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Verbos irregulares en el pretérito. VerbNew Preterite Stem AndarAnduv- EstarEstuv- PoderPud- PonerPus- QuererQuis- SaberSup- TenerTuv- venirVin-

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos irregulares en el pretérito. VerbNew Preterite Stem AndarAnduv- EstarEstuv- PoderPud- PonerPus- QuererQuis- SaberSup- TenerTuv- venirVin-"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos irregulares en el pretérito

2 VerbNew Preterite Stem AndarAnduv- EstarEstuv- PoderPud- PonerPus- QuererQuis- SaberSup- TenerTuv- venirVin-

3 VerbNew Preterite Stem Andar = to walk/goAnduv- Estar = to beEstuv- Poder = to be able toPud- Poner = to putPus- Querer = to wantQuis- Saber = to knowSup- Tener to haveTuv- Venir =to comeVin-

4 All get the same endings, hoorrraayyy!! -e-imos -isteX -o-ieron

5 Por ejemplo….estar EstuveEstuvimos EstuvisteX Estuvoestuvieron

6 ….andar AnduveAnduvimos Anduvistex Anduvoanduvieron

7 ….poder PudePudimos PudisteX Pudopudieron

8 ….poner PusePusimos PusisteX Pusopusieron

9 ….querer QuiseQuisimos QuisisteX Quisoquisieron

10 ….saber SupeSupimos SupisteX Suposupieron

11 ….tener TuveTuvimos TuvisteX Tuvotuvieron

12 ….venir VineVinimos VinisteX Vinovinieron

13 1.I was not able to study last night. ________________________________________ 2. Did you put the book on my desk? ________________________________________ 3. I had a bad day. Did you have a good day? ___________________________________ 4. I came to school late and the girls wanted to study. ___________________________________________ 5. He was very sick last month. ___________________________________________

14 6. I knew/found out the answer! ____________________________________________ 7. I came to your house, but you were not there! ____________________________________________ __________________________ 8. Did all of you have homework? We had homework yesterday. ____________________________________________ _________________________________ 9. They came to my party and could not eat the food! ____________________________________________ ___________________________

15 10. They rode the bikes but I walked. __________________________________________ ____________________________ 11. The boys put the dog in the car. __________________________________________ ______________________________ 12. I didnt want to tell the truth (la verdad). Did you want to leave? __________________________________________ ______________________

16 Decir and Traer act similarly in the preterite but the one big difference is: The i in the ieron ending is a j instead!

17 ….decir DijeDijimos DijisteX Dijodijeron

18 ….traer TrajeTrajimos TrajisteX Trajotrajeron

19 1. Did you bring the milk and butter? _______________________________________ _________________________ 2. I brought the fruit. _______________________________________ _________________________ 3. We brought candy (dulces). Did they bring cake? _______________________________________ _________________________

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