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1 Diseño maestro de diapositivas Útil para las revisiones y para probar el proyector
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2 Los colores en esta plantilla son útiles para probar los proyectores durante la instalación


4 Administrar y publicar el contenido y los documentos Web a lo largo de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft KEY MESSAGE: To welcome the audience to the session. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: None SLIDE TRANSITION: Welcome to the TechNet Field Session TNT1-109, Managing and publishing Web content and documents across the Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Display this slide whilst the audience enter the room and settle down. Introduce yourself and give them a quick background on yourself and the work you do. Set expectations. Microsoft Corporation

5 Lo que vamos a cubrir: Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Portales para los empleados Portales para los socios de negocios Portales para los clientes Integración de los portales KEY MESSAGE: To describe what the session will cover… SLIDE Bullets: 5 SLIDE SCRIPT: Let’s look at what we are going to cover in this session: [Bullet 1] We will briefly look at Microsoft’s Integrated Portal Technologies. [Bullet 2] We will examine the concept of employee portal and the different types employee portals. In most cases employee portals can be categorized into 3 groups with obvious overlaps in some situations. The types are: Team/Project Collaboration Portals Corporate Communication Portals Business Process Portals Mention that we will examine the publishing scenarios for these. [Bullet 3] We will look at publishing scenarios and workflow for partner portals [Bullet 4] We will look at publishing scenarios and workflow for customer portals SLIDE TRANSITION: We will now look at the prerequisite requirements for this session… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

6 Prerrequisitos Familiaridad básica con SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Familiaridad básica con Windows SharePoint Services Familiaridad básica con Content Management Server 2002 Familiaridad básica con Commerce Server 2002 Familiaridad básica con Windows Server 2003 KEY MESSAGE: To outline to the audience the prerequisites for attendance at this session… SLIDE BUILDS: 5 SLIDE SCRIPT: Since this is a Level 200 session, you would need to have basic understanding of the following products: [BUILD 1] You will need to have basic familiarity with SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and its features and functionalities [BUILD 2] You will need to have basic familiarity with Windows SharePoint Services and its features and functionalities [BUILD 3] You will need to have basic familiarity with Content Management Server 2002 and its features and functionalities [BUILD 4] You will need to have basic familiarity with Commerce Server 2002 and its features and functionalities [BUILD 5] You will need to have basic familiarity with Windows 2003 For introduction to these products, their features and functionalities and additional documents and training, please refer to the following URLs: For SPS 2003: For WSS: For CMS 2002: For CS 2002: For Windows 2003: SLIDE TRANSITION: We will now look at our agenda… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Nivel 200

7 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Portales para los empleados Portales para los socios de negocios Portales para los clientes CIP KEY MESSAGE: The first agenda point is the Overview of Microsoft’s Integrated Portal Technologies… SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

8 Oferta de portal de Microsoft
Windows .NET Framework Marco de trabajo Capacidades principales Entregar comunicaciones corporativas Habilitar la colaboración Personalización Integración y agregación de aplicaciones Búsqueda e indexación Categorización Colaboración Administración de contenidos Análisis Inicio único de sesión Procesamiento de transacciones Automatizar los procesos de negocios Construir relaciones con los clientes y comercio Mejorar las relaciones con los socios de negocios y el comercio KEY MESSAGE: Introduce the audience to Microsoft’s Portal Offering… SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [BUILD 1] Microsoft’s Portal Framework is the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework provides services that the other portal technologies take advantage of. All the portal products are built on the .NET Framework and enable developers to develop in ASP.NET and their choice of a .NET compatible language. [BUILD 2] Here are some of the core capabilities that Microsoft’s Integrated Portal Technologies offer. Depending on the business problem you are trying to solve, you will need a subset or all those capabilities. [BUILD 3] Talks about the different “scenarios” that these capabilities enable our customers to fulfill. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at employee portals… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

9 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Portales para los empleados Portales para los socios de negocios Portales para los clientes CIP KEY MESSAGE: Next we will be looking at Managing documents and content on employee portals. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

10 Portales para los empleados
Portales de colaboración de documentos Portales de comunicación corporativa Portales de procesos de negocios KEY MESSAGE: Large organization large amounts of information and documents. Need for sub-sites and aggregate information. Employees need to be able to communicate and collaborate SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: What are employee Portals? Organizations are looking increase overall productivity from their employees as well as reduce the overall cost of doing business. They need tools that enable their employees to easily find corporate information; collaborate on and share the information; and then act on that information within context of their specific business role. Employee portals provide the tools needed for organizations to realize the objectives. Bullet 1: Connects teams of people enabling them to collaborate around a projects or set of documents/deliverables. Quick to setup predefined structure easy authoring process. Users share the publishing responsibilities for documents updates and plain content. Documents and links are prevailing in this type of an environment. Most content will be word docs, pdfs, power points, excels ; possibly with summary showing. Need for workflow is limited as most documents are simply published directly and/or are work in progress and mostly do not need approval from peers. Core products: SPS, Windows SharePoint Services Required supporting products: Windows, SQL Optional supporting products: BTS, CMS, VS.NET, Office, FrontPage, CMS Bullet 2: Publishing portal used to communicate information broadly to the large audience of employees within an organization. Portal solution quickly aggregates documents and information from sub sites. Allows users to self target information they are interested in. Publishing involves documents as in previous case but also increasing amount of unstructured content such as press releases, news, bulletins, new policy, announcements. Most documents intended for company wide consummation will need to go through workflow in order to maintain consistent messaging and communication. Core products : SPS, Windows SharePoint Services Supporting products: BTS, VS.NET, Office, FrontPage, CMS Required platform products: Windows, SQL Bullet 3: Centralized functional (application) portal allowing access to applications/databases over the web and without the need for FAT clients. Information is retrieved form 3 party storage and or application using custom web parts. Some additional information can be provided in the portal. In some case portal features such as document management single sign on and workflow can be utilized in conjunction with the external application/storage in order to provide additional functionality and create unified interface. More specifically business portals can provide interface to systems such as SAP and other ERP and CRM applications. Lead products: SPS, Windows SharePoint Services Supporting products: BTS, VS.NET, Office, FrontPage, CMS, CS SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

11 Colaboración de documentos Portales para los empleados
Bibliotecas de documentos Crear o importar documentos nuevos Publicar un documento nuevo Espacio de trabajo del documento Áreas Key Message: Managing and publishing documents is quick and straight forward SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1:Employees may have difficulty collaborating with others on documents, controlling access to those documents, and publishing documents in their organization. Important documents can also be lost, overwritten, or hard to find. Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 offers a number of features to help streamline your document development and avoid these common problems. In addition to SharePoint lists and libraries, SharePoint Portal Server offers an optional backward-compatible document library to help you manage documents. Features include: Version tracking to record the history of documents Application of descriptive, searchable information to identify a document Document publishing control Automated routing of documents to reviewers Control of document access based on user roles SharePoint Portal Server helps you collaborate with others, receive feedback from reviewers, identify the document with descriptive information such as keywords, and publish the document to a wide audience. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:

12 Colaboración de documentos Portales para los empleados
Bibliotecas de documentos Crear o importar documentos nuevos Publicar un documento nuevo Espacio de trabajo del documento Áreas Key Message: Managing and publishing documents is quick and straight forward SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: we will look in detail at creating/importing new documents into he document library. The document library for the portal site is compatible with the SharePoint Portal Server 2001 document library and is based on a document store. The backward-compatible document library includes the following features: Version tracking to record the history of documents Searchable information to identify a document Document publishing control, including publishing to specific audiences Document approval routing Add a document to the backward-compatible document library To use the document management features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003, first make sure that documents or files are in the backward-compatible document library. You can create a file using any version of any application, and then transfer the file from the computer to the backward-compatible document library by using the Save command. You can add existing files to the document library by dragging them from the computer to the document library or by using the Save As command. Add documents by dragging them to the backward-compatible document library Add a document by using a Microsoft Office application Add a document by using the Save As command Add a document to the backward-compatible document library from the portal site (show on next 2 slides) About security in the backward-compatible document library Before a user can access content in a backward-compatible document library, you must assign that user to a role. Roles add actions such as check in, check out, publish, and approve to traditional file-access permissions, such as Read, Write, and Change. Assigning a user to a particular role gives the user the ability to perform specific tasks. Each user can have multiple roles in the document library. For example, in one folder, a user may be a reader, while in another folder the same user may be an author. You can also distribute management tasks among a number of coordinators. For example, at the document library level, you can have coordinators to manage the document profiles and document library security. At the folder level, you can delegate responsibility for managing folder-level security, selecting appropriate document profiles, and designating an approval process for the content in those folders. You can assign users to roles at the document library level. This list of users and their roles will be inherited by all folders that inherit security settings from that level. To assign users to roles at the document library level, you open the Web folder for the document library, open Workspace Settings, and click the Security tab. To assign roles for individual folders in the document library, you must configure those roles by editing the properties for the individual folders. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:

13 Crear nuevos documentos Colaboración en documentos
Navegue al portal Cambie a “Mi sitio” o Navegue a la biblioteca apropiada de documentos Haga clic para crear un nuevo documento KEY MESSAGE: Ease of getting started; ease of publishing and document management. Simple workflow and Office 2003 integration SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: What can you do with documents: Version tracking to record the history of documents Searchable information to identify a document Document publishing control, including publishing to specific audiences Document approval routing Bullet 1: Navigating to the portal Bullet 2: By clicking the My site link on the page Bullet 4: Click create new document link as shown below. Temaplte.doc will be selected as the default template for the new document. User can now edit the document as he would do with any normal work document. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

14 Crear un nuevo documento Colaboración en documentos
Elija la ubicación Ingrese la descripción y los atributos personalizados KEY MESSAGE: Office 2003 integration SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: When user clicks save or save as he/she will be presented with the save document dialog box but the dialog box will be actually pointing at the share point portal document library. User will be able to browse to sub folders if there are any in the document library. Bullet 2: After clicking save the user is asked to enter description as well as any custom properties (attributes) which may be required. Document attributes are picked up catalog crawler and available for search. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

15 Colaboración en documentos Portales para los empleados
Bibliotecas de documentos Crear o importar documentos nuevos Publicar un documento nuevo Espacio de trabajo del documento Áreas Key Message: Managing and publishing documents is quick and straight forward SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: Publishing process of a document in the document library can differed depending on the workflow model selected SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:

16 Publicar documentos nuevos Colaboración en documentos
Proceso predeterminado de aprobación En serie Paralelo KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: If you choose not to configure an approval process, Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 will publish documents automatically upon submission, without review or approval. Bullet 2: Serial approval (one after another). When the author submits the document by using the Publish command, the first member of the Approvers list receives a request for approval by . After the first person on the list approves the document, the next person on the list is asked to approve it, and so on. SharePoint Portal Server publishes the document only after all approvers on the list have approved the document. If any person on the list rejects the document, SharePoint Portal Server cancels the approval process and returns the document to the document library in a checked-in state. Document attributes are picked up catalog crawler and available for search. Bullet 3: Parallel approval (all at once). This approval model is based on the number of approvals required to publish the document. The coordinator can choose one of two strategies: one approval publishes the document or all approvers must approve the document for publication to take place. When the author submits the document by using the Publish command, SharePoint Portal Server sends a request for approval to all approvers. The approval informs approvers of the location of the document. If the required number of approvers approves the document, SharePoint Portal Server publishes it. If the document does not receive the required number of approvals, SharePoint Portal Server cancels the approval process and returns the document to the document library in a checked-in state. As a coordinator, you have the ability to stop an approval process, either by using the Bypass Approval command or the Cancel Publish command. This is useful if a document is under approval and one or more of the approvers is not available. The Bypass Approval command skips all remaining approvers and publishes the document to the portal site. The Cancel Publish command cancels the approval process and returns the document to a checked-in, unpublished state in the document library. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Add or remove approvers in the backward-compatible document library In the backward-compatible document library, right-click the folder for which you want to start an approval process, and then click Properties. Click the Approval tab. Select or clear the Documents must be approved before publishing check box. Choose an approval route From the network place for the backward-compatible document library, right-click the folder you want to configure, and then click Properties. In the Route to approvers section, select a routing path. If you select All at once as the routing method, select the number of approvals required from the list provided. Click OK. SLIDE TRANSITION: None Primer encargado de la aprobación Encargado de la aprobación final Autor Documentos publicados en SharePoint Portal Server Ciclo de la aprobación en serie Un voto Todos los votos Ciclos de aprobación en paralelo

17 Colaboración en documentos Portales para los empleados
Bibliotecas de documentos Crear o importar documentos nuevos Publicar un documento nuevo Espacio de trabajo del documento Áreas Key Message: Managing and publishing documents is quick and straight forward SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 4: A Document Workspace site is a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site that is centered around one or more documents. Colleagues can easily work together on a document — either by working directly on the Document Workspace copy or by working on their own copy, which they can update periodically with changes that have been saved to the Document Workspace copy. To make it easier to find, organize, and work together on documents, you can also use the following portal site features: Topics   To make it easier for others to find documents, you can add the documents to relevant subareas in the Topics area. My Site   To make it easier to manage your own documents and other items that you are interested in, the portal site can create a personal site for you. This site, called My Site, makes this information available from one place that you can customize to suit your needs. Document Workspace sites   A Document Workspace site is a Web site based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services with features that enable a group to share files, participate in discussions, and work together on a document. Creation of Document Workspace sites: On a Windows SharePoint Services site, you can create a Document Workspace site either by going to the Create page or by clicking the arrow next to a document on a document library page and then clicking Create a Document Workspace. When you create a Document Workspace site that's based on a document in a document library, the Document Workspace site carries the same name as the document on which it is based. The document is then stored in a separate document library in the new Document Workspace site. This document can be published back to its source location, in the original document library, from the Document Workspace site. Note  The ability to publish a document back to its original location is available only in a Document Workspace site created from a document that is already stored in a document library. This feature is not available in Document Workspace sites created by using the Create page on a Windows SharePoint Services site. Document Workspace site features Because a Document Workspace site is a SharePoint site, members can use Windows SharePoint Services features, such as using the Tasks list to assign each other to-do items, using the Links list to create hyperlinks to resource material, and storing related or supporting documents in the document library. When you open the Document Workspace site in a Web browser, you can customize the site just as you would customize any Windows SharePoint Services site. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER:

18 Colaboración en documentos Portales para los empleados
Bibliotecas de documentos Crear o importar documentos nuevos Publicar un documento nuevo Espacio de trabajo del documento Áreas Key Message: Managing and publishing documents is quick and straight forward SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 5: Areas provide a navigational structure or map of the portal site and related content. By adding, moving, or deleting areas, you can change the view of the portal site for users. The top level of areas under the Home area form the primary navigation for the portal site. If you move an area to that level, it will appear on the navigation bar. The portal site map enables you to drag areas and listings to change the navigation structure or the content organization of the portal site. Areas also provide a centralized structure for information browsing. They direct readers to the information they seek through a hierarchy of content. Subject matter experts can use areas to organize and publish information about a particular subject. To create a collaborative environment, you can add lists, discussion boards, document libraries, and other features that enable people to work together. For greater discoverability, you can add items or listings to more than one area. If you have a large amount of content, dividing it into topics can be a time-consuming task. To simplify the process, Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 provides an automated tool called the Topic Assistant. After you assign a few representative items to each topic, the Topic Assistant compares those sample items to the items that have not been assigned and then automatically selects the best topic matches. A member of the Administrator site group for the portal site can assign a user to the Content Manager site group. By default, members of the Content Manager site group can approve or reject content requests, manage area settings, and control security settings for this area. In addition, as a site administrator or content manager, you can target areas for viewing by one or more audiences. Upload a document In the Actions list, click Upload Document. On the Upload Document page, click Browse to find the file you want to add, and then click Open. - Or - If you want to add multiple documents at once, click Upload Multiple Files. If you want this file to replace a file of the same name in the library, select the Overwrite existing file(s)? check box. Click Save and Close. Note  To cancel this action, click Go Back to Document Library. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: Approve or reject content for an area To change the approval status of a listing in an area, do one of the following: Approve a listing On the page that displays the listing, in the Actions list, click Edit Page. Point to the listing, click the arrow on the bar that appears, and then click Approve on the menu that appears. SLIDE TRANSITION: None

19 Publicar otros tipos de contenido Portales para los empleados
KEY MESSAGE: Ease of publishing other content; SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: [Quick outline of publishing other types of content and semi-structured content.] Semi-structured content is content which is loosely categorized and organized. It is simple to explain on the example of news article. It has summary; headline; body; and maybe source. While the information which it contains is not strictly categorized and or required. It is not just a chunk of text or HTML. Creating other types of content on the portal is very easy as well. For example there are predefined types such as Links; News; Meetings; Events. Bullet 1: Links can be published by clicking add a link on my site or as an portal administrator on the public view. Bullet 2: News can be added by users which have rights to do so. News can contain semi structured content and can be entered directly on the site. News articles are automatically summarized in News WebParts for the sections of the site. WebParts are pre-build components which execute code to provide dynamic functionality. Bullet 3: This is truly just a section of text or HTML which can be published on the site. Users great flexibility on adding content which may not fit into any predefined categories and is added rarely and therefore it does not warrant the creation of WebParts or custom template. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None Vínculos Noticias Contenido no estructurado

20 Cuándo elegir esta solución Portales para los empleados
Conecta a los equipos Comunica ampliamente la información Automatización del proceso de negocios KEY MESSAGE: Holistic solution this is not a sale of single products. We are only letting customer know what “components” of the solution package are required to achieve the desired functionality. These should not be sold as separate pieces of software but rather a solution which will most likely require these components. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: When to choose employee oriented portal. Bullet 1: Connects teams of people enabling them to collaborate around a projects or set of documents/deliverables. Bullet 2: Communicate information broadly to the large audience of employees within an organization still requiring strong document management features Bullet 3: The portal itself is a business application that automates an otherwise manual process. Some document collaboration features can be used to integrated into the business process. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

21 Productos en esta solución Portales para los empleados
Productos centrales: SharePoint Portal Server 2003, Windows SharePoint Services; Productos de soporte: BTS, VS.NET, Office, FrontPage, CMS, CS Productos requeridos de la plataforma: Windows Server 2003, SQL KEY MESSAGE: Holistic solution this is not a sale of single products. We are only letting customer know what “components” of the solution package are required to achieve the desired functionality. These should not be sold as separate pieces of software but rather a solution which will most likely require these components. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: When to choose employee oriented portal. Self explanatory. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

22 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Portales para los empleados Portales para los socios de negocios Portales para los clientes CIP KEY MESSAGE: Different type of portal; which requires much tighter control over what content is published and how. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: The two types of portals which fit are considered in this solution are Partner Portals and Customer Portals. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

23 Portales para los clientes y socios de negocios
Comunicación con los socios de negocios Portales comerciales Portales para los clientes KEY MESSAGE: All these should be considered and can overlap….. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: Specifically partner portals are can have two different purposes or combination of thereof. Communication portals are portals which primarily contain targeted information towards partners or restricted information for example about pricing upcoming promotions and or advertising campaigns. Bullet 2: trading portals are portals where partners can trade information services or goods under specific conditions. Trading portals can obviously contain a lot of the same content which may be good fit for Partner communication portal. Trading application will be usually integrated utilizing ASP.Net; .Net framework and web services to access external trading engine or interoperate with custom application. The result is integrated look and feel for the portal and its applications. Bullet 3: Customer portals are portals which are directly aimed at end customer they may include information about the company products services and any publicly available information. They may also include e-commerce portion of the site allowing customer to purchase products or services. Since the core component of the solutions is MCMS 2002 the portal site is organized into channels, template galleries and resource galleries. The Portal pages themselves are then based on templates defined in MCMS 2002. Before we look at how documents and content is published on Customer and partner based portals we will briefly look at the workflow which is included in the solution. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

24 Portales para los clientes y socios de negocios Modelo de flujo de trabajo
Autores Editores Moderadores Flujo de trabajo personalizado Motor de flujo de trabajo de BizTalk Tecnologías ISV Diseñador de plantillas Autor Editor Moderador Suscriptor KEY MESSAGE: Importance of workflow. Customer and partner portals in general require more control over the what where and how the information is published. SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: The Customer and partner portal solution provides extensible workflow engine. The engine is based on roles and users are granted rights based on the rights group they are in. Default workflow model be used initially [show below]. MCS will assist Henry Schein in defining Authors, Editors, Moderators, Template designers, Channel Mangers and Administrators. One to one mapping between MCSM user roles and AD groups is recommended for ease of use and integration. Bullet 1: Authors: can access channel, template gallery, and resource gallery containers which they have assigned rights to using Site Manager or Web Author. Authors are responsible for crating new content by creating new postings and entering content into the predefined placeholders. Bullet 2: Editors: can access channel, template gallery, and resource gallery containers which they have assigned rights to using Site Manager or Web Author. Editors are responsible for approving or declining pages based on accuracy and overall content suitability; revising pages as required; and managing pages in containers where the editor has editing rights. Bullet 3: Moderator: can access channel, template gallery, and resource gallery containers which they have assigned rights to using Site Manager or Web Author. Moderators are similar to editors, in that moderators can create, modify and delete content without owning the content. Moderators and editors differ in the scope of their approvals. Moderators approve publication details, such as lifetime and Web crawler options; editors approve content. The responsibilities of a moderator include approving or declining the publication of pages, based on relevance and suitability, revising page schedules, and managing the pages in channels where they have moderating rights. Bullet 4: Talk about custom workflow and how it can be utilized to provide better approval routing. Talk about the options: Custom code BizTalk custom code ISV – Template etc.. Other roles which may not be included in the workflow but are included as a roles in the Solution Subscribers: The subscriber is assigned the minimum level of rights required before information can be accessed in MCMS container objects. Subscribers must have rights to resources and templates in order to view resources in the Web Author. Also, a minimum of subscriber rights are required to access channels or galleries (including resource or template galleries). Resource Mangers: can access Resource galleries they have rights to. Their primary task is to maintain and update resources in the galleries. Only resource managers and administrators have read and write access to the files in a resource gallery and can add, replace, preview, and delete resources. Template designers: The template designer has the rights needed to create new channels, resource galleries and template galleries in designated areas. Template designers can create, modify, check in, debug and delete templates that they own or that are owned by everyone. They can create, modify, submit and delete pages regardless of ownership. They can also modify rights assignments on all types of containers. They cannot remove locks placed by other users. Channel Mangers: can access channel, template gallery, and resource gallery containers which they have assigned rights to using Site Manager or Web Author. In addition they have administrative rights within a particular branch of the channel hierarchy. Within channels in which they have rights, channel managers can create hierarchies, assign rights to containers, and act as an author, editor, moderator, template designer, or resource manager. Site Mangers: also known as the MCMS administrator. The site manager sets up and manages publishing in the (MCMS) environment. Site managers have full privileges (including the right to create, edit, and approve pages) in all MCMS 2002 containers. This is the first administrative role created by the Database Configuration Application (DCA) when a database is created or upgraded. Initially, this is the only user who can log on to MCMS through the MCMS 2002 Site Manager. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

25 Demo: Configurar el flujo de trabajo del portal para los clientes
KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None Demo section: 1) Showing users around the site (2:40 avi RT 2:40 or 3) - Showing users around the site.avi 2) Adding users to the customer portal workflow engine (7:11 avi RT 7 – 10) - Adding users to portal workflow.avi 3) Adding Site Resource managers (2:10 avi RT 2 – 3) - Adding Site Resource managers.avi

26 Portales para los clientes y socios de negocios
Planear los contenidos semiestructurados Crear las plantillas Utilizar plantillas para publicar los contenidos Publicar desde Word Conector de creador KEY MESSAGE: Planning is required to maintain consistency. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: Authors and editors can publish unstructured or semi-structured content directly on the Authoring version of the Customer or Partner portal. While it is entirely possible to have only single content well on the page to accept the cotenant such design would dramatically limit the functionality. In is best practice to categorize the common content published on the site into types and then design templates which will accept the content types create templates for the most common content types. Bullet 2: Crating templates is the responsibility of site designer and template designer. Templates can contain content holders (placeholder) which are specifically designed to hold documents. There are also multifunctional placeholders which will accept text content, images and attachments (documents). Both can be utilized to hold documents. Bullet 3: Since templates can be well defined to represent documents in html for directly on the web page users have the option of publishing their documents directly on the site by placing their content (for example copy/paste) into the appropriate placeholder and submitting the posting into the workflow process. This is a bit different than using word document and user will have to sacrifice some of the more powerful word and document editing features which are for example available it the Office suite. User have always option of uploading the original document into attachment placeholder and or placing the document into the resource library which is designed to hold shared document images and other resources which may be reused on different posting and different authors. Bullet 4: Microsoft® Content Management Server (MCMS) 2002 Authoring Connector enables business users to author and edit documents in Microsoft® Word 2002 and to submit them for approval and publication to an MCMS Web site. An Authoring Connector site author must have the assigned role of author, editor, or administrator on the MCMS Web site. Authoring Connector is accessed through Microsoft Word 2002. Authoring Connector is a component of the Customer and Partner portal solution which allows publishing to the portal directly form Microsoft Word The original document can also be uploaded into an attachment placeholder for later reference. User can publish the whole document to specific location or just selected section (summary). SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

27 Demo: Publicar el contenido en el portal del cliente
KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None Demo section: 1) Adding/Creating new resources on the portal site (7:15 avi RT: 7 – 10) - 4) - Adding new resources to the portal site.avi 2) Publishing new document/article on portal site (10:38 avi RT 10:38) - 4) - Adding new resources to the portal site.avi 3) Publishing workflow steps - Editor, Moderator (8:52 avi RT 9 – 10) - 5) - Publishing new document-article on portal site.avi 4) Working with Authoring Connector (11:31 avi RT 11:31) - Working with Authoring Connector.avi 5) Working with Authoring Connector Updating (3 avi RT 3) - Working with Authoring Connector Updating.avi

28 Portales para los clientes y socios de negocios
Utilizar los catálogos en los sitios del portal para los clientes Administración de catálogos en el ambiente de creación Trabajar con las páginas del catálogo Colocaciones de productos simples Colocaciones de productos enriquecidos KEY MESSAGE: Seamless integration with [commerce] catalogs SLIDE BUILDS: 2 SLIDE SCRIPT: While the e-commerce is not part of this presentation we will only briefly touch on the functionality that exists in the Customer & Partner portal solution because it is loosely coupled with publishing documents or additional content which can be attached to items existing in e-commerce catalogs. Bullet 1: A catalog organizes the products you want to sell. You use catalogs to organize and manage the product data in your database for display on your site, and to target products to users. Customer & Partner portal solution includes fully fledged e-commerce functionality the items in the catalog can be displayed in a simple format on a catalog browsing page. In this format they are called simple postings and all the information is retrieved form the catalog. Customer and partner portal solutions enable you to create Commerce Server product catalogs, import existing catalogs, and update catalog product pages in the authoring environment directly on the site. You can also use the authoring environment to update catalog information; you can set up a workflow for approving the changes before they are available on the live site. Bullet 2: In many cases business users want to add more information such as product reviews, additional pictures special discount information ordering limitation etc. They can turn this simple product page into rich product page and add documents or information directly in the browser to that posting. The posting then enters regular workflow model which has been discussed. User can convert simple product page into rich one simply by clicking a link in the authoring console. Simple: A simple product page is an ASP.NET page that queries the catalog with a product ID and displays the text returned by the catalog. Rich: A rich product page is based on an MCMS template and has a page profile. For information about page profiles, see "Targeting Content." A rich product page is an combines content stored content stored as catalog data with placeholders that can accept formatted text, images, and single attachments. Mention that MSIB is proving this code integration already. SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

29 Agenda Descripción general de las Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft Portales para los empleados Portales para los socios de negocios Portales para los clientes CIP KEY MESSAGE: content integration pack will provide additional functionality. SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

30 Integración de los Portales para empleados y clientes
Publicar el contenido del portal para los clientes dentro de los portales para los empleados Configurar las Web Parts Especificar el servidor CMS Especificar el canal CMS Especificar cualquier opción de vista Guardar la configuración Asegurar que cualquier usuario con acceso a las Web Parts tenga derechos de acceso a los contenidos en el portal para los clientes KEY MESSAGE: Seamless Integration between employee portal and Customer & Partner portal. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: -Self explanatory SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

31 Integración de los Portales para empleados y clientes
Publicar el documento del portal para empleados en los portales de Internet de Content Management Server Control del servidor del marcador WSS Documentos (por ejemplo, Word, PDF) Imágenes (por ejemplo, .jpg, .gif) Archivos XML (por ejemplo, formularios de InfoPath ) Proporciona la interfaz para localizar y acceder a los contenidos Presenta los documentos y propiedades al tiempo de ejecución basado en la hoja de estilos Documentos adjuntos Pantalla en línea (para las imágenes) HTML (para los archivos WML y XML producidos en InfoPath) KEY MESSAGE: Seamless Integration between employee portal and Customer & Partner portal. SLIDE BUILDS: 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: Self explanatory. Talk SPARK CIP 1.0 and CIP 2.0 SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

32 Portales para los empleados Productos en esta solución
Cuándo elegir esta solución Productos centrales: (CMS, CS) Productos de soporte: BTS, VS.NET, Office, FrontPage, SPS, Windows SharePoint Services, “Spark” (la versión en desarrollo saldrá en octubre) Productos requeridos de la plataforma: Windows, SQL KEY MESSAGE: Ease of getting started; ease of publishing and document management. Ease of workflow and Office 2003 integration SLIDE BUILDS: 4 SLIDE SCRIPT: Bullet 1: Partner-facing portal enabling partners to find information and/or transact with an organization Customer-facing portal enabling customer to easily find information and easily transact w/ and organization SLIDE TRANSITION: None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

33 Resumen de la sesión Tecnologías integradas de portal de Microsoft
Portales para los empleados Portales para los clientes y socios de negocios Elegir la solución correcta KEY MESSAGE: To take away three messages from this session… SLIDE BUILDS : 3 SLIDE SCRIPT: In summary… [BUILD 1] We looked at Microsoft’s Integrated Portal Technologies. [BUILD 2] We look at Employee portals and how they relate to each other we examined the document publishing functionality in employee portals. [BUILD 3] We looked at document workflow for Customer and Partner facing portals the integration and the integration with employee portals. SLIDE TRANSITION: Now lets look at various web sites for more information… ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTER: None

34 Para mayores informes...
Sitio Web principal de TechNet Web en Los recursos adicionales para dar soporte a esta página de Sesión se pueden encontrar en KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

35 Para mayores informes... Portales para los empleados:
Página principal de SPS 2003: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre SPS 2003: Requisitos del sistema de SPS 2003: Planeación de capacidad para SPS 2003: Actualizar de SPS 2001 a 2003: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

36 Para mayores informes... Portales para los empleados:
Página principal de WSS: Requisitos del sistema WSS: Planeación de capacidad para WSS: Guía del administrador de WSS: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

37 Para mayores informes... Para los Portales que utilizan los clientes y socios de negocios: Página principal de CMS: htthttp:// Página principal de CS: phttp:// Documentación del producto CMS: / Documentación del producto CS: / Guía de instalación de CS: / Guía de instalación de CMS: / KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

38 Para mayores informes... Para los Portales que utilizan los clientes y socios de negocios: Guía para el desarrollador de MCMS 2002: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre CMS 2002: Prepararse para migrar a CMS 2002 y ASP.Net: Migración a CS 2002 ASP.Net de ASP: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

39 Para mayores informes... Para los Portales que utilizan los clientes y socios de negocios: Página principal MSIB: Guía para el desarrollador de MCMS 2002: Preguntas más frecuentes sobre CMS 2002: Prepararse para migrar a CMS 2002 y ASP.Net: KEY MESSAGE: SLIDE BUILDS: None SLIDE SCRIPT: SLIDE TRANSITION:

40 MS Press Información interna para profesionales de informática
KEY MESSAGE: Talk about MS Press books and introduce the Build your own book feature SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Introducing Microsoft® Windows® .NET Server 2003, Author: Jerry Honeycutt, ISBN Building Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2002, Authors: Clayton C. Peddy and Derek Armentrout , ISBN MCSE Training Kit (Exam ): Microsoft® BizTalk® Server 2000 Author: Microsoft Corporation, ISBN SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CROSS REFERENCE FOR PRESENTER: Para encontrar los títulos más recientes relacionados con los Profesionales de informática, visite

41 Publicaciones de terceros complementarias para los Profesionales de informática
Key Message: Talk about the third Party books to show we do provide a balanced view in areas where our publications are diluted or we do not cover. SLIDE BUILDS: 1 SLIDE SCRIPT: Special Edition Using Microsoft Commerce Server 2002, Authors: Don Jones and Mark D. Scott, ISBN Special Edition Using Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, Author: Robert Ferguson, ISBN SharePoint Portal Server, Author: Anthony T. Mann, ISBN SLIDE TRANSITION: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Estos libros se pueden encontrar y adquirir en todas las librerías de prestigio y las tiendas al menudeo en línea

42 Evaluar su preparación Evaluación de habilidades de Microsoft
¿Qué es la evaluación de habilidades de Microsoft? Una herramienta de aprendizaje de auto estudio para evaluar la preparación respecto a las soluciones de productos y tecnología, en lugar de roles de trabajo (certificación) Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003, Windows Storage Server 2003, Visual Studio .NET, Office 2003 Sin costo, en línea, sin supervisión y disponibles para cualquiera Responde a: “¿Estoy listo?” Determina las brechas de habilidades, proporciona los planes de aprendizaje con los cursos de Microsoft Official Curriculum, además de las sugerencias de contenido de aprendizaje de Microsoft, tales como recursos TechNet Coloque su Calificación más alta para ver cómo se compara con los demás visite <SLIDETITLE>Skills Assessment</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Skill Assessment</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Learning</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Windows Server 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Windows Storage Server </KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Office 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Exchange Server 2003</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the Microsoft Skills Assessment </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> Microsoft Skills Assessment is a free online learning tool. It’s an easy way for IT professionals to check your skills. You can quickly check your skills for implementing or managing Microsoft product or business solutions. Just take a short, 30 question assessment and see how well you know your stuff. The Skills Assessment include a Personalized Learning Plan, which includes links to Microsoft Official Curriculum, specific TechNet articles, Press books, and other Microsoft learning content. There’s also a way to measure how well you did compared with others who took the same assessment. Microsoft Skills Assessment is an expanding learning platform. Available now are assessments for Windows Server 2003 including security and patch management, Exchange Server 2003, Windows Storage Server, Office 2003, and Visual Studio .NET. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>If you want to take you skills assessment to the next level, there are a number of Certification programs available. </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

43 Conviértase en un Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
¿Qué es la certificación MCSA? Para los Profesionales de informática que manejan y mantienen redes y sistemas basados en el sistema operativo Windows Server ¿Cómo me convierto en un MCSA en Microsoft Windows 2000? Apruebe 3 exámenes básicos Apruebe un examen opcional o dos certificaciones CompTIA ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes acerca de los requisitos, exámenes y capacitación para la certificación, visite <SLIDETITLE>MCSA</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MCSA</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSA program </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) certification is designed for professionals who implement, manage, and troubleshoot existing network and system environments based on Microsoft Windows® Server Implementation responsibilities include installing and configuring parts of the systems. Management responsibilities include administering and supporting the systems. For more information about the MCSA certification, please visit: </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

44 Conviértase en un Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
¿Qué es la certificación MCSE? Certificación Premier para los Profesionales de informática que analizan los requisitos de negocios y diseñan e implementan la infraestructura para las soluciones de negocios con base en el software del servidor integrado Microsoft Windows Server System. ¿Cómo me convierto en un MCSE en Microsoft Windows 2003? Apruebe 6 exámenes básicos Apruebe 1 examen opcional de una lista completa ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes acerca de los requerimientos, exámenes y opciones de capacitación para la certificación, visite <SLIDETITLE>MCSE</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MCSE</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSE program </KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) credential is the premier certification for professionals who analyze the business requirements and design, plan, and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Server System integrated server software. Implementation responsibilities include installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems. For more information about the MCSE certification, please visit: </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM>

45 Demuestre su especialización en seguridad o mensajes
¿Qué son las especializaciones MCSA/MCSE? Las especializaciones MCSA y MCSE permiten a los Profesionales de informática resaltar un enfoque específico de experiencia o técnico dentro de su propio trabajo. ¿Cuáles son las especializaciones que están disponibles? MCSA: Seguridad  MCSA: Mensajes MCSE: Seguridad  MCSE: Mensajes ¿Dónde obtengo mayores informes? Para mayores informes sobre los requisitos, exámenes y opciones de capacitación para la especialización MCSA y MCSE, visite o <SLIDETITLE>Certification Specialization</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Messaging</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Security</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Explain the MCSE and MCSA Security and Messaging Specialization program</KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Systems Administrator specializations allow IT professionals to highlight specific expertise or technical focus within their job role. Which Specializations are available? There are two types of specializations available: Security and Messaging for Windows Server 2003. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>[ADD THE TRANSISTION TO THE NEXT CERTIFICATION OR TECHNET DEPENDING ON WHAT SLIDE YOU INSERT NEXT] </SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM> <ITEM> <ITEM> <ITEM>

46 ¿Qué es TechNet? Poner las respuestas correctas a su alcance
TechNet es la colección completa de recursos que ayuda a los implementadores de informática a planear, implementar y administrar de manera exitosa los productos de Microsoft Suscripción a TechNet Actualizaciones mensuales proporcionadas en DVD o CD El recurso definitivo para ayudarle a evaluar, implementar y mantener los productos de Microsoft While the monthly subscription software is the most obvious component of TechNet, there’s also much more. The TechNet web site gives subscribers access to valuable information as well as threaded discussion pages and online seminars. Many subscribers use the web as frequently as they use the software. In the subscribers only section, subscribers can access the Online Concierge Chat Support service-a Microsoft support special can help them locate technical information quickly and easily. TechNet Plus subscribers also get access to our Managed Newsgroup Support Service. You can post questions in over 90 IT related public newsgroups and Microsoft will ensure that you get a response within 72 hours TechNet Flash is a bi-weekly newsletter subscribers can register for-it gives them up to date information on the latest postings to the web site TechNet Events-TechNet subscribers have access to free events that explain how to use Microsoft products and technologies at a technical level TechNet Communities ????? Sitio Web de TechNet Se accede en Recursos y comunidad en línea Servicios en línea sólo para suscriptores TechNet Flash Boletín de noticias electrónico quincenal Actualizaciones de seguridad, nuevos recursos y ofertas especiales Eventos TechNet y Web Casts Resúmenes informativos sobre los productos y tecnologías más recientes de Microsoft Información práctica Comunidades TechNet Grupos de usuarios Grupos de noticias administrados

47 ¿Dónde puedo obtener TechNet?
Visite TechNet en línea en Regístrese para recibir TechNet Flash en Únase al foro TechNet Online en Conviértase en un suscriptor de TechNet en Asista a más Eventos TechNet o véalos en línea en <SLIDETITLE>Where Can I Get TechNet</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>TechNet</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Locating</KEYWORDS> <KEYWORDS>Resources</KEYWORDS> <KEY MESSAGE>Purpose of this slide is to educate IT Pros on where to go and how to be a part of TechNet.</KEY MESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>There is one place you should go to start: WW.MICROSOFT.COM/TECHNET There is one communication you should subscribe to: TechNet Flash. Twice monthly for the IT Pro community - focuses on news, information, resources and events. Post questions on the discussion forum. Subscribe online Look for TechNet branded events - feature </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>Last slide in the deck. Round off however you like.</SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM>


49 Créditos de la sesión Autor: Petr Kratochvil Productor/Editor:
Especialistas técnicos [Revisor 1] [Revisor 2]

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