos castaños. Soy inteligente, trabajadora, y habladora. Me gusta cocinar, leer, y viajar. Trabajo mucho durante la semana. Los fines de semana descanso con mi familia y mis amigos. A veces paso todo el día mirando Netflix del sofá.

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