 In Spanish there are two verbs for the verb ‘to know’  One of the verbs is : “Conocer” “Conocer”  We use conocer with people and places or to express.


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©2014 by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
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 Saber and Conocer both mean TO KNOW but they are used differently.  First lets look at the conjugations…  Both verbs are irregular in the YO form.
Saber vs Conocer “to know”. In Spanish, there are two words for the verb “to know” Saber Yo sé Nosotros sabemos Tú sabes Él, ella, Usted sabe Ellos, ellas,
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Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably. Note the irregular yo forms. Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher.
Saber vs Conocer These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Copyright © 2008 Vista Higher Learning. All rights reserved Spanish has two verbs that mean to know: saber and conocer. They cannot be used interchangeably.
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Saber vs. Conocer To Know Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
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Saber vs. Conocer To Know. Saber vs. Conocer In Spanish, there are two verbs that express the idea "to know." These two verbs are "saber" and "conocer."
Capítulo 1B Saber vs. Conocer. You already know the present-tense forms of saber and conocer. Saber and conocer both follow the pattern of regular -er.
Transcripción de la presentación:

 In Spanish there are two verbs for the verb ‘to know’  One of the verbs is : “Conocer” “Conocer”  We use conocer with people and places or to express when we are familiar with a thing or activity

 Yo (conozco, conoces)  Tú (conoce, conoces)  El/Ella ( conoce, conocen)  Nosotros (conozco, conocemos)  Ustedes/Ellos (conoces, conocen)

1) Yo ______________ al profesor de Historia conozco/ conocemos 2) ¿Tú no _________ a mis amigos? conoce/ conoces 3) Mis padres __________ a Enrique Iglesias conocemos/conocen 4) Emma no _________ el gimnasio conoce/conozco 4) Mis amigos y yo _________ a muchos miembros del coro conocen/conocemos

¿Entendiste? ¿Comprendiste?

In Spanish we also use the verb “saber” as another version of the verb “to know” only that…….

 We use the verb “saber” with facts, information and learned knowledge or skill.  Ejemplo: ¿ Tú sabes jugar ajedrez?

Yo sé mucho español Yo no sé que hora es Yo no sé la respuesta Yo no sé jugar ajedrez

 The verb “Saber” has an irregular form for “Yo”.  It doesn’t end in “O”…  The rest of the conjugation follows the “ER” pattern Yo sé Nosotros sabemos Tú sabes Ustedes/Ellos saben El/Ella sabe

 En una hoja de papel escribe  No lo/la conozco (en un lado de la hoja)  No lo sé (en el otro lado de la hoja) Escucha a la maestra y muestra tu hoja:

‘sabes’ ó ‘conoces’ 1) ¿ Tú_______ al director de la escuela? 2) ¿Tú____________ tocar la guitarra? 3) ¿ Tú__________ cuántos estudiantes hay en clase de español ? 4) ¿Tú ___________ dónde está mi mochila? 5) ¿Tú ____________ México?

¿Entendiste? ¿Preguntas?