Articles Definite and indefinite. Agree in gender and number gendernumberarticlenounarticlenoun mascsingularEl (the)chicoUn (a)chico mascpluralLos (the)chicosUnos.


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There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”.

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Definite and Indefinite Articles
ARTÍCULOS Y SUSTANTIVOS Srta. Phillips. The name of a person, place, or thing is a noun. In Spanish, every noun has a gender, either masculine or feminine.
Definite and Indefinite Articles. There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
Definite Articles, el, la, los, las
Definite and Indefinite Articles “We’re going to learn how to say ‘the’ and ‘a’”
Definite and Indefinite Articles Avancemos Unit 1, Lesson 2 Gramatica.
All about nouns And articles. Nouns in Spanish have gender they are either  Masculine  End in the letter -o (libro, zapato)  Refer to males (hombre,
Definite and Indefinite articles. There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
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1 Es el 3 de septiembre. Nouns, Adjectives & Articles.
1 Definite and Indefinite Articles. 2 Página 61 en tu libro ¡Toma notas!
Articles are words that are linked to nouns that have a grammatical function of identifying the noun rather than describing it. There are two types of.
Articles in Spanish Por Señora Myers. Paso 1: Identify a noun as masculine or feminine.
Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles
Definite and Indefinite Articles #7
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén Dios en mi mente, Dios en mi boca, Dios en mi corazón. Te agradecemos por el día de hoy.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
Definite and Indefinite Articles Definite Articles u El, La, Los and Las are called definite articles. u In English they mean “the” and they are used.
CORNELL STYLE. What are the definite articles in Spanish? “el” “la” “los” “las” What do they mean? “The” Where do they go?In front of the noun How do.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
Los artículos Definite and indefinite articles. Los artículos definidos  Definite articles = the  Singular Plural  Masc.- el los  Fem.- la las  el.
Capítulo: 4. The definite articles in Spanish can be used to say the with a specific noun. They have different forms that agree with their noun in gender.
Captulo I Espanol I. Articles In English, we always use “the”, “a” or “an” when we are talking about something. “the boy”, “a boy”, “an apple” …you get.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
Nouns name people, animals, places or things. You need to remember the following things about nouns in Spanish: All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine.
Nouns name people, animals, places or things. You need to remember the following things about nouns in Spanish: All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “a” or “an”. singularplural masculine feminine un una unos unas.
Definite and Indefinite Articles Apuntes y Práctica.
Definite and Indefinite Articles “We’re going to learn how to say ‘the’ and ‘a’”
Definite & Indefinite Articles ¡Avancemos!, p.61.
Adjectivos  What is an adjective?  Something that describes a noun or pronoun. In English where do adjectives go in the sentences? In Spanish the adjectives.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
Página 61 – Avancemos Unidad 1, Lección 2.  Definite articles (the) are used with nouns to indicate specific persons, places or things.  Example) The.
 The boy  The jacket  The socks  The hats  Use when talking about a specific thing.
Los artículos definidos e indefinidos
Articles in Spanish Reflect gender and number in nouns.
Definite and Indefinite Articles Álamo. Definite Articles O (In English, “the”) are used with nouns to indicate specific persons, places, or things. Álamo.
Definite and Indefinite Articles P.60 Realidades 1.
Los artículos indefinido y definido. Los artículos Articles in English are _______, _______and _____. The boy is a friend. Definite article: __________.
 Nouns are: person, place, or thing.  In Spanish, ALL nouns have articles.
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Page 110 Realidades 1 Nouns NOUNS Nouns refer to people, animals, places, and things.
 El diario  el lápiz  La computadora  El mapa  La foto Quasimodo: Masculine or Feminine? marker boardsmarkers erasers First person in each row grab.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
ADJECTIVE / NOUN AGREEMENT Review of articles definite/indefinite Definite articles in Spanish = el, los, la, las Indefinite articles in Spanish = un,
Capítulo 1 20 of The name of a person, place, or thing is a _____. In Spanish, every noun has a _______, either masculine or feminine. Almost all.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
PUNTO DE GRAMÁTICA Indefinite Articles P. 60 Realidades 1.
What are nouns? What is different about nouns in Spanish vs. nouns in English? All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine & feminine ) el muchacho (masculino)
Spanish I Week 14. Para Empezar El dieciseis de noviembre Please translate the following sentence into Spanish: I go to the mall in order to go shopping.
Grammar Essential #6.  In English, there is only 1 definite article “the”.  We use “the” when we are talking about a specific item.
Nouns and Adjectives. Plural Articles Definite articles = the el las la los Indefinite articles = a, ansome una ununos unas.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
{ Empieza de clase el 29 de octubre Password: sieckspanish.
Los Artículos Los Nombres (Nouns)  Name of a person, place or thing is a noun  In Spanish, every noun has a gender, either masculine or feminine 
Study for your quiz. TRABAJO DE CAMPANA. Artículos y sustantivos  A person, place, or thing is a noun.  In Spanish every noun has a gender.  Masculine.
GENDER & NUMBER AGREEMENT. Gender of Nouns  What is a noun?  Represents a person, place, thing, or idea  In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine.
________ mochila the THE DEFINITE ARTICLES Singular: Plural: Masculino: ellos Femenina: lalas “THE” THE INDEFINITE ARTICLES Singular: Plural: Masculino:
SINGULAR VS. PLURAL NOUNS IN SPANISH. Regla #1- Rule #1 ■Add an “s” to nouns that end in a vowel ■La casa las casas ■El zapato los zapatos.
14/11/16 Proposito 15B: ¿Cuales son los articulos indefinidos?
Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles.
Definite Article “THE” is called a… In Spanish, there are
Transcripción de la presentación:

Articles Definite and indefinite

Agree in gender and number gendernumberarticlenounarticlenoun mascsingularEl (the)chicoUn (a)chico mascpluralLos (the)chicosUnos (some) chicos femininesingularlachicaUna (a)chica feminineplurallaschicasUnas (some) chicas

Definite or indefinite? In English the definite article is The In Spanish the definite articles are: el, la, los, las In English, the indefinite articles are: a, an and some In Spanish the indefinite articles are : un, una, unos, unas

Fill in the blanks The man _____ hombre The men ______ hombres A man _____ hombre Some men ______ hombres

Fill in the blanks The woman ____ mujer The women _____ mujeres A woman _____ mujer Some women _____ mujeres