el, la, los, las un, una, unos, unas


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There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”.

Saint Peter Claver, SJ "We must speak to them with our hands before we try to speak to them with our lips."
Kennesaw Mountain High School Spanish I Sr. Mieles Spring 2008.
There are four words in Spanish that mean the. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
Objective: Students will be able to formulate & identify basic phrases in Spanish. Entreguen la tarea. (turn in your info packet) Bell work: What are 3.
Gender and Number of Nouns It all has to match!. 25 mayo: Are these nouns masculine or feminine? pizarra mochila bolígrafo cuaderno tarea la pizarra feminine.
Español 1 Doctora Tartaglione. 1. The small girls. 2. Some pretty women. 3. The nice boys. 4. The big book. 5. Some fat pigs (cerdos).
ARTÍCULOS Y SUSTANTIVOS Srta. Phillips. The name of a person, place, or thing is a noun. In Spanish, every noun has a gender, either masculine or feminine.
Los Sustantivos, Los Artículos Y Género [Nouns, Articles and Gender]
Definite Articles, el, la, los, las = The
Definite and Indefinite Articles “We’re going to learn how to say ‘the’ and ‘a’”
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Definite and Indefinite Articles Avancemos Unit 1, Lesson 2 Gramatica.
All about nouns And articles. Nouns in Spanish have gender they are either  Masculine  End in the letter -o (libro, zapato)  Refer to males (hombre,
Los sustantivos en español.
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Unidad 1.2.  What you will learn: Describe yourself and others Identify people and things Use ser to describe what someone is like Use definite and indefinite.
Articles in Spanish Por Señora Myers. Paso 1: Identify a noun as masculine or feminine.
1 Using Definite Articles with Specific Things 2 Los sustantivos (nouns): l Nouns name people, animals, places, or things. l In español, all nouns have.
Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles
Singular Definite Articles
Saying “the” in Spanish (Definite articles!). Spanish nouns have gender: masculine or feminine! el / la before the noun example: el chico, la chica.
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Nouns name people, animals, places or things. You need to remember the following things about nouns in Spanish: All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine.
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Definite & indefinite articles
Nouns name people, animals, places or things. You need to remember the following things about nouns in Spanish: All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine.
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Definite and Indefinite Articles “We’re going to learn how to say ‘the’ and ‘a’”
Definite and Indefinite Articles
Página 61 – Avancemos Unidad 1, Lección 2.  Definite articles (the) are used with nouns to indicate specific persons, places or things.  Example) The.
Octubre 7, Español 2: Cap. 2B pag. 110 Q: ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en el salón de clases? ¿Dónde están? “Hay” means there is/ there are.
 The boy  The jacket  The socks  The hats  Use when talking about a specific thing.
PUNTO DE GRAMÁTICA 2 Page 110 NOUNS Nouns refer to people, animals, places, and things.
Feminine vs. Masculine Nouns.  In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine This is mostly arbitrary, which means that just because the noun.
Para hacer ahora 33 ___________________ 56 ___________________ 70 ___________________ 13 ___________________ 94 ___________________ 23 ___________________.
COPY THE RED NOTES DEFINITE ARTICLES. In Spanish all nouns belong to one of two genders: Masculine and Feminine Masculine nouns usually end in “o” and.
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Los Sustantivos, Los Artículos Y Género [Nouns, Articles and Gender]
Definite and Indefinite Articles Álamo. Definite Articles O (In English, “the”) are used with nouns to indicate specific persons, places, or things. Álamo.
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Los artículos indefinido y definido. Los artículos Articles in English are _______, _______and _____. The boy is a friend. Definite article: __________.
Page 110 Realidades 1 Nouns NOUNS Nouns refer to people, animals, places, and things.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
ADJECTIVE / NOUN AGREEMENT Review of articles definite/indefinite Definite articles in Spanish = el, los, la, las Indefinite articles in Spanish = un,
Capítulo 1 20 of The name of a person, place, or thing is a _____. In Spanish, every noun has a _______, either masculine or feminine. Almost all.
Definite and Indefinite Articles. Definite articles are ways to say “the” in Spanish.Definite articles are ways to say “the” in Spanish. Definite articles.
What are nouns? What is different about nouns in Spanish vs. nouns in English? All nouns have gender. ( i.e. masculine & feminine ) el muchacho (masculino)
Grammar Essential #6.  In English, there is only 1 definite article “the”.  We use “the” when we are talking about a specific item.
Nouns and Adjectives. Plural Articles Definite articles = the el las la los Indefinite articles = a, ansome una ununos unas.
There are four words in Spanish that mean “the”. singularplural masculine feminine el la los las.
1 Definite and Indefinite Articles Articles Definite and Indefinite Articles Articles.
1 Definite and Indefinite Articles Articles Definite and Indefinite Articles Articles.
Los Artículos Los Nombres (Nouns)  Name of a person, place or thing is a noun  In Spanish, every noun has a gender, either masculine or feminine 
Study for your quiz. TRABAJO DE CAMPANA. Artículos y sustantivos  A person, place, or thing is a noun.  In Spanish every noun has a gender.  Masculine.
1 Los sustantivos en español Los sustantivos en español.
Definite and Indefinite Articles.
Gender & Number of NOUNS & ARTICLES
Indefinite Articles Grammar Essential #12.
Transcripción de la presentación:

el, la, los, las un, una, unos, unas Artículos + Plurales el, la, los, las un, una, unos, unas

Masculino/Femenina In Spanish, nouns are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns usually end in “o”…chico Feminine nouns usually end in “a”…..maestra Even though we may think of people when talking about gender, nouns in Spanish (places, things, etc.) have gender too. Ejemplo: libro bicicleta

Singular/Plural Nouns in Spanish are singular (only 1) or plural (more than 1). All you have to do is add the letter “s” to most singular nouns to make it plural. Ejemplo: guitarra …..guitarras BUT….

Add “es”…..to make some nouns plural If a noun ends in a consonant you have to add “es” to make it plural. Ejemplo: mujer …… mujeres

Definite Articles: the Maculino Femenina el amigo la amiga los amigos las amigas Which ones are plural? Can you tell?

Indefinite Articles: a, some Maculino Femenina un amigo una amiga unos amigos unas amigas Which ones are plural? Can you tell?

Un poco macho, pero…. Once you add a boy to a group…it automatically becomes masculine! Ejemplo: un chico + una chica = los chicos But……una maestra + una maestra = las maestras.
