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Hogares libres de humo Talking Points: Hello and welcome,

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Presentación del tema: "Hogares libres de humo Talking Points: Hello and welcome,"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Hogares libres de humo Talking Points: Hello and welcome,
Smokeless Homes is a program on reducing household and vehicle tobacco smoke for the safety of your children and entire family. Although there are many things in your children’s environment that impact their health, we are focusing on cigarette smoke because it is an easily controlled risk that can be eliminated at little or no cost to you. In today’s presentation we will Help you understand the link between cigarette smoke and asthma Help you understand the consequences of cigarette smoke exposure to children Provide you with suggestions to reduce or eliminate cigarette smoke in your home and car Provide you with additional resources if you want more help P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

2 Los objetivos de Hogares sin humo
Reducir el humo del cigarillo en los hogares para que no afecte a los niños con asma Talking Points: First, what is our goal? The goal of the Smokeless Homes project is to reduce the exposure to cigarette smoke in the homes of children, especially those children with asthma. In this presentation we will focus on the easy steps you can take to decrease children’s exposure to cigarette smoke to protect your children’s lungs. Breathing is an essential function for everyone and we would like ALL children to be able to breathe without difficulty. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

3 ¿Por qué le damos importancia a los niños en el hogar?
La exposición al humo es involuntaria Los niños todavia se estan desarollando Las vias respiratorias son más pequeñas Los pulmones se estan desarrollando Los niños respiran de 2 a 3 veces más rápido y reciben más aire El hogar es el sitio más común en donde estan expuestos Talking Points: Why are we focusing on children? We are focusing on children in the home because their exposure to cigarette smoke is involuntary, and its something that they have little control over. Unlike schools, public buildings, and some restaurants the home is the only place where cigarette smoking is not banned. Children have smaller lungs and airways making them more easily effected by smoke. Their bodies are still developing and their immune systems are not fully developed and not as strong as an adult. They are more active and breathe 2 to 3 times harder and deeper than adults allowing them to take in a large amount of cigarette smoke. We are focusing on children in the home and car because this is the most likely place of exposure and exposure that can be controlled. Fuente de información:"Little Lungs Breathing" American Lung Association of Washington. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

4 ¿Qué es el humo de segunda mano?
Talking Points: Second hand smoke, Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), or Tobacco Smoke pollution (TSP) is the combination of smoke given off from the burning end of the cigarette along with smoke that has been inhaled and then exhaled by the smoker. Second hand smoke is considered passive because the person is not actively smoking and is therefore considered an involuntary smoker. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

5 ¿Qué es el humo de segunda mano?
Recibiendo el humo del cigarillo, o algun otro producto que otra persona este fumando Tambien se conoce como: Humo del cigarillo en el ambiente (ETS-siglas en inglés) Contaminación del humo (TSP-siglas en inglés) Fumar de forma pasiva o involuntariamente Talking Points: Second hand smoke, Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS), or Tobacco Smoke pollution (TSP) is the combination of smoke given off from the burning end of the cigarette along with smoke that has been inhaled and then exhaled by the smoker. Second hand smoke is considered passive because the person is not actively smoking and is therefore considered an involuntary smoker. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

6 ¿Dónde está el humo del cigarillo?
Talking Points: Cigarette Smoke residuals sometimes linger in a room for weeks (up to 14 days)and becomes trapped in many household items. For instance, we all smell smoke in the clothes of smokers, it is in their hair and on their skin. But did you know that the smell and particles of cigarette smoke remains in: Your sofa Curtains Carpet Stuffed animals and toys Cigarette smoke also remains in the upholstery of your car’s carpet and seats. Since the car is such a small place, this may be the worst possible place for you to smoke. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

7 ¿Dónde está el humo del cigarillo?
En el hogar Ropa Muebles Cortinas Tapetes En el carro Talking Points: Cigarette Smoke residuals sometimes linger in a room for weeks (up to 14 days)and becomes trapped in many household items. For instance, we all smell smoke in the clothes of smokers, it is in their hair and on their skin. But did you know that the smell and particles of cigarette smoke remains in: Your sofa Curtains Carpet Stuffed animals and toys Cigarette smoke also remains in the upholstery of your car’s carpet and seats. Since the car is such a small place, this may be the worst possible place for you to smoke. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

8 Los efectos del humo del cigarillo en la salud de los niños
Asma Los síntomas son más graves Hay nuevos casos de asma en los niños Bronquitis y Pulmonía 150, ,000 casos cada año Infecciones en los oidos Tos y dificultad para respirar SIDS (muerte repentina de los bebés) Talking Points: Child health effects from cigarette smoke exposure include asthma whose symptoms are worsened by exposure. New cases of asthma in children have also been directly linked to cigarette smoke. What we mean by new cases are children who were not previously diagnosed as asthmatic are diagnosed asthmatics later in life. Other respiratory illness in children directly linked to cigarette smoke are bronchitis and pneumonia with 150,000 to 300,000 cases in children each year nationally. Cigarette smoke also causes and worsens the severity of ear infections, coughing and wheezing. Cigarette Smoke is also linked to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). SIDS is the death of an infant under 12 months by unknown causes. Those children who died of SIDS were 2-3 times more likely to have lived with a smoker. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

9 Datos del asma en la infancia
Nacionalmente Causa número uno de ausentismo en las escuelas Mayor causa de las hospitalizaciones 100,000 niños cada año Talking Points: Pediatric asthma rates are disturbing as well as compelling. Each year, asthma attacks are the leading cause of missed days from school as well as 100,000 hospital visits nationally for children. If your child has to stay home due to an asthma attack this affects you financially if you have to stay home from work. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

10 Datos del asma en la infancia
Filadelfia Más del 12% de los niños tienen asma. Más del 40% de los niños con asma viven con un fumador Más del 27% de los adultos que fuman tienen asma Talking Points: Right here in Philadelphia, over 12% of children have asthma with over 40% of these asthmatics living with a caregiver who smokes. That’s nearly 1 out of 2 asthmatic children living with a smoker. Can you not see the danger in this?? In addition to asthmatic children who live with a smoker, over 27% or nearly 1 out of 3 smoking adults are asthmatic themselves and may not know it. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

11 respiratoria inflamada Vía respiratoria normal
¿Qué es el Asma? Es una condición que interfiere con su respiración que hace dificíl que el aire sea llevado libremente a los pulmones Abertura de la vía respiratoria reducida cartílago Glándula mucosa Vía respiratoria inflamada Vía respiratoria normal Talking Points: Asthma is a condition that interferes with your breathing by preventing air from flowing freely into the lungs. The airway muscles tighten or narrow and the inside of the bronchial tubes become swollen and excess mucus is produced. {Demonstrate using your hands} I should note, that there are many different levels of asthma severity. Some people have asthma but rarely have to take medications and others need to take medication daily. To get an idea of an asthma attack, imagine what it would feel like to exercise and then try to breathe through the small opening of this straw (SHOW STRAW) [Hand out straws] Have audience jump up and down or do jumping jacks for 2-3mins then breathe only through the straw while holding their noses. Exceso de mucosa Contracción de la capa muscular Convertura de las vias respiratorias Capa muscular Celulas inflamadas Fuente de información: American Lung Association P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

12 ¿Qué provoca el asma? Talking Points: Asthma attacks are triggered by:
Cigarette smoke Dust and Dirt Pet Hair Roaches Stuffed Toys Flowers Hair Spray Perfume Although this list is not conclusive, these are some of the things that trigger asthma. Other triggers may be weather changes, emotions, and household cleaners. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

13 ¿Qué provoca el asma? Humo del cigarillo Polvo y la mugre
Pelo de los animales Cucarachas Juguetes de peluche Flores Fijador de pelo Perfumes Talking Points: Asthma attacks are triggered by: Cigarette smoke Dust and Dirt Pet Hair Roaches Stuffed Toys Flowers Hair Spray Perfume Although this list is not conclusive, these are some of the things that trigger asthma. Other triggers may be weather changes, emotions, and household cleaners. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

14 Síntomas del asma Talking Points: Some common Asthma symptoms are:
Dry cough Shortness of breath Chest pain and tightness Whistling or wheezing sound while breathing or talking Fatigue / Tiredness An asthmatic may not have all of these symptoms nor does having one of these symptoms mean you’re having an asthma attack. It’s the combination of symptoms that are a tell tell sign of an attack for some people. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

15 Síntomas del asma Tos seca y cortante Falta de respiración
Dolor y restricción en el pecho Silbido o sonido como si le faltara la respiración cuando esta hablando o respirando Fatiga / cansancio Talking Points: Some common Asthma symptoms are: Dry cough Shortness of breath Chest pain and tightness Whistling or wheezing sound while breathing or talking Fatigue / Tiredness An asthmatic may not have all of these symptoms nor does having one of these symptoms mean you’re having an asthma attack. It’s the combination of symptoms that are a tell tell sign of an attack for some people. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

16 Fuente de información: American Lung Association
Estudios de la Academia Nacional en Ciencias acerca del humo del cigarillo y el asma Se ha comprobado que el humo del cigarillo hace que los síntomas del asma se agraven más. Los hijos de los fumadores tienen doble riesgo de desarrollar el asma que los hijos de no fumadores 1/3 de los casos del asma en pediatría estan relacionados con el humo del cigarillo Talking Points: The National Academy of Science has Confirmed that cigarette smoke causes childhood asthma symptoms to worsen with 1/3 of pediatric asthma cases directly related to cigarette smoke. The academy has also recognized an association between cigarette smoke exposure and new cases of asthma in children. In fact, children of smokers are twice as likely to develop asthma than children of non-smokers. Fuente de información: American Lung Association P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

17 Como proteger a sus hijos en su hogar
3 pasos . . . Para tener un hogar libre de humo! Talking Points: You can take action to protect the children in your home using our “3 Steps to a Smoke Free Home” approach. In just three easy steps, you can protect your family from the dangerous effects of cigarette smoke. En solamente tres pasosusted puede proteger a su familia de los efectosdel cigarillo P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

18 Paso # 1: Bueno Fume solamente en un cuarto
Sople el humo por la ventana Use un abánico o un filtro para el humo Talking Points: The 3 step model is relatively simple and easy to follow. Step 1 is considered a good step to make in the beginning of your goal to smoke outside the home Smoke only in one room Blow smoke out the window Use an air ventilator or smoke filter An example of good rooms to choose are your bedroom or the basement, any place where your children are less likely to spend their time. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

19 Paso # 2: Mejor Nunca fume alrededor de un niño
Nunca fume en el auto con un niño Fume solamente fuera de su hogar Step 2 follows step 1 and is a better choice. Never smoke near a child Never smoke in a car with a child Smoke only outside the home Also, it is a good idea to place a blanket between yourself and young children (namely babies) before handling them following smoking. You may want to purchase a smoker’s jacket that can be removed prior to re-entering your home. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

20 Paso # 3: Excelente Nunca permita que fumen en su hogar o en el auto
Nunca permita que fumen alrededor de un niño Deje de fumar Talking Points: Finally, Step 3 is the best decision you can make. Never allow smoke in your home or car Never allow smoke around a child Although this may seem a little difficult, at this point you must ask everyone, including your family and friends who visit you, to smoke outside. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

21 Promesa para mantener un hogar libre de humo
“Yo, _____________, el ____________, prometo mantener mi hogar “libre de humo”, y proteger a mis hijos de los efectos del humo del cigarillo el cual perjudica su salud .” Talking Points: If you believe that a Smokeless Home and car is the best thing for you and your family and you are willing to take the necessary steps to achieve a smoke free environment, feel free to take this pledge. Please repeat after me, (Say slowly and allow time for the repeating of phrases) I, _________, on ______ pledge to keep my home “smoke free”, and to protect my children from the health risks of cigarette smoke in the house. Applause Congratulations on your decision to create a smoke free environment for your family. (Hand out sheet to track the number of people who have taken the pledge) P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

22 Los beneficios de un ambiente libre de humo para los niños
Los síntomas del asma son menos graves Hay menos visitas a los hospitales Hay menos ausentismo en las escuelas Disminuye el riesgo de desarrollar asma Talking Points: The benefits of not smoking around your children include: less severe asthma attacks fewer visits to the hospital fewer days of school missed decreased risk of developing asthma P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt

23 Los beneficios para su salud al tener un estilo de
Aumenta la capacidad del funcionamiento en los pulmones Disminuye los chances de tener un ataque al corazón Disminuye los chances de tener un derrame cerebral Disminuye los riesgos de tener cancer Talking Points: Besides the benefits of protecting you and your family from asthma there are also individual health benefits of not smoking. For instance, when you quit you can increase your lung capacity/function making it easier to breathe. You also decrease your risk of developing certain health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. P-Smokeless Homes Spanish.ppt



26 Esta presentación hay sido hecha por
El Departamento de Salud Pública El Departamento de Salud de Pensilvania Concilio para la Promoción de la Salud del Sureste de Pensilvania “Health Promotion Council” La Coalición de Filadelfia en Contra del Asma. “Philadelphia Allies Against Asthma”. Para más información: Comuniquese con: “Smokeless Homes” (215) Esta presentación fue creada por Tawanda Hayes 3/2003 y trraducida al Español por Elena Montiel y Lina Castro. 6/2003

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